Yes and no. Yes in the sense that if you believe in a deistic kind of god, then I guess evolution could in fact occur. But even if this is the case, there is still an intelligent mind behind the whole process, which would still make naturalism not true. So even if god did orchestrate the process, that would be a defeater of atheism.
No in the sense that I believe that based on the historicity of Jesus Christ, and if Jesus Christ rose from the dead as I believe, then there is no point in believing that such a perfect being would use a trial and error process to carry out his will.
then just admit your trying to set limitations on your god.
I would ask what reasons do we have to think that they are real?
Because of the evidence we have. The x-ray and gamma readings. The theory of relativity predicted them and we have spotted the refracting light that is bent by them. Ect ect ect. All indirect observations that accumulate into evidence of something we quite litterally cannot see. Much in the same way as evolution. However you don't have a problem with most of the other sciences as it doesn't challenge your dogmatic view of the universe.
Had evolution not challenged what your religion had stated to be true then you would have no issues accepting it.
Refutation over rhetoric.
So your just gonna dodge? No refutation? No response? Just meaningless dribble in an attempt to scamper away from admiting your wrong?
I am making arguments based on the BEST EXPLANATION. Besides that, the arguments are laid out and they are sound. If the premises are true then the conclusion is true regardless of whether we like the implications or not.
Bold is a bold faced lie. The best explination continues to be evolution. There is no scientific argument against it. There is no uproar or even conflict in the scientific community. The only people against it are religious fundamentalists who aren't even qualified to have a scientific opinion who base all of their arguments on fake science or lies.
Point in Or more specifically the people you listen too.
I, unlike you and others, don't need to go beyond necessity. A fox is a kind of dog. No reason for further inquiry.
Then thats not science. If you want your opinion (that is wrong) then keep it. But dont' under any circumstances sit there with your thumb in your *** and tell scientists and scientifically litterate individuals that evolution isn't science.
I guess it doesn't prove anything more than if I were to point out a german shepard and ask you "what is that", and you say "it looks like a dog to me".
Excpet a German shepard is a dog and a fox is not. You haven't looked at the DNA evidence, the species information and I doubt you even have enough knowledge of foxes in general to make that call. I actaully grew up as a child with a pet fox for a short period of time. It was no dog. It didn't act like dogs, it didn't even look like a dog. Its snout, behavior, paws, coloring, tails, bark, eyes and sleeping patterns didn't fiollow that of any other dog I had.
Oh yeah....saying that we got our eyes, brains, ears, etc from a mindless and blind process makes all the sense in the world.
Actually it makes perfect sense if you would actually read information on it and not just take it for the wraped incorrect version they threw at you in church.
Do you realize that the sun is positioned just close enough to keep our planet warm, but far enough not to burn this place up...yet not to far so that we are not freezing our behinds off?
Do you realize how vast the universe is? That even by our meager calculations we have deduced that it is highly probable that there is not only the right conditions for life such as Earth in the universe but probably several in our own galaxy? The earth isn't perfect for life. Life developed here to fit earth. Not vice versa.
There is no purpose or agenda to the sun existing, on naturalism. I don't think it is a coincidence that the sun is here, and all of these complex forms of life are dependent upon it staying here. On my view, the sun was "placed" there for obvious reasons by the Creator of the universe and everything within it.
Just as you said earlier that you don't go "beyond the necessary" we naturallists don't either. There is nothing to make us think there needs to be a purpose or agenda. What reason do we have other than our own arrogance to assume that something had to create us with a divine purpose?
Bravo, you've just succesfully refuted theism :clap
Thank you. Glad to convert another Atheists. You can get your satan horns next to the baby sandwitch cart. I'll expect to see you in your full Satanic black cloak and meet up for the midnight ravaging of young Christian virgins