Incredible amounts of things that we can imagine, are forever unprovable - no evidence can be created to render it true or false. This goes for Theism, but also for the FSM, tooth fairies, and (fictional) worlds as described in the Matrix and the Hitch-hiker's Guide To The Galaxy. All we can do is estimate the chances of such things being true. It is for the author to convince the world that his supernatural idea is true, not for the world to tediously puzzle out all the brainchildren of all madmen in human history*.
"Religion should not be tolerated" might be a bold statement, personally I find it quite effective, however a bit too general. I believe religion should be a personal matter, one that should not find response in society, and especially not in government. It is fine with me if people want to believe in something supernatural for comfort or whatever it is they're looking for. But as soon as that wishful thinking becomes organized religion, I'd like to see it criticized, ridiculed, and disapproved of - so yes: not tolerated.
*Referring to people that claim their fiction is actually not fiction at all, not mr. Douglas Adams, for example.
But if many people are convinced something is true, then what is wrong with them forming an organized group?