""light" that was there on the "first day" come from"
Good question? In science there was something called recombination.
When Was the Recombination Era?
The recombination era took place when the universe was approximately 300,000 to 400,000 years old. In other words, for the first 300,000 years of the universe, there were not yet any atoms.
Why is the Recombination Era Important?
When you look at distant light through our most powerful telescopes, you're looking at light that was released longer and longer ago. The oldest light we can see is the cosmic microwave background radiation, which corresponds to the photon decoupling that took place during the recombination era.
As such, the recombination era represents the oldest period of universal time that we can see, since any light released prior to it was instantly absorbed by the electrons and protons (or the quark-gluon plasma the preceded protons). It essentially represents a wall in time that we can never see any further back than.
The recombination era is the age, some 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when atoms formed and light began to travel freely through space. -
Edge of the Universe, by Paul Halpern (2012)
Recombination Era
But there was no sun or Earth then as it took billions of years to form from the gas and dust after that period. Carbon, what life is based on also still needed to form from massive star explosions by a process called Nucleosynthesis. Which is why every atom in your body and all the heavy elements in your body were formed in stars and nuclear fusion.
"Since "the heavens and the earth" were "created" "in the beginning" are you suggesting that the earth is somehow older than the moon and stars? "
Wow, yes the stars are older and the Earth and all the plants formed from the material left over from our sun igniting, 5 billion years ago and our moon formed by a massive collision with the Earth by a planet the size of mars, billion of years ago. There was a time when tons of debri was smashing into everything including the Earth, I am sure you have noticed all the craters on the moon.
How Did The Moon Form?
In this short video explainer, Universe Today publisher Fraser Cain searches for the origins of the Moon; all the creative ideas that people came up with, and the established theory that most planetary geologists now agree on.
So you are suggesting that the earth came before the sun? Really?
No that is what the Bible is saying.
"Your explanation does not fit Genesis at all I'm afraid."
No science does not fit Genesis at all.
As for the bible yes I have read it and studied it along with all the ancient cultures that contributed to it and no there are inconsistencies in it.
Here is another problem.
NOVA | The Bible's Buried Secrets - PBS: Public Broadcasting ...
NOVA | The Bible's Buried SecretsCached
The Bible's Buried Secrets. An archeological detective story traces the origins of the Hebrew Bible.
What are some obvious inconsistencies, for instance in the Noah story?
In the story of the flood, in Genesis chapters 6 to 9, there seem to be two accounts that have been combined, and they have a number of inconsistencies. For example, how many of each species of animals is Noah supposed to bring into the ark? One text says two, a pair of every kind of animal. Another text says seven pairs of the clean animals and only two of the unclean animals."
NOVA | Writers of the Bible
Michael D. Coogan is Lecturer on Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at
Harvard Divinity School, Director of Publications for the Harvard
Semitic Museum, Editor-in-Chief of Oxford Biblical Studies Online,
[1]and Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at
Stonehill College. He has also taught at Fordham University, Boston College, Wellesley College, and the University of Waterloo (Ontario). Coogan has also participated in and directed archaeological excavations in Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and Egypt, and has lectured widely. Coogan was raised as Roman Catholic and for 10 years was Jesuit. From the "I Wanna Know" interview he does not affirm his personal faith, but speaks of Christians using the third person and maintains an academic posture. Coogan doubts that Jesus thought of himself as divine.
One of the leading biblical scholars in the United States,
[3] he is the author of
The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures, editor of
The New Oxford Annotated Bible,
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible, and Oxford Biblical Studies Online, and a contributor to such standard reference works as
The Encyclopedia of Religion,
HarperCollins Bible Dictionary and
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Other projects that he conceived, edited and collaborated on include
The Oxford Companion to the Bible,
The Illustrated Guide to World Religions, and
The Oxford History of the Biblical World."
Not to mention we know for a fact there was never a global flood, big local ones around parts of the world but never the whole Earth.