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Sit down, shut up, and quit ruining my life


tri-polar optimist
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
We have not reached that point.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.


Sugar and Spice
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
We have not reached that point.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.
Ooh I am so sorry the God of Chick-Filet has been picked on. I can really see how that would ruin your life. What do those awful people who want to live their lives openly have to complain about in comparison to the fact that the Chick-Fil God has been picked on and that fact is causing you distress? They really need to sort their priorities out! :sarcastic

Good grief. :facepalm:

Me Myself

Back to my username
Naturaly what is done to chick stuff is not well.

I mean I totaly support a boycott action of not eating there, but not support the antilegal measure that was proposed about not letting them buy it.

That said, I`d say the homosexuals have it way worse.


It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different.

But sorrily during two month ago a few Mosques destroyed and fired in America , whilst police and firemen came very late, when that Mosques (belong god ) had been burned in fire completely


Can't brain. Has dumb.
From what I have heard, this food source is really quite delicious. Had I the chance, I may eat there just once. I don't think that the one time I give them money would make much difference in terms of their agenda. And again, given the chance to eat there, I might just bring along a nice guy and kiss him in the restaurant just to say "I am a guy. I like guys. I like your food."


Resident Liberal Hippie
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
DOMA, along with State laws designed to prevent same-sex couples from enjoying the benefits of legally sanctioned marriage.
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
Yes, they do.
We have not reached that point.
Correction. YOU have not reached that point. Many others are not effected by such bigotry.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.
When a man decides to use his profits to support the suppression of others rights, I will condemn such action and refuse to contribute to his efforts.

Now, as to the title of your thread, how exactly are LGBT's who want the right to marry ruining your precious life?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Love, you seem to be arguing that it is wrong -- or at least, anti-American -- to oppose Dan Cathy. Wrong because opposing him amounts to intolerance of his ways.

But Dan Cathy uses his money to provide substantial support for the repression of people's rights. The America ethos of tolerance does not extend to tolerance for people like Dan Cathy who needlessly harm others.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
We have not reached that point.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.
Do I support gay marriage, & boycott Chick-fil-A....or do I support them
in their fight against illegal governmental suppression of free speech?
I'll take the middle road, & continue to simply not end up where they are.


Empirical Curmudgeon
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
We have not reached that point.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.

Same sex marriages are legal in a number of countries around the world, including Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden.
And allowing people of the same sex to marry has had devastating and catastrophic effects on their society. :eek:

I'm kidding. :D
The only effect it has had is that same sex couples can get married and enjoy the same legal rights as other married couples.
That's all.
Last edited:


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Are you seriously suggesting that we shouldn't support GLBT rights because it might affect your ability to enjoy a chicken sandwich?


Wonder Woman
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
We have not reached that point.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.

Wait, so people living openly and attending social functions openly as who they are and being accepted for who they are is or is not okay? I'm confused. You say "we have not reached that point", yet you say "it is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different". So which is it?

And then why is it okay for the founder of Chick-Fil-A to speak against homosexuals but not okay for people who disagree with him to speak their mind against what he says? Why is it only a one-way road as far as you are concerned?

And biggest questions yet: Why should anyone have to sit down, or shut up? And HOW is any of this ruining your life?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
So you want to live with your same sex other. Who's stopping you?
You want to be invited to social functions and live your life style openly and expect total exceptance from all you encounter.
We have not reached that point.
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.

I'm still trying to make sense of your beginning argument. Who is ruining your life? :confused:


Veteran Member
I don't know about the thread poster's life being ruined, but I could argue that certain burger sandwiches are potentially life-ruining, if not also (hazardously) delicious. :D

actually you made a great point...
type 2 diabetes will bankrupt this country...i can say those who partake of those tasty burgers too many times can ruin my life....i don't see how same sex couples asking for the same rights as heterosexual couples can ruin anything....

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It is in the spirit of America to be tolerant of others who are different. But when you start picking on the man who founded Chick-Filet you have crossed the line of tolerance.
So I crossed the line and ruined your life because for several years now I have refused to eat at a place that financially supports and contributes to anti-LGBT groups, and have readily explained this to others?
What about people on the other side, who insist homosexuals are more of a threat than terrorist? Or that transsexuals are destroying societies morals? Or who insist it is perfectly fine and acceptable for children to bully each other, as long as it is based on religious morality? Such positions, especially the bullying, have not only ruined lives, it has brought far too many lives to an abrupt and tragic end.

Me Myself

Back to my username
actually you made a great point...
type 2 diabetes will bankrupt this country...i can say those who partake of those tasty burgers too many times can ruin my life....i don't see how same sex couples asking for the same rights as heterosexual couples can ruin anything....

The apetites of homophobics why of course...

Wait... even they win! :cover: