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Something troubles me...


Well-Known Member
No need to apologise to me Jamaesi. From what you say, you are changing the world in the best way you can, with the things you feel you can change.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


Nehustan said:
I think my point is Victor that there are things you can change and things you can't. Not only is there a hierarchy, there is practicality. My suggestion is that any religious person who gets 'het up' about homosexuality, bottle that energy and expend it on something that is likley to/can be changed. I'm guessing that a homosexual won't thank you for your christian concern, but a child that lives as a result of correctly aimed energy/thought/action....well there's a good chance he'll think you a saint.

(As a postscript.....I see rather more conversations here on RF, which is made of the more thoughtful elements of religious communities, about homesexuality than on child poverty....so I'm not sure exactly how high up the priority list it actually scores. It may be added...'what can we do about world poverty?????'. Well my retort has to be...probably a damn sight more than you can do about someones sexuality!!!!)
I agree wholeheartedly. There are so many more important things to worry about than what grown men and women are doing in their bedrooms. And your retort is right on. Those expending all their energy to "fix" someone's sexuality (that is none of their business in the first place) are wasting time, and valuable resources, when people are starving, or dying of an ailment that can be helped, like diareah.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I know not everyone here is Christian, but this teaching of Jesus is appropriate for everyone, and cogent to the topic:

Maybe we should be more concerned about getting the log out of our own eye, instead of worrying so much about the speck in our neighbor's...


kevmicsmi said:
Unfortunately the only way to truly change real poverty is to change certain governments, and without force, that takes an extremely long time
I disagree. I think a big part of the change can come through education. I think the governments that are corrupt *do* need to change, but changing a government, and throwing money at them doesn't work, as we've seen throughout history. Getting people education, particularly girls in these poorer nations, teaching them how to improve their situations through better farming methods for example, teaching them sex education, distribute condems, vaccines, etc. These things can make a difference.


Victor said:
Let's agree to disagree on the change. As for your other comments, not worth responding to such drivel and non-sense. Does it make you feel fuzzy inside to categorize me in such a light. How sad.
I find it facinating that someone who doesn't struggle every day in this society can "agree to disagree" about whether or not that person can change.

Did you used to be homosexual and you changed? Or do you suppose as a heterosexual you could just go out and be gay if you felt like it? This is so ridiculous, I can't decide if it makes me want to laugh or cry.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
sojourner said:
I know not everyone here is Christian, but this teaching of Jesus is appropriate for everyone, and cogent to the topic: ... Maybe we should be more concerned about getting the log out of our own eye, instead of worrying so much about the speck in our neighbor's...
... e.g., homosexuality is a fault, a defect, a speck, but we should focus on our own faults. I prefer those Christians who embrace diversity.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
sojourner vbmenu_register("postmenu_363715", true);
Maybe we should be more concerned about getting the log out of our own eye, instead of worrying so much about the speck in our neighbor's
I'm troubled......

I agree with that word given by Christ, but if Paul kept to that focus alone , what would he have accomplished for Christ.and the world for that matter
I c that in critics of Preachers who say, "how can he Preach about this and that ,I bet he is not perfect in that area and so on", but should he step down because he is going through some personal crisis should he take a leave of absence .
We are to press in casting off those things that hinder and sin that so easily entangles.....


Well-Known Member
Victor said:
Let's agree to disagree on the change.
I'm not going to agree to disagree. Victor, you can't change other people. They have to want to change themselves. This is basic psychology, so even if we went under the premise that homosexuals can change (which I don't believe, but you do), they can only change if they want to. You can't make it happen for them.


lovedmb said:
I find it facinating that someone who doesn't struggle every day in this society can "agree to disagree" about whether or not that person can change.

Did you used to be homosexual and you changed? Or do you suppose as a heterosexual you could just go out and be gay if you felt like it? This is so ridiculous, I can't decide if it makes me want to laugh or cry.
I've seen it and read enough stories to ignore your laughs and cries. Even lived with one for many years.;)
Read away: http://narth.com/index.html


Ðanisty said:
I'm not going to agree to disagree. Victor, you can't change other people. They have to want to change themselves. This is basic psychology, so even if we went under the premise that homosexuals can change (which I don't believe, but you do), they can only change if they want to. You can't make it happen for them.
I'm only saying they can. It is quite obvious many don't wanna. Read the link I gave above.


Victor said:
I've seen it and read enough stories to ignore your laughs and cries. Even lived with one for many years.;)
Read away: http://narth.com/index.htmlhttp://narth.com/index.html
So were you going to answer my questions about when you made the decision to be heterosexual rather than gay? Or about how you changed your mind, and how you are capable of becoming gay, or were you thinking that this garbage link would "answer" my questions about *you*. Is your personal story in the link? If it is, it might make me more inclined to suffer through that "research".