You do know that what enabled "western civ." (Europe, then
America)to become "great" was the systematic looting
of the rest of the world.
The Star of India in the crown jewels is very symbolic,
the refined essence of what made "Great" Britain.
I would blame such doing on politicians and Kings during the 1800's.
The Brittish crown, European conqurers, and fortune seekers was those that deliberately took what they wanted without regard to the people who's countries they overpowered.
However, even as an Afrikaner in South Africa, my great grandmom and 5 siblings were in a Brittish concentration camp, and the only survivor after they hungered the children and women out to die like sick rats. My grandfather on father side, fought as a Boer, and when he returned to his farm in 1903 after being held at ST Helena as a POW, he found not a single livestock out of 300 cattle he had. His house was burned down, his wife and 4 children died in the camps.
because Queen Victoria wanted the Gold in the Transvaal and the Diamonds in the Free State.
Then again, a Christian woman from the hated English, Emmily Hobhouse, took the whole Brittish Empire on and stood up against these atrocities they committed.
The fact is that where the Christian works, rigtiousness prevails.
We can blame the oppressors, but not the people of the countries who had nothing to do with these terrible things.
So what is the moral of the story?
The Afrikaner did not consider themself as oppressed, they lifted their arses and started to work for their living. Eventually they again ruled their own country, untill Communism overtook us.
We dont blame people for what happened 50 years and 100 years ago!
No we learn out of it.
What did the Americans do about first being descendends of slaves, and second being descendends of slave keepers?
Well, the Black people who were enslaved kept on with their struggle to attain equality with the Whites.
Great stuff I say!
A few still want to feel sorry for themself and blame everything they fail at on the descendends of the Whites!
Silly I say.
The Whites, well they are so spineless nowadays, that they fall for their liberal socialist leaders who want to keep blacks in a state of mental slavery, and the Whites in a state of guilt!
No damit, you are the greatest nation on Earth with the greatest contribution on freedom to the world!
Blacks are not slaves, for a helova long time already, and Whites are not opressing Blacks anymore, and to claim such is a blatant lie which the Democrates are exploiting.
No my dear friend, the star of India is next to the Cullinan diamond, from South Africa, and to me it simbolises how the West had to take my people at their necks and jerked them into what we today consider as the Free World.
I am not a slave, nor a slave monger, but someone that are now working to change the future for my children.
These countries who had slavery, also gave us technology, science, peace, and every thing we know that can be called, western discoveries.