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So Apparently Dogs Are Dumber Than Cats.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
One of mine is so loving that she hugs me. Outright crawls up me, front legs on both sides of neck, and snuggles the side of my face while purring up a storm. She also sleeps at my feet every night. She knows when I'm going to bed, weaves around my feet, follows me to the bathroom, stays as I complete my nighttime routine washing my face and such, cuddles a bit when I get in bed (sometimes she tries to get under the covers with me), then curls up at my feet. She's right there in the morning when I wake too. I've had her since the moment she was born. I guess, to her, I've always been "mommy".

Reminds me of one of the kittens I rescued from the flood of 1993. Her name was Bugsy, and I cared for her for 3 months before she died from feline leukemia. :(


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
Duh! Everyone knows that dogs are dumber than cats. Cats are infinity better in virtually every way.

Cats for the win! :D

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
In my experience, little dogs are smarter than bigger dogs, and all cats are smart but just lazy.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
My 9 week old kitten who we have had for less then a week put his toy away when he was done playin with it.


Premium Member
I had a cat who ran to her dish, ran to the cabinet where her food was kept and ran back to her dish again. She was hungry and wanted to eat. She is in kitty heaven and I miss her. She used to bump my hand to get me to pet her.


Well-Known Member
Of course. When let outside, dogs always come back. They don't get how they have an opportunity to be free.

Cats understand this instinctively. Plus, dogs drool.
You didnt know my cat. If you pet him, he would drool. He would drool a lot. And he would drive his claws into your leg. But I still wish he was alive, lol.
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Well-Known Member
I remember some people having this odd dog. Apparently when she saw something interesting and they tried to bribe her with candy to not go and investigate it, she would go anyway. She seemed to understand the candy would remain, while the interesting thing she saw might not.


Well-Known Member
I used to spend time at a place for homeless cats. During that time, a kitten climbed up and started to play with my pony tail. And another cat climbed up and sat down on my shoulders. I even noticed that when I used the laser pen, they played with it one at a time. Remember one cat who was notorious for being able to climb over the fance. And come back a while later. There was also the "police" cat who would protect the weaker cats when there was trouble. He looked kind of like Wiggum in the Simpsons, due to being a bit fat. The doors also had these special handles that opened upwards, because some cats would learn how to jump up and pull them down. Then there was the special cats. Like "teethless Harry", who didnt have any teeth and who moved kind of like a rabbit. He was very cute, but a bit cautious. So many fond memories of cats.

Of course, dogs have their charm as well. And they arent that dumb. Remember this dog that if you run with a stick, he will start to take shortcuts to get to it. Also heard this woman who talked about how when she came home from school one day feeling really bad, bad enough to just lay down and not do anything, her dog would lie down beside her and refuse to move until her parents came home.

I like both dogs and cats. I prefer cats, though. Would be inclined to say cats might be generally smarter. But dogs have their moments as well.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I cant believe this hasnt been posted yet:


Conclusion: Dog is smart enough to do her favorite thing all the time. Cat is so dumb (but believes herself genius) she doesnt even get she got a good deal and doesnt know how to get out of it.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
I cant believe this hasnt been posted yet:


Conclusion: Dog is smart enough to do her favorite thing all the time. Cat is so dumb (but believes herself genius) she doesnt even get she got a good deal and doesnt know how to get out of it.
You know, this dog/cat diary reminds me of this recent thread started by Sunstone that explores this in depth. The opening post:
If for some reason, you had to make a choice between, on the one hand, being happy in life, or, on the other hand, having a strong sense of meaning and purpose in life, which would you choose? And why would you choose it?

Please assume for the sake of this discussion that there is no "middle way". You can choose one option or the other, but not a mix of both. If you choose being happy, you will live without a strong sense of meaning and purpose in life. If you choose living with a strong sense of meaning and purpose, you will not be very happy.

Also, please assume that your happiness, if you choose it, would be hedonistic -- that is, it would be based on your success at obtaining pleasure and avoiding pain -- and in that sense be self-centered. While your meaning or purpose in life, if you choose it, would to some significant extent involve service to others -- and in that sense be oriented towards other people.