Thanks for that. Nicely laid out website. Don't have time to go through it in depth. Would you quickly outline the key differences betweem JWs and mainstream Christianity or direct me to the part of the website that explains it if you don't mind.
Here you go..... Jehovah’s Witnesses | Beliefs and FAQs | JW.ORG is excellent that you have found a faith that sustains and nourishes you spiritually. That's what its all about. I have a patient who was a sex worker who has found some assistance through becoming a JW.
I was a Christian too but like you found fulfillment elsewhere. Been a Baha'i for 25+ years
The Bahá’í Faith - The website of the worldwide Bahá’í community
It seems like a very peaceful religion. Isn't it closer to Islam though? I must do some more research. Thanks for the link.
Thats right, I'm a GP. The website makes a compelling case for using transfusion a lot less than we do.
The fact that this video was posted on a Government website adds weight to the argument I think. To us though, we are just following a Biblical directive on the sanctity of blood....the benefits naturally follow if they are from God.
I have no problem with people of Faith communities going door to door as long as they are respectful of the people they talk to which in my experience the JWs have been.
We try to be as respectful as Jesus was. We are just messengers, so we follow Jesus direction when we meet with opposition. (Matthew 10:11-15) You can't force belief on has to be their choice, and informed choice is the only one worth making. We simply ask them to consider the information before making their decisions. Look what happened to the Jews who believed what the Pharisees said about Jesus! They lost their place in God's purpose and to this day have never regained it. (Matthew 23:37-39)
I'm unable to see any justification for this belief either rationally or in scripture and it certainly contradicts what I believe in as a Baha'i. I'd be interested to here you persuade me otherwise.
If one is raised to believe that this life is some sort of temporary training ground for heaven, then I can see why the thought of NOT going to heaven would not sit well. This is especially so when some are chosen for that role and others are not. Just like Jesus choosing some as his apostles, others not. The Revelation reveals that the "New Jerusalem" is built on the foundation of the twelve apostles. Should that make others jealous? Something is wrong with anyone who thinks so. Feelings of envy and unfairness can cloud their judgment.....but in reality, if it is God who chooses Christ's "joint-heirs" then that has nothing to do with us. We all get to enjoy the benefits of the kingdom, regardless of weather we look forward to a heavenly reward or an earthly one. We will all have meaningful work to do no matter where we end up, so there are no feelings of envy among Jehovah's people. We rejoice with our anointed brothers and look forward to their rulership. (Revelation 21:2-4)
With the evil-doer who died alongside Jesus, he asked to be remembered when Jesus got into his kingdom and Jesus promised that he would be "with" him in "Paradise"...not heaven. The first paradise was here on earth and this is where that man will be resurrected...just like Lazarus was. (John 11:11-14) Jesus did not go to heaven that day, but stayed on earth for 40 days after his resurrection to strengthen his disciples before he returned to heaven.
Thanks for that. Baha'is would see the terrifying beast as militant Islam rather than the Roman empire. Ever considered why it so different from the others, features in a prophetic book 'after' the death of Jesus, and Islam a religion of 25% of the worlds population isn't mentioned anywhere? It's because it is mentioned
We believe that "Babylon the great" is the world empire of false worship, set up by the devil to gain worship for himself by default. That would include all religions who teach doctrines that originated in Babylon (most of which are not mentioned in the Bible). All have beliefs in common. Multiple gods or trinities of gods...belief in an immortal soul....a heaven of bliss for the righteous, as an opposite destination to a hell of fiery torture for the wicked. We are told to "get out of" that unfaithful "city", portrayed as a prostitute in bed with the kings of the earth. (Revelation 18:4-5; James 4:4)
There are also the "King of the North" and "the King of the South" mentioned in Daniel as having one final devastating confrontation, so it will be interesting to see how the final days pan out. (Daniel 11:40-45-12:4) Prophesy can only be fully discerned after it has been fulfilled. We believe that the "King of the South" is the Anglo-American dual world power....but we do not know who will fill the final role of the King of the North.......yet. Interesting times indeed.....