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Some problems with evolution

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, This is a thread that will hopefully make you think. These are but a few of the many problems I have with Evolution. 1. that so far at least hear very very few have even tried to prove evolution in English, with out al the so called scientific speech. My point is it can not be said! If so please do. 2. if you believe in any form of evolution please tell me which do you think is the MASTER race??? 3. Gravity, first an apple falling on someones head did not start nothing but pride. People have known that arrows come down for a very long time! But gravity does not follow the laws of our world. I'll give a simple example I can even understand. If I put a one once rock on my foot and you put a 2000 lb. rock on your which one is gonna hurt? Well if gravity says you have a broken foot wial I don't . Still if both the one once and the 2000lb fall at the same speed. What gravity don't work the same one foot from it al of a sudden everthing is the same. 4. Dimonds, if they come from carbon, by way of heat and time, is the carbon right next to the dimond, isit not under the same heat and presure? We have all kinds of layers of carbon but not one of dimond any where in the word. Give me your form of it from the so called big bang to man I think I can with out a degree in science show it is not to probable.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

I appreciate your fervor. Rather than make me think, your post made me feel sorry that you have such a hard time understanding the difference between speed, force and inertia when it comes to gravity. Also, I felt bad that you don't get that diamonds ARE only carbon and we can even create them in the laboratory. We can also create rubies and sapphires and the processes are not that hard: use Google.

So rather than start a dialogue that will be "too scientific" for you, why don't you tell us why you think evolution is a bad idea. I will try to explain how you are wrong on your level.


Glass half Panda'd
alexander garcia said:
Hi, This is a thread that will hopefully make you think.
wouldn't you need a compelling argument to instill thought first?
1. that so far at least hear very very few have even tried to prove evolution in English, with out al the so called scientific speech. My point is it can not be said! If so please do.
It has been said, over, and over....and over...
2. if you believe in any form of evolution please tell me which do you think is the MASTER race???
there is no master race.
3. Gravity, first an apple falling on someones head did not start nothing but pride. People have known that arrows come down for a very long time! But gravity does not follow the laws of our world. I'll give a simple example I can even understand. If I put a one once rock on my foot and you put a 2000 lb. rock on your which one is gonna hurt? Well if gravity says you have a broken foot wial I don't . Still if both the one once and the 2000lb fall at the same speed. What gravity don't work the same one foot from it al of a sudden everthing is the same.
you're involving science to explain how science doesn't work? That's a very pointless statement
4. Dimonds, if they come from carbon, by way of heat and time, is the carbon right next to the dimond, isit not under the same heat and presure? We have all kinds of layers of carbon but not one of dimond any where in the word. Give me your form of it from the so called big bang to man I think I can with out a degree in science show it is not to probable.
I think Halcyon should answer this one....

The big bang theory is just that... a THEORY. So is the string theory. They're just trying to explain what we dont already know on our own... i think religion does the EXACT same thing for those who need easy answers, such as yourself :D


Well-Known Member
alexander garcia said:
if you believe in any form of evolution please tell me which do you think is the MASTER race???

There is no "master" race. There is no difference between the "races," except things like skin pigmentation. We're all just humans, that's it.

alexander garcia said:
Gravity, first an apple falling on someones head did not start nothing but pride.

:biglaugh: This is the greatest thing I've read of yours yet!

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, and sorry that I strongly disagree hear . 1. you mentioned (EVADING) the point of speed, force and on and on. and this is why i get picky on words because for anyone that does not know it ( which this first person has to know ) If you take two object of different size and wieght they will still fall at the same speed ( this does not mean if you put force bihind it or what force are you speaking of? Dont take my word for it PROVE it for yourself. These are LAWS that have never changed and with all your education you don't even know this what schools did you go to? is the world still flat ther cause that was science that said that or did the world evolve into it's shape as Columbus sailed? 2. for B, If man evolve I am very sorry but the very theory tells this if it is true. well I can explain in English what you are truly saying please correct me if I am wrong. Are you saying that we all evolved different with all these very seeable differences and you are saying that we are all the same well when you started with the except for these differenceswe are the same you lost me . So we are the same but different. Please look both words up in an OLD dictionary cause I'm wondering about the new ones. explain to me how a falling arrow is science? Is science claiming it is unchanging as a falling arrow it just need to be named/ Cause if that is the fact it makes it alot easier. Lets speak of what are unchanging laws and call them science. One more time I have to try and narrow this down to simple. are you saying that everything evolved different except man that has so many differences. let me see so a dog has four legs two eyes ears fur and so on so it is the same as a bear? I would ask in what sence do you feel we are all the same?


Well-Known Member
Gravity says all things fall with the same acceleration, yes. Acceleration is not the same thing as the force of a falling object (which is what would be breaking your foot). Force is equal to mass times acceleration (which is why the greater force comes from the rock with greater mass, even though both are moving at the same rate). That's one of the important things that Newton discovered. Like you said, we already knew that things fall.

Genetically speaking we are very similar, yes. The differences are fairly superficial, for the most part. Of course all humans are not the same. This is not the same as saying that there is some master race.

And, simply put, evolution says that those creatures best able to produce the most offspring that can in turn reproduce lots will be the ones to pass on their genes.


The Devil's Advocate
alexander garcia said:
Hi, This is a thread that will hopefully make you think.
Why are people so arrogant as to assume that those who disagree with them do not "think"? And why is it that the people who assume that others do not "think" often have such a poor grasp of the subject they are criticizing?


Well-Known Member
By the way, it wasn't Columbus who figured out the Earth was round. People already knew that by his time...sorry, this particular myth really bugs me.

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, Standing on one foot . Thak you for your response but this is my point logic says things of different size and wieght will fall at different speeds nomatter what but as you agree they do fall at the same rate without out side interfearance . Also PLEASE excuse me if I have offened you with the master rase garbage because it is offencive to me but it is at the very least implied and has been over and over by murderers to back there trash when is science agian gonna start the murders? To me the only differance in anyone is the the Almighty chose Israel to forfill His will and it is not over yet. I'm sorry once again I'll write later can't now I am sorry if I have offened anyone with the stupid chioce of word (master race)

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

I believe in Alexander's case, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. He sees evolution (as well as gravity and diamonds) as being mutually exclusive in respect to God. He has bought into the lie and is stuck constantly ignoring and twisting facts to make this paradigm work for him.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
NetDoc said:
I believe in Alexander's case, there are ...
Actually, there are two different ways to read that phrase ... ;)

NetDoc said:
He sees evolution (as well as gravity and diamonds) as being mutually exclusive in respect to God.
If you are referring to the theory of evolution, I completely agree.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Jayhawker Soule said:
If you are referring to the theory of evolution, I completely agree.
With him or me? Please clarify. Nowhere is it written in the scriptures that evolution is false, and I don't recall any tome on evolution mentioning that there can be no God.

There is no "either/or" dichotomy here. They are not mutually exclusive beliefs, no matter how badly one may need a crutch to support their disbelief in God. :D

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, I would just give a few examples since it was said that scripture does not say evolution is false. Lets see from the start. Does evolution say the world was made in millions of years or in 7 days?Does this some how mean the same time to you? try it again millions /7 no not the same. If you claim to be very educated as many here claim millions and seven are not the same can you see that or having eyes are you blind? Elohim spoke and it was. I missed the big bang let me listen again and see if I can hear it? NOPE. Lets get to something that might help you, The order of creation. It seems that your theory copied my fact. Evolution claims pretty much the same order of evolution as the order of creation. now common sence the order of creation was writen way before evolution was ever imagined. So who istring to copy the truth with a twist? Funny my book said you would try and do all this and it said it some time ago and on top of that the scriptures said this is how you know who is who, can anyone tell the end before it happens? I know of only one that can do this. You choke on a nat and swallow a camel.

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, what are my favorit three book on evolution. War of the worlds,star trek, star wars, I just go farther down your evolutionary line to the so called future.


ok alex, let me try and explain this in word you might understand. now, what im gonna say wont be very scientific in nature, and in very very simple terms.
1. that so far at least hear very very few have even tried to prove evolution in English, with out al the so called scientific speech. My point is it can not be said! If so please do. 2. if you believe in any form of evolution please tell me which do you think is the MASTER race???
1. evolution is just a progression, or regression if you will, over a really really long time where changes(genetic mutations) happen, and through these changes a new species comes around. there is nothing about this new species that makes it more important that a previous species, but it may be more capable of surviving in the environment(that means area) it is in than the previous species.
2. the master race, and your gonna love this one, is the whale. but seriously, there is really no significant difference between a fair skinned person (off-white, ghost white) and a dark skinned person (tan, brown, black, purple, whatever). remember the changes i mentioned above? well, there was a change for some of us whose ancestors moved out of the really bright areas of the world, and we didn't need the extra protection from that bright glowing thing up in the sky. the less protection needed, the whiter we got, so i guess you could say that is wasn't necessarily a good thing since when i am exposed to intense sunlight i suffer from severe sunburn, and have a higher chance to get skin cancer. like i said not all changes are for the best.
3. Gravity, first an apple falling on someones head did not start nothing but pride. People have known that arrows come down for a very long time! But gravity does not follow the laws of our world. I'll give a simple example I can even understand. If I put a one once rock on my foot and you put a 2000 lb. rock on your which one is gonna hurt? Well if gravity says you have a broken foot wial I don't . Still if both the one once and the 2000lb fall at the same speed. What gravity don't work the same one foot from it al of a sudden everthing is the same.
3. i started typing, but realized about 10 lines down i can't dumb this one down for ya. what i suggest is that you go and take a few math classes and work your way up to calculus, by then, you should a good enough grasp on the subject to realize why its possible.
Give me your form of it from the so called big bang to man I think I can with out a degree in science show it is not to probable.
ok, this i can do. here goes. you ready?
something happens, the gases and molecules and atoms and whatever else is propeled outward from a single infinitely small point in space. on the way out, some of this stuff starts coming together, for an example, role a few balls silly puddy down a sand hill. ok, some of these things that came together affect the other stuff around it, heating it up or cooling it off, and while sticky, it cant quite hold on to all of it. so some of it breaks off, and then some more, but since this silly puddy is spinning in a vacuum, the stuff the breaks off keeps spinning around it. picture a bunch of these silly puddy balls, each one is a galaxy. now, sand that got collected, thats the stars in the galaxies. look a little closer at the sand, and you'll see that there are even smaller pieces in there, molecules of salt or whatever, those are the planets. now we get to the planets, ok, galaxies, stars, and planets formed, how did life come about? that i dont know, maybe god did it, maybe it just happened when the right stuff came together at the right time. now science has measured the earth at 4.5ish billion years, think thats alot of time? 4,500,000,000, pretty long since some religions believe the earth is 6,000. now, a lot of changes, remember those from up at the top?, can happen over 4.5 billion years. little single cell creatures can figure out ways to work together, complete species can be destroyed, and more can rise in its place. see the evolution part up at the top for the rest of it.
explain to me how a falling arrow is science? Is science claiming it is unchanging as a falling arrow it just need to be named/ Cause if that is the fact it makes it alot easier.
the falling arrow, was it shot from a bow, thrown, or simply dropped? if shot from a bow or thrown, the force and angle at which it is thrown as well as the pull of the earth against the arrow control when it will fall to the ground. look up Ballistic Trajectory for a more in depth explanation for it. you really should take some math classes.
One more time I have to try and narrow this down to simple. are you saying that everything evolved different except man that has so many differences. let me see so a dog has four legs two eyes ears fur and so on so it is the same as a bear? I would ask in what sence do you feel we are all the same?
comparing a dog to a bear.....wow....ok, comparing one human to another human is like comparing one dog to another dog. if you have ever seen 2 dogs sitting next to each other you should be able to make this distinction as well. look at the fur, that is like our skin color. in fact let me be even more specific, you have 2 german shephards, one has black fur on its back and tan on its stomach, the other has tan on its back and black on its stomach. neither one is "better" than the other, they are both dogs only they have a little difference in them that controls the color and thickness of their fur, both of them will sniff each other's butt to figure out who they are next to. humans, one white, one black, neither is better than the other, they are just a little different. like i said, a small change happened that makes my skin lighter and more prone to damage from the sun than that of someone with dark skin.
to see a trait that is passed on in a family, look at your ears, then look at your parent's ears, im fairly certain you will have ears similar looking to those of one or both of your parents, or, your ears will look like a hybrid of both your mother and father's ears.

i dont have a degree in anything, so i hope i was able to write at your level alex
ok, im done being simple for today. if that aint simple enough for ya, well, i dont know what to say.......school is your friend?


The Great Master Bates
Jayhawker Soule said:
Alexander, what are your three favorite books on evolution?
Any particular reason why you ask for three? I'd be surprised if there is one. :eek: I'd also be surprised if he could actually name one.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
alexander garcia said:
Hi, what are my favorit three book on evolution. War of the worlds,star trek, star wars, I just go farther down your evolutionary line to the so called future.

Alexander, why don't you look at this:- http://www.talkorigins.org/, and at this:- http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/tour.php ? Give them a try.


Alex, star wars, and war of the worlds are science fantasy. Star Trek is the only series that has any basis what-so-ever in science. if in fact you read star trek, not the original ones, but many of the newer ones from TNG, DS9, and the new Titan books, they do some rudamentary explanations of some of the things you have asked about