So as soon as the apostles passed from the scene, the apostacy took over? There you go. Jesus was a liar. There was no truth to be found in any church. Jesus did say church, did he not?
The fact that the weeds were sown proves that Jesus wasn't a liar. He didn't say that they would form their own church...did he?
The apostles were acting as a restraint to full blown apostasy, but once the last apostle John passed away at the end of the first century, that is when the weeds began to multiply.
The apostle Paul wrote......
"that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.....Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way." (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3, 6-7 NASB)
By the fourth century apostate Christians were ripe for pickings and Constantine faced no opposition when he became the spiritual head of the Roman Catholic Church. He bore the title of "Pontifex Maximus" which was a pagan Roman title carried by the Pope to this day.
Once the restraining influence of the apostles was gone.....nothing would stop the lawlessness that followed. History testifies to the rest.
And you still can't point me to where this supposed "wheat/church" was located that has the same beliefs as you. Smoke in the air, blowing through. Come on. Give me a location. A Church of ??? Where was it located and how does it offer continuity down to you? Face it. You can't do it.
It wasn't a church. It was 'wheat among the weeds', growing together as Jesus said. It was not until the "harvest" time or "the time of the end" that a separation was going to be made. It happened, just as Jesus said it would.
The Jews put great store in their lineage and ancestry counted for nothing in the end. Even having God's temple didn't mean God's blessing or protection for them.
BTW, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Need me to post some info from Silent Lambs to keep you quiet?
I doubt there is an organization on earth that is immune to pedophiles, but no one comes close to the Catholic Church on this one. Sexual and physical abuse was an institutional norm for hundreds of years in countries all over the world. The priesthood became a safe haven for homosexuals and deviates of every description. No child was safe.
As far as what was done to heretics back then, well that is what they did back then. I think you could use the crucifixion of Jesus as an example of what was done in past history. So if Jesus came when your organization was started, he never would have been crucified. All nice and well since you've only been around as an organization for 150 years or so and under different cultural mores.
"As far as what was done to heretics back then"?.....the perpetrators were supposed to be Christians, not bloodthirsty barbarians! Where did Jesus set the example that they followed by torturing confessions out of people? You have got to be joking !
Now as far as who Jesus chose as Apostles, let's take a look at them. They're more Fpostles than Apostles. Peter was the worst of the bunch. And you expect their successors to be better? It's in the message preached. Not in the individual preaching the message.
Jesus expected his disciples to follow his example. Peter was impulsive it is true. He caved in to fear of man, but that was before he received the holy spirit at Pentecost. After his resurrection, Jesus demonstrated to him that he would regain his footing and become the bold preacher he needed to be. By no means perfect, but a wonderful asset to the work assigned to him.
He was used actively to preach to both Jews and Gentiles. It was Peter who oversaw the first gentile, Cornelius' baptism and bestowed the blessing of the holy spirit.
And as far as the Inquisition, let's see. Spain was at war with Islam for 700 years. Yep, 700 years. Patience was running thin. And they had supposed Muslim and Jewish converts working in government positions attempting to help the Muslims conquer Spain. What would your organization have done if requested to insure that converts to the faith were really and truly converts to your faith as they had previously professed? Wouldn't your organization be more expert in determining if one was a true member rather than a government official?
Christians were told by Jesus to be "no part of the world" which includes its governments and its conflicts, so your point is moot.
Conversion at the point of a sword or confession under torture is hardly what Jesus taught.
It is Christ who is the judge of who is a true Christian and who is a false one. The wheat has been separated from the weeds already, so the coming day of The Lord is not far away.
Are you ready? Has your church a good record of preaching the kingdom or is its record for things not becoming to a Christian. History tells us, so you decide.