Well then, let him do it, not you....we need to "adorn the teachings" (Titus 2:10) by our words and actions....draw people, not push them away.
The testimony of Yeshua does not need adorning, nor does the Word of God. Now as for the words of Paul (Titus 2:10), which is about being a thief, there is not enough adornment to cover his hodgepodge of hypocrisy, and of his being all things to all men. As for JW’s drawing people, I am thinking if the home owner knew they were coming, they would be out visiting aunt Bessie.
The JWs maybe persistent in trying to roll that rock up the hill, but it keeps coming back down upon them. They apparently, unlike Sisyphus, don’t have to go to hell, to know what it is like. Unlike Sisyphus, the JWs have an additional two stumbling blocks, Peter and Paul.