This topic has interested me for so long...
To do proper justice to my interest, I intend to read the Bible and the Quran and also gain further knowledge of Hindu schools of philosophy...
Hinduism is very diverse and contains various schools of thought such as Sankhya, Vaiseshika, Nyaya, and so forth... And then there is Dwaitham, Advaitham, and Visishtadhvaitham, which are also a further classification of schools of thought.
I'm sure the doctrines of Islam and Christianity will be found embedded on some existing Hindu principle, if only someone should dig deeper.
As an example, according to Islam, on the night of Isra and Mairaj, Prophet Mohammad ascended to 7 levels of heavens/spiritual skies and met with various prophets at those levels.
In Hinduism, we find there are 7 chakras (spiritual centers of the body) starting at Mooladhara, Swadhishtana, Manipooraka, and so forth, ending at Sahasrara and our deities are believed to exist and guard in any of these varying planes... (for example, Ganapathi is said to be the guardian of Mooladhara).