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Some people believe the holocaust did not happen why is this?


Well-Known Member
not trying to start an arguement just want to know why someone would deny such a terrible thing happening.

The same people who believe the Jews control, or seek to control, the world through controlling the banks and media of the world are the same people who believe that the Jews fabricated or exaggerated the holocaust so the world would feel sorry for them.... to establish some sense of entitlement to the land of Israel, etc...

To deny the holocaust is ridiculous and ignorant... but there are a lot of ridiculous and ignorant people in this world.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

Fear, hate and bigotry. What else do you need to start a war or to deny that one ever existed?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
The same people who believe the Jews control, or seek to control, the world through controlling the banks and media of the world are the same people who believe that the Jews fabricated or exaggerated the holocaust so the world would feel sorry for them.... to establish some sense of entitlement to the land of Israel, etc...

To deny the holocaust is ridiculous and ignorant... but there are a lot of ridiculous and ignorant people in this world.

There are a lot of people in this world who only hear what their leaders want them to hear; just because we have free speech here means little in some nations.
There are a lot of people in this world who only hear what their leaders want them to hear; just because we have free speech here means little in some nations.
yeah i agree with that, did you know if type the word, freedom, free, Tabet
at Google in china they will arrest you, i thought we had it bad in the UK.


Mate there have been arrested for broadcasting such heresy in Australia, i remember a guy last year actually.
All through history people have ignored certain details, this one is just so shocking because it was in the very recent past.
You never know, people may begin to deny the Croatians murdered thousands in Bosnia. I guess people will just do crazy things for publicity


Well, someone could naturally be in denial of something so horrid. Others may feel that if history repeats itself, it will happen again. So, if it doesn't exist, it can be repeated. Personally, I find it to be rather silly to believe this. Yes, it did happen and yes it was a very horrible event. It's not something I'd be too keen on thinking about all the time, however, ignoring its existance I find to be absolutely absurd. Unless the people had some sort of psychological disorder, such as retrograde amnesia (forgetting what happened before the amnesia occurred). In someone like this, blaming them is unfit as it is something beyond their control.

I assume that the OP was referring to people who consciously choose to ignore the fact that the holocaust happened. Why? Well, there could be multiple reasons, so my best answer is to find someone like this and ask them.


The Lost One
  • Ignorance.
  • Denial of wrongdoing or past mistakes.
  • Denial of responsibilities.
  • Racism: prejudice and hatred.
Japan is doing the same thing now. They denied they were responsible for some of the worse atrocities in East Asia and Southeast Asia, during WW2. They were the counterpart of the Nazi Germany. Not only were torture and experimentations. The Japanese used Chinese and Korean women as sex-slaves and force them into prostitution.

They had tried to re-write their history books that all this didn't happened. That's why Chinese and Koreans protested, a couple of years, vehemently against such Japanese state-sponsored propaganda. They should have arrested and executed Japanese emperor, but Japan got off scott-free when they surrendered.


Well-Known Member
people that ignore it compleetly are those that do not want to admit that humans could stoop that low or that just don't believe that the winner tells the true story, massive loads of propaganda was used in those times
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Well-Known Member
What is less commonly know are the atrocities commited after WWII, such as the expulsion of the Sudetan Germans from their homeland, where many, many people were exterminated.expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from their homelan expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from their homeland


Well-Known Member
The German Historical Society cops to more than five and a quarter million Jews killed, and freely admits the number could be higher than six million.

Wikipedia shows a range of statistical compilations that seem to agree in essence:
Since 1945, the most commonly cited figure for the total number of Jews killed has been six million. The Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, writes that there is no precise figure for the number of Jews killed. The figure most commonly used is the six million cited by Adolf Eichmann, a senior SS official. Early calculations range from 5.1 million from Raul Hilberg, to 5.95 million from Jacob Leschinsky. Yisrael Gutman and Robert Rozett in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust estimate 5.59–5.86 million.[30] A study led by Wolfgang Benz of the Technical University of Berlin suggests 5.29–6.2 million.[31][32]Yad Vashem writes that the main sources for these statistics are comparisons of prewar and postwar censuses and population estimates, and Nazi documentation on deportations and murders. Yad Vashem reports that it has the names of four million of the victims.[31]
Hilberg estimate of 5.1 million, in the third edition of The Destruction of the European Jews, includes over 800,000 who died from "ghettoization and general privation"; 1,400,000 killed in open-air shootings; and up to 2,900,000 who perished in camps. Hilberg estimates the death toll of Jews in Poland as up to 3,000,000.[33] Hilberg's numbers are generally considered to be a conservative estimate, as they typically include only those deaths for which records are available, avoiding statistical adjustment.[34]
British historian Martin Gilbert used a similar approach in his Atlas of the Holocaust, but arrived at a number of 5.75 million Jewish victims, since he estimated higher numbers of Jews killed in Russia and other locations.[35] Lucy S. Dawidowicz used pre-war census figures to estimate that 5.934 million Jews died (see her figures (left) here).[36]
There were about 8 to 10 million Jews in the territories controlled directly or indirectly by the Nazis (the uncertainty arises from the lack of knowledge about how many Jews there were in the Soviet Union). The six million killed in the Holocaust thus represent 60 to 75 percent of these Jews. Of Poland's 3.3 million Jews, over 90 percent were killed. The same proportion were killed in Latvia and Lithuania, but most of Estonia's Jews were evacuated in time. Of the 750,000 Jews in Germany and Austria in 1933, only about a quarter survived. Although many German Jews emigrated before 1939, the majority of these fled to Czechoslovakia, France or the Netherlands, from where they were later deported to their deaths. In Czechoslovakia, Greece, the Netherlands, and Yugoslavia, over 70 percent were killed. More than 50 percent were killed in Belgium, Hungary, and Romania. It is likely that a similar proportion were killed in Belarus and Ukraine, but these figures are less certain. Countries with notably lower proportions of deaths include Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy, and Norway.
YearKilled[37]1933–1940under 100,00019411,100,00019422,700,0001943500,0001944600,0001945100,000
The number of people killed at the major extermination camps is estimated as: Auschwitz-Birkenau: 1.4 million;[38] Treblinka: 870,000;[39] Belzec: 600,000;[40] Majdanek: 360,000;[41] Chelmno: 320,000;[42] Sobibór: 250,000;[43] and Maly Trostinets: 65,000.[44] This gives a total of over 3.8 million; of these, 80–90% were estimated to be Jews. These seven camps alone thus accounted for half the total number of Jews killed in the entire Nazi Holocaust. Virtually the entire Jewish population of Poland died in these camps.
In addition to those who died in the above extermination camps, at least half a million Jews died in other camps, including the major concentration camps in Germany. These were not extermination camps, but had large numbers of Jewish prisoners at various times, particularly in the last year of the war as the Nazis withdrew from Poland. About a million people died in these camps, and although the proportion of Jews is not known with certainty, it was estimated to be at least 50 percent. Another 800,000 to one million Jews were killed by the Einsatzgruppen in the occupied Soviet territories (an approximate figure, since the Einsatzgruppen killings were frequently undocumented).[45] Many more died through execution or of disease and malnutrition in the ghettos of Poland before they could be deported."



not trying to start an arguement just want to know why someone would deny such a terrible thing happening.
Unless this is some type of rhetorical Q (and I'm not really that sure what the point made behind that would be), I fail to see why this is in the Science vs Religion area!


Let's go racing boys !
This is one time I would have to say there is evidence, living people who were survivors and pictures taken of the crime. I would think that would be hard to deny.... Do people hope to deny a hate crime such as this?