We live in a seemingly fallen world occupied by seemingly fallen and lost people. In the Christian faith it is believed there is a beast, a false prophet, and Satan who work together to destroy our home. Will this earth remain a fallen world until the beast, false prophet and Satan are destroyed? Reconciled maybe? Do they exist only in the minds of fallen man and in those who have been deceived by the "thieves and robbers" who some claim have hijacked the christian faith? Will the fallen on earth be reconciled as others have already been reconciled or will some truly be forever lost?
- What's this life for?
- What is the lake of fire?
- What is hell?
- What is the beast?
- What is the false prophet?
- What is Satan?
- Will all one day be reconciled, or will some be forever lost?
I myself believe the world we live in exists to help lost souls come back into union with what is I believe we are here to learn very hard lessons and to experience the effects of evil, which is for lack of a better term hell. These experiences help lead many of us to want and pursue reconciliation with all that's good (God). I think the world is a metaphorical furnace of refinement, or rather the lake of fire. Satan (selfish/evil desire), the beast (false god), false prophet (false understanding), "hell" (strong emotional unrest), and fallen men all have their existence here already. I myself believe the lake of fire (life on earth) is ongoing - some say eternal (everlasting). Can it get back to good or no? Why or why not? Is there hope?