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Simple question for any/all religions


The Evolution of Soul
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation. It led me to this:

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.


The Feisty Penguin
Not all religions despise or refuse evolution. The beliefs and actions of one religion or a few does not equal the beliefs and actions of the rest.


Well-Known Member
The Bahá'ís

"The fourth teaching of Bahá'u'lláh is the agreement of religion and science. God has endowed man with intelligence and reason whereby he is required to determine the verity of questions and propositions. If religious beliefs and opinions are found contrary to the standards of science they are mere superstitions and imaginations; for the antithesis of knowledge is ignorance, and the child of ignorance is superstition. Unquestionably there must be agreement between true religion and science. If a question be found contrary to reason, faith and belief in it are impossible and there is no outcome but wavering and vacillation."

(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 239)

I see no problem with believing in a Creator and believing that evolution is a basically sound description of natural process.

On the other hand, I believe that man has always been man, defined by his possession of a rational soul.


Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Welcome to the forum!

Evolution is a label for a set of perceived patterns in a given context. It provides us with information about our origins within a particular rational framework. A theist may discard evolution for a pattern than works better in their framework. Or, they may use evolution within their creationist framework; many theists believe in evolution as God's handiwork, or as being directed by God.


Premium Member
I am not convinced that one species gradually changed into another, but I do believe in some aspects of it, such as adaption to environment. I also believe that a species will have more than one trait different than others, and the others will die off who can't survive without that trait (selective breeding), I think that is called. But being a Christian, I have to believe that God made them and us that way.


Just me
Premium Member
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation.
Have you tried philosophy? David Hume? Freddy (Kruger) Neitsche (God is dead, you know *makes slashing motions behind the curtain*)?

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?
Like it. Good stuff. Our own participation in the creation through such images as evolution and the big bang make it even more enticing.

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.
Wow.... can you say slander? Perhaps I've been watching too much Alan Shore.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
It is source of amusement to me, watching some debates from the sidelines (occasionally throwing in the occasional mouth-off :p) how two sides are so concentrated on being "right" and the other "wrong", that neither sees how BOTH could be right!

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

No matter what I am told, I do not consider the bible to be taken as literal occurance. i do believe God created whatever scientific adaptive evolutionary process that we went through to become what we are. Whether or not the present theory of evolution is correct, i dunno... thats for the scientists to meddle with;) Maybe God even thumped space and made the big bang happen:shrug: dunno... don't care. I don't believe that to identify with a particular faith you must wholly embrace every little teaching or idea the doctrine holds to. You may identify and disagree. Even if the faith could actually be proven wrong in part that does not condem the whole, IMHO. Nothing involving humans is perfect. I don't expect perfection, and I think that faiths who lay claim to perfection at that point shoot the faith in the foot. :D he he

Reminds me of something that actually happened to one of my close friends once. He was at a party... drunk.... being drunk and overconfident. He was twirling a revolver on his index finger and doing a funny/bad impersonation of Clint Eastwood or somethin, and shot himself in the foot... for real:biglaugh:He is the resident notorious comedian for this county and a few others, so no one was real shocked.


Wonder Woman
I am Wiccan and have no problem at all with evolution. I have a belief in deity and have no qualms with that deity working through the science they created.


I have no problem with evolution too, but for me before anyting can evolve to anything it must be first created. The logic is, how can someting evolve from nothing? there must be a creator.


New Member
I have never felt there being paradox with taking evolution as truth and being religious at the same time. Evolution is what schools teach here and those who believe in creatonism are very little minority to my knowledge. I think even church here has officially accepted evolution as natural science's explenation how things have developed and take teachings of creation as general religious interpretation how life began.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation. It led me to this:

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.

That's the beauty about faith in God, even a child could do it. He made finding him that easy.
Luk 18:17Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."

Creation and all evidence pointing to God are under our noses , as is anything we set our eyes to has a designer, so it is with creation ,but the intellectual astute want to apply reason,philosophy and rationalism to the God equation in which God says those methods will never be the means to find God .


Well-Known Member
I don't think atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself I think they are annoyed with the silly things that people do in the world, religious people in particular. They are "always looking to disprove and find the answer" because they simply seek the truth. One can not believe in a god simply because they wish it.


I believe in organization, commonly referred to as creation. I don't believe things are created out of nothing. It is impossible within this universe. I believe when the Scriptures refer to God creating something it mearly means He organized it out of existing materials. I don't believe religion excludes the possibility of evolution. I don't believe in evolution because it doesn't make sense logically.


Well-Known Member
I believe in organization, commonly referred to as creation. I don't believe things are created out of nothing. It is impossible within this universe. I believe when the Scriptures refer to God creating something it mearly means He organized it out of existing materials. I don't believe religion excludes the possibility of evolution. I don't believe in evolution because it doesn't make sense logically.

So that implies that the "something" came into being, how exactly?

It doesnt make sense to think we evolved from monkeys! Sure animals where created first, but god made man out of dust. And the big bang theory...no way. I think dinosaurs actually werent even big *man eaters* they r not any more harmless than a shark, how would adam and eve survive??


It doesnt make sense to think we evolved from monkeys! Sure animals where created first, but god made man out of dust. And the big bang theory...no way. I think dinosaurs actually werent even big *man eaters* they r not any more harmless than a shark, how would adam and eve survive??

We didn't evolve out of monkeys, we had the same ancestors. And even then being made out of a monkey seems better than made out of dust :D
We didn't evolve out of monkeys, we had the same ancestors. And even then being made out of a monkey seems better than made out of dust :D

But it is amazing that god made us out of nothing! And women out of a rib from adam! I dont think we have ansestors of animals just because we have some similarities with them. Dont get me wrong, i believe in figuring out things with science...but come on!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
But it is amazing that god made us out of nothing! And women out of a rib from adam! I dont think we have ansestors of animals just because we have some similarities with them. Dont get me wrong, i believe in figuring out things with science...but come on!
You do realize that the creation accounts were written as allegory, not as history?