We've been exposed to too much "shock value" claims from wingnuts when people react badly to their fanatical statements to not assume the same from Ellison.Btw, Ellison says this proposal is for shock value, thereby getting attention.
We do have a serious problem with assaults on homeless folk. They're
unable to find any place to camp, & organize. They had one here, but of
course, the cops kicked'm out, & fenced off the area (just a few miles from
where I live). They were peacefully living on unused government land by
a highway.
Cops & government have proscriptions, but no real solutions.
I agree about the homeless (and very poor who are close to being homeless). I'm trying in a small way to be part of a solution by sorting clothes two hours a week. The guidelines for what we offer to those in need are clothes that we would give to our nearest and dearest if they needed something to wear - in other words treat those on the bottom as worthwhile human beings.
Extremism is our way.
Channeling a former candidate for President.
Single-payer health care to this left winger is a left-wing dream that does not solve the problem which is outrageous costs far far far above the rest of the world. If the cost of health care was the same as the second most expensive, a gigantic part of the problem would be solved. But it's hard to get people off a simplistic but wrong solution to the cost of health care. Whether he's 100% right or not is not the point but what I really like is his approach to the problem https://www.imaginewhatif.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ExcerptsFromHealthcareBeyondReform.pdfsteer the country towards single
payer health care, & a better social safety net.
Yes to better social safety net.