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Simple question for any/all religions


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm a Baha'i, and thus fit the criteria.

And I have no problem whatever with the big bang and evolution as IMHO they dovetail very nicely with Divine Creation! Indeed, as I see it, religion evolves over time just as do living things generally!

We Baha'is believe (and proclaim) the harmony of science and religion:

- Science explains the "how" of things.

- Religion explains the "Who" and "why" of things.

And the quickest way to get into trouble is to try to use either one in the place of the other!

Best regards, :)



New Member
What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?
I live a stone's throw from Brigham Young University (where I attend). It is a private Christian university, where they can teach pretty much whatever they want. Their biology classes teach EVOLUTION.

I even attended a special lecture from a professor whose entire life's research has been involved with evolution. His presentation showed how he feels the creation account in Genesis agrees quite closely with evolution. Instead of "days" literally meaning days, he interprets them as "periods of evolution."


Wonder Woman
But it is amazing that god made us out of nothing! And women out of a rib from adam! I dont think we have ansestors of animals just because we have some similarities with them. Dont get me wrong, i believe in figuring out things with science...but come on!

We don't just have similarities with animals...we ARE animals. Mammals to be exact. My goodness, we have the ability to interchange some organs with certain animals! We are all made up the same way more or less. So is it really that much of a stretch to believe that we are related???


Well-Known Member
What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?
The question makes me wonder if you are aware that the Big Bang was first proposed by a member of the clergy and some clergymen are biologists who, far from denying evolution, study it.


Wonder Woman
You do realize that the creation accounts were written as allegory, not as history?

So your saying that this isn't true? That the bible practically lied to us? Boy ur some chrisitan

An allegory isn't necessarily a lie. It's merely putting something into a story form so that it can be simplified for easier understanding.

It would be very hard to write out, in a way that the people of the time could comprehend, how the formation of the Earth and the evolution of the species really happened. So it was simplified into a story form that was not meant to be taken literally. But to get the basic jist across that God was responsibile for all that there is. How it came about wasn't as important as that it DID.

And you obviously don't have to worry about trying to insult me with the "some christian" thing, cause it won't work now will it? ;)


It doesnt make sense to think we evolved from monkeys! Sure animals where created first, but god made man out of dust. And the big bang theory...no way. I think dinosaurs actually werent even big *man eaters* they r not any more harmless than a shark, how would adam and eve survive??

People think different things DDKK. You believe your faith is true, and that's fine, but don't preach it as though it is fact. Many of us believe that man and dinosaurs didn't co-exists. Being made out of dust is to me as far fetched as evolving from "monkeys" is for you.

But it is amazing that god made us out of nothing! And women out of a rib from adam! I dont think we have ansestors of animals just because we have some similarities with them. Dont get me wrong, i believe in figuring out things with science...but come on!

But come on what? You choose to follow science only up until it suits you?

So your saying that this isn't true? That the bible practically lied to us? Boy ur some chrisitan

So you believe every single thing written in the bible literally?


The Evolution of Soul
I was talking to a man recently, who has a soul goalof working in the middle east uncovering the truth of the bible, and everything involving creationism. His unpaid hobby is to find fossils and uncover historic artifacts to find out what really happened, and how much is true. He goes there 4 times out of the year, spending the rest of his time as a business owner of a major corporation; he was also in some branch of the CIA years ago, but is still affiliated. There is a team of these men, all intelligent who are seeking for the answer; most working full-time. I couldn't get too many details from him, however before he left for another trip out there he released a little to me. He said that the more they search the more they are honestly disproving the bible and all that has been written, all of the accounts of events, and many of the things people believe are historic truth in the area of religion. He said in his honest opinion there is very little, to no chance any of the bible, or the other alleged events are true. In his voice i could tell he really wanted to say, unhappily, that it all the events were a lie. He's religious himself, along with the rest of the team being active in various religions. It didn't matter if the rest of the world knew, or what he said, because the people of true faith would not believe him anyway. The journey for him in uncovering this information, was a search for truth, so for him or his team, it didn't matter what others opinions were. Believe me or not i guess it doesn't matter to most here either.

He also told me in his ramblings, that probably shouldn't have been spoken but came out due to excitement and passion, that they are able to detect when tornadoes are coming, in advance of well enough time to evacuate major areas. He noted the main reason they don't tell anyone, or cant, is because people will fear the government's "unlimited" power, which would only make matters worse.

Maybe it's better that my post count makes me less credible :)


......He also told me in his ramblings, .....that they are able to detect when tornadoes are coming, in advance of well enough time to evacuate major areas. He noted the main reason they don't tell anyone, or cant, is because people will fear the government's "unlimited" power, which would only make matters worse.......

Baloney. They can't even get the next day's weather right most of the time! :D
But it is amazing that god made us out of nothing! And women out of a rib from adam! I dont think we have ansestors of animals just because we have some similarities with them. Dont get me wrong, i believe in figuring out things with science...but come on!

I considre roughly 97% chimpanzee Dna correlation to be more sufficient than the 0% dust dna correlation.


Well-Known Member
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation. It led me to this:

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.
My thoughts on evolution scientists will conclude is something they dont
understand behind it, myself don't think the search for the origins of life begin and end on a single grain of sand in the desert .
Religions none of them I can recommend all the evidence suggests maybe God doesn't love us like we hoped and I don't think thanks is required.
Buddhism seems to have taken the approach the existence of god is irrelevant is how one lives thier life that matters .
Christianity full of fairy tales but can make your own custom version which is cool ..
Islam well if we was created to be slaves technically we are lol however is a level of commitment far in extreme of the requirement .
Hinduism wow is millions all forms shapes an sizes noon can never agree. Often wonder if this why the Buddha decided the existance of God is irrelevant next door having so many.
Religion a minefield best to avoid.
On a planet where we slaughter animals a year for McDonald's etc do we deserve a free reign in heaven.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation. It led me to this:

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.
There's nothing incompatible between the Bible and the " Big Bang" theory. On the other hand, the Bible account of creation is clearly at odds with the theory of evolution. Despite decades of evolutionary propaganda ceaselessly parroted by the media, academia, and many scientists, it seems to me more and more people are realizing evolutionary theory is long on conjecture and short on hard evidence. Discovery.org is a website that takes such a position.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Resurrected thread is resurrected. :p

OK, I'll throw my 2 cents in.

Ásatrú and other forms of Germanic Paganism have creation stories. The Norse creation story is as colorful as any in the world. Odin and his brothers created the first man and woman from driftwood they found lying on the shore. Rig (Heimdall) created the classes of men: rulers, workers, low-born (thralls, slaves). Is any of this taken literally? Of course not. The Norse and other Germanic peoples were pragmatic and practical. They were like sponges in learning new things. They didn't know about evolution and this was what they came up with to explain how we got here. The texts of Ásatrú and other Germanic Pagan traditions are not directives, or anything close to being scriptures. They're collections of stories. I don't think you'll find a single Germanic (Neo-) Pagan alive who rejects the theory of evolution or even the current theory of the birth of the universe.


Veteran Member
I am not convinced that one species gradually changed into another, but I do believe in some aspects of it, such as adaption to environment. I also believe that a species will have more than one trait different than others, and the others will die off who can't survive without that trait (selective breeding), I think that is called. But being a Christian, I have to believe that God made them and us that way.
Evolution does not claim that "one species turned into another". It simply claims that CERTAIN members of certain species, over long periods of time, began to adapt to their environments. Eventually these members break off and become a new species. And, keep in mind that the term "species" is merely a man-made descriptive word which helps people differentiate between kinds of living creatures. It's not like it every has claimed that all members of a species changed in the same way over the same time period and magically they one day became another species together. That would be ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation. It led me to this:

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.

Know yourself. You are divine. Find the higher conscious and awareness within. Just BE and love, in peace, truth, and oneness.

Evolution is intelligent design. There is a difference between a human "body" and a human "being."

We have mini universe brains and then there is one giant brain. Conscious to conscious. Source to source.

Here's the Big Bang: God removing a rib (electron) from an Adam (atom) and creating a nuclear fission and the Word. The splitting of an atom (Adam)

Creating "nothing" or consciousness with substance (matter)

male and female created he him: Positive and negative, light and darkness, proton and electron, good and evil... Opposites just as the universe works.

Every religious text/scripture holds stories of the brain, mind, and consciousness. Religion just corrupts. Be a lighthouse yourself. It's all about reaching higher consciousness and awareness and oneness.


Veteran Member
So your saying that this isn't true? That the bible practically lied to us? Boy ur some chrisitan
That's a pretty big jump from "allegory" to "the Bible was practically Lying to us". Why did you make that jump in reason?

An allegory is a symbolic/mythical way of describing an actual truth. There is nothing dishonest about it, and they provide incredibly valuable information. They just aren't meant to be taken literally. I am a Christian, and I absolutely feel that this is the most reasonable way to take the creation story.

As for your comment stating that you don't believe that having similarities with certain animals doesn't prove that we evolved from them. Now, this is kind of disturbing, as it shows a tremendous amount of ignorance regarding evolution. I say disturbing because you have stated refusal to accept a scientific theory (one based on repeated observation and experimentation) that you haven't even taken the time to truly understand.

I say this because, in terms of human beings, the ancestor that we share with modern apes is not in existence any longer. It is long-extinct. Further, we have found fossil records that allow us to go back the hundreds of thousands year-old chain back to that common ancestor of apes. And, no, one animal did not "morph" into another at any time in history, nor does evolution claim this. Small variations due to certain random mutations (mistakes when RNA duplicates DNA during procreation) cause certain animals to become better at living in their environment. Over time, these changes mount up and carry on, as these are the creatures that procreate the best. Eventually, we have an off-shoot of a new species. It doesn't mean that the old one disappears, but that seems to happen quite a bit.

We know that roughly 98% of all species that have existed on the planet earth since the beginning of life have gone extinct. Wouldn't you say that evolution is an extremely plausible explanation for this?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I've been researching religions for a while now...still have not been able to settle on one, as most require a, at least slight, belief in god's creation. It led me to this:

What do persons believing in god and god's creation of the world, think and feel about evolution? What do you think about the information proving evolution and the "big bang" theory?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but in my search i did not find it worded in the same way. It's interesting to look at the believers in god, to be so content with their lives, and couldn't care less. Yet the atheist "believers" seem less content with the world itself, always looking to disprove and find the answer. I would love to be a "believer" in god, as it seems like it would be a great life, to just accept things and always feel loved and content..however i cannot, no matter how hard i try, force myself to believe in creationism.

I'm a polytheist. I believe in many Gods, not one of them being any kind of "creator".

I fully accept whatever the scientific consensus is at any given moment, and can readily observe, in my own life, all the biological mechanics necessary for biological evolution via natural selection to occur.

There's no need for reconciliation between scientific consensus and my personal religious beliefs, as they're not incompatible. The reason is this: what I believe is ultimately not what matters.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
My Church has zero problems with evolutionary theory or the Big Bang theory. I personally believe that Homo sapiens sapiens got a "boost" somehow, but that's just my personal opinion and I don't claim it as fact.