Well I think I may have used the wrong word for explaining energy. So to me energy would be the "God" substance. It is the only thing all things in the universe have in common while simultaneously keeping everything together. It would also explain the rebirth concept in a scientific way ( sorry I like science), energy likes to move from one form to another energy does not like to stays till.Got it to me energy would be closer to the concept of Atman, never changing never dying and constantly moving from form to form. Sorry for the misuse of the term Maya
Well one day the universe will be nothing and all that will be left is energy and then there will be another recreation. This too is founded in science (though this theory has come under attack). So yes this would make my God both changing and not, everything and yet a single substance, A large multitude of things and then a singular thing, and yet never dying.
Well unless I am mistaken what I am getting from all of you is I am neither wrong nor right (or I am right in my sense, and honestly I think everyone else is right too God is to powerful to be limited to one idea). I also believe that the multitude of ideas allows for many people to find inner peace. So if it makes me happy and I can find God through it then it can't be bad. Am I over complicating and over thinking things? Yes and I know I am and I do that to everything, I need to meditate more my mind moves around and is so active a few moments a day of silence would do me good.