An interesting article ...
I rather like the good Rev. Jack R. Van Ens! I don't agree with him, but I like him.What's curious is that neither Roman Catholics nor Jews get riled about evolution. They read pretty much the same Genesis as conservative Christians who reject evolution. Why don't Roman Catholics get angry over Darwin? Besides, most Roman Catholics hold a high view of the Bible as God's Word. They interpret it conservatively.
One reason is that Roman Catholics respect biblical scholars like Pope John Paul II who does not read Genesis in order to discover a scientific explanation for human origins. Pope John Paul II in 1996 wrote a very clear letter to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. He endorsed the scientific theory of evolution, stating that the idea is compatible with Christian faith. For the Pope, evolution also complements the non-negotiable Christian conviction that creation is God's work.
In his Oct. 23, 1996, message to the Pontifical Academy of Science, the Pope said he believed in a physical evolution of humanity and other species through natural selection and heredity adaptation.
My solution to educating Southern Baptists who slap warning stickers on biology textbooks is to suggest they send their children to Roman Catholic parochial schools.
What piques my interest even more is that I have never read any rabbi's consternation over evolution. The Jews have studied the Genesis creation sagas much longer than any Christian community. It is part of their sacred Torah.
Perhaps Christian fundamentalists who think evolution denies God's creative power should sit at the feet of rabbinical scholars. They might learn to unlearn what their literal interpretations of the Bible make them believe.
- see Why Jews and Roman Catholics aren't upset over evolution