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SORT Order


Active Member
"Jesus loves those who believe in him."

Now, don't get me wrong! I am a big fan of Jesus...the historical figure...who came to teach 'Love' and 'Non-Violence' ...to 'Human Societies' built around the 'prevailing working principles' of 'Power, Violence, Money, Greed, Intimidation, Control & Punishment' ...which continues to this day..

But honestly, WHAT do you think Jesus' MESSAGE......IS...?
..Is it 'Love?'
or is it 'Worship of Jesus?'


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
"Jesus loves those who believe in him."

Now, don't get me wrong! I am a big fan of Jesus...the historical figure...who came to teach 'Love' and 'Non-Violence' ...to 'Human Societies' built around the 'prevailing working principles' of 'Power, Violence, Money, Greed, Intimidation, Control & Punishment' ...which continues to this day..

But honestly, WHAT do you think Jesus' MESSAGE......IS...?
..Is it 'Love?'
or is it 'Worship of Jesus?'


Gold star for a completely coherent post! :cool:


Well-Known Member
drsatish asked: What do you think Jesus' message is?
Is it 'Love?'
Or is it 'Worship of Jesus?'

Well, he said:

He who does not believe in me stands condemned already. (Jn 3:18)

I told you that you would die in your sin; if you do not believe I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sin. (Jn 8:24)
Who are you? they asked. Just what I have been claiming all along, Jesus replied.
I have much to say in judgment of you. (Jn 8:25-26)

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to turn "a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household." (Micah 7:6). (Mt 10:34-36)

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Mt 10:37)
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Active Member
drsatish asked: What do you think Jesus' message is?
Is it 'Love?'
Or is it 'Worship of Jesus?'

Well, he said:

He who does not believe in me stands condemned already. (Jn 3:18)

I told you that you would die in your sin; if you do not believe I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sin. (Jn 8:24)
Who are you? they asked. Just what I have been claiming all along, Jesus replied.
I have much to say in judgment of you. (Jn 8:25-26)

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to turn "a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household." (Micah 7:6). (Mt 10:34-36)

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Mt 10:37)

Pretty strong words 'supposedly' uttered by someone who lived and died to spread the message of 'Love' on earth.

Are the lines you quoted the reasons for you being a Christian?

There are quite a few number of Gospels.
List of Gospels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do ALL of them concur on the lines you quoted?

What do you think of this?
James Watkins: Genuine Jesus or Counterfeit Christ?

If the lines you quoted are 'absolutely True' and interpreted in the same way by all, don't you think the following lines should be changed?

Jesus Loves You -> Jesus Threatens You
God Loves You -> God Threatens You

How do you interpret these lines:

"the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty."
Gospel of Thomas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21
The Kingdom of God is within You - Luke 17:21: Sayings of Jesus - Logion



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Only Drsatish is aware of the purpose of this thread.

And i'm sure given enough life guards he/she/it could become well acquainted with the meaning of pudding.

However i doubt even drsatish is aware of the meaning of this thread.


Whenever I see this thread, I think of this comic:

xkcd: DFS


Well-Known Member
Pretty strong words 'supposedly' uttered by someone who lived and died to spread the message of 'Love' on earth.
Well, actually that is a misconception. . .
Jesus came to die as a ransom for the sin of those who believe in him (Mt 20:28, 2628; Jn 10:11),
and to spread the message that there is forgiveness of sin and salvation from the wrath of God on sin, for those who believe in him (Jn 3:18,36).
That is the good news of the gospel.
Are the lines you quoted the reasons for you being a Christian?
I like it when you dialogue rationally.

I am a Christian, from the non-believer's point of view, because I believe the Scriptures are true.
I am a Christian, from the Biblical point of view, because of the Holy Spirit's powerful witness within my own spirit that they are true.
There are quite a few number of Gospels.
List of Gospels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do ALL of them concur on the lines you quoted?
I believe only the gospels of the Protestant Canon.
I think the Bible itself is the best commentary on what the Bible means. There are 66 different books to consult for understanding of any issue.
If the lines you quoted are 'absolutely True' and interpreted in the same way by all, don't you think the following lines should be changed?
Jesus Loves You -> Jesus Threatens You
God Loves You -> God Threatens You
Is it love, or a threat, to warn someone you care about of the consequences of smoking?
How do you interpret these lines:
"the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty."
Gospel of Thomas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is not part of the Protestant Canon and, therefore, not a gospel I believe.
"The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21
The Kingdom of God is within You - Luke 17:21: Sayings of Jesus - Logion
In the context of the NT, that means that the "kingdom" will not be in accordance with their Messianic desires for an earthly visible kingdom,
but will be a spiritual kingdom mediated (applied) by the Holy Spirit within the spirits of those who believe in Jesus Christ.



Active Member
Whenever I see this thread, I think of this comic:

xkcd: DFS

By your linked cartoon, are you saying "one thing leads to another?" - forgetting 'focus'?

Well, as I have mentioned before,

"The Purpose of the thread is to 'see' 'Unity' in 'Diversity.'
..to go from a "dual" mode to a non-dual mode."

Hence, Diversity -> Unity
One thing or another -> Unity.



Active Member
Well, actually that is a misconception. . .
Jesus came to die as a ransom for the sin of those who believe in him (Mt 20:28, 2628; Jn 10:11),
and to spread the message that there is forgiveness of sin and salvation from the wrath of God on sin, for those who believe in him (Jn 3:18,36).
That is the good news of the gospel.
I like it when you dialogue rationally.

I am a Christian, from the non-believer's point of view, because I believe the Scriptures are true.
I am a Christian, from the Biblical point of view, because of the Holy Spirit's powerful witness within my own spirit that they are true.
I believe only the gospels of the Protestant Canon.
I think the Bible itself is the best commentary on what the Bible means. There are 66 different books to consult for understanding of any issue.
Is it love, or a threat, to warn someone you care about of the consequences of smoking?
That is not part of the Protestant Canon and, therefore, not a gospel I believe.
In the context of the NT, that means that the "kingdom" will not be in accordance with their Messianic desires for an earthly visible kingdom,
but will be a spiritual kingdom mediated (applied) by the Holy Spirit within the spirits of those who believe in Jesus Christ.

"I believe only the gospels of the Protestant Canon."
Don't you think it is 'similar' to saying 'I believe in Science;'
I believe in Physics.
I don't believe in Chemistry or Biology?



Well-Known Member
"I believe only the gospels of the Protestant Canon."
Don't you think it is 'similar' to saying 'I believe in Science;'
I believe in Physics.
I don't believe in Chemistry or Biology?
Scripture is not science, and is not comparable to science.

Scripture is revelation, from God. . .and I believe only the books of the Protestant Canon are revelation from God. I believe the others are not from God.

That's a matter of faith, not logic or reason, and faith is not subject to the authority of human logic or reasoning.


Active Member
Scripture is not science, and is not comparable to science.

Scripture is revelation, from God. . .and I believe only the books of the Protestant Canon are revelation from God. I believe the others are not from God.

That's a matter of faith, not logic or reason, and faith is not subject to the authority of human logic or reasoning.

".and I believe only the books of the Protestant Canon are revelation from God."

So, when "The Father' mentioned by Jesus is the Same God mentioned in All Canons, you prefer to believe in only one?

Will you accept it is quite a justifiable matter of faith, if

.a Muslim says "I believe only the books of the ....Quran.... are revelation from God."
.a Jew says "I believe only the books of the ....Tanakh.... are revelation from God."
.a Hindu says "I believe only the books of the ....Gita.... are revelation from God."
.a Buddhist says "I believe only the books of the ....Pali Canon,.... are revelations."
.a ....... says "I believe only the books of the ............. are revelation from God."
.a ....... says "I believe only the books of the ............. are revelation from God."
.a ....... says "I believe only the books of the ............. are revelation from God."
Religious text - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Will you accept it if I say that such EXCLUSIVE BELIEFS
are the very reasons for Inter-Religious frictions and disharmony,
finally leading to blood-shed on a small scale first and then on to a huge-scale,
legalized as War?

Have you ever tried to explore patiently the 'commonality' that may lie in 'all' religious texts of all religions?



Well-Known Member
".and I believe only the books of the Protestant Canon are revelation from God."
So, when "The Father' mentioned by Jesus is the Same God mentioned in All Canons, you prefer to believe in only one?
Will you accept it is quite a justifiable matter of faith, if
.a Muslim says "I believe only the books of the ....Quran.... are revelation from God."
.a Jew says "I believe only the books of the ....Tanakh.... are revelation from God."
.a Hindu says "I believe only the books of the ....Gita.... are revelation from God."
.a Buddhist says "I believe only the books of the ....Pali Canon,.... are revelations."
.a ....... says "I believe only the books of the ............. are revelation from God."
.a ....... says "I believe only the books of the ............. are revelation from God."
.a ....... says "I believe only the books of the ............. are revelation from God."
Yes, we are free to believe what we will.
Religious text - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Will you accept it if I say that such EXCLUSIVE BELIEFS
are the very reasons for Inter-Religious frictions and disharmony,
I've pointed out that Jesus said we should not suppose that he came to bring peace to the earth, that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.
It's not my place to second guess him, nor to presume that I am wiser than he about the world.
finally leading to blood-shed on a small scale first and then on to a huge-scale,
legalized as War?
You don't need religion to have war. Godless Russia slaughtered millions of Armenians.
Have you ever tried to explore patiently the 'commonality' that may lie in 'all' religious texts of all religions?
The revelation I believe does not allow for that. For almost 4,000 years, it has presented itself as divine Truth, and we are to look for no other.



Vinlandic Warrior
Hi Kaufi,

Do You Like The Bing Commercials?

Are you referring to
1. "some people love them and some people hate them."
2. "Bing commercials actually show what bing is like to use: disjointed, confusing, and utterly useless."
3. Something else.


I was just saying that the Bing commercials start with one thing, and then through word association and connection, they end up with different words or whatever. That's what your threads (and responses) have reminded me of.

YouTube - Bing Search Overload Syndrome: Pregnant


Active Member
Yes, we are free to believe what we will.
I've pointed out that Jesus said we should not suppose that he came to bring peace to the earth, that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.
It's not my place to second guess him, nor to presume that I am wiser than he about the world.
You don't need religion to have war. Godless Russia slaughtered millions of Armenians.
The revelation I believe does not allow for that. For almost 4,000 years, it has presented itself as divine Truth, and we are to look for no other.

If you firmly believe in that statement,
do you believe in this statement also?

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Put. 5:39 Ro 12:19 1Co 4:11,12 1Th 5:15 1Pe 2:21-23 3:9
they. 23:34-36 Ge 9:6 Ps 55:23 Eze 35:5,6 Re 13:10 16:6
Matthew 26:52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

Jesus talks in 'extreme parables.' That is why not even all of his disciples who were with him 24/7 got the 'same meaning' of what he said. To resolve such contradictions, Fill your heart with 'Love' and 'Universality' - then you may have a glimpse of what Jesus was trying to say.



Well-Known Member
If you firmly believe in that statement,
do you believe in this statement also?
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Indeed, I do.
If you have any questions about that, let me know.
Put. 5:39 Ro 12:19 1Co 4:11,12 1Th 5:15 1Pe 2:21-23 3:9
they. 23:34-36 Ge 9:6 Ps 55:23 Eze 35:5,6 Re 13:10 16:6
Matthew 26:52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
Yes, in Rome if you killed with the sword, you were put to death by the sword.
Jesus is reminding Peter of the consequences of trying to kill the High Priest's servant.
Peter aimed for his skull, to split it, and barely missed it, only cutting off his ear.
Jesus talks in 'extreme parables.' That is why not even all of his disciples who were with him 4/7 got the 'same meaning' of what he said.
After Jesus rose and before he ascended back into heaven from which he came, he explained the meaning of those things they did not understand,
opening their minds so they could understand the Scriptures, and explaining to them how he had fulfilled them (Lk 24:44-49).

[NB: God has to open your mind so that you can understand the Scriptures.
We cannot rightly understand them without the aid of the Holy Spirit.]

He had also promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and remind them of everything he said to them (Jn 14:26, 16:13-15; Lk 24:44-49).
The apostles were left with no contradictions to resolve.
To resolve such contradictions, Fill your heart with 'Love' and 'Universality' - then you may have a glimpse of what Jesus was trying to say.
I find no contradictions in what Jesus said, or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter.



Active Member
Indeed, I do.
If you have any questions about that, let me know.

Yes, in Rome if you killed with the sword, you were put to death by the sword.
Jesus is reminding Peter of the consequences of trying to kill the High Priest's servant.
Peter aimed for his skull, to split it, and barely missed it, only cutting off his ear.
After Jesus rose and before he ascended back into heaven from which he came, he explained the meaning of those things they did not understand,
opening their minds so they could understand the Scriptures, and explaining to them how he had fulfilled them (Lk 24:44-49).

[NB: God has to open your mind so that you can understand the Scriptures.
We cannot rightly understand them without the aid of the Holy Spirit.]

He had also promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and remind them of everything he said to them (Jn 14:26, 16:13-15; Lk 24:44-49).
The apostles were left with no contradictions to resolve.
I find no contradictions in what Jesus said, or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter.

I bring the Sword....I bring the Peace

Hi Smokydot...

"I find no contradictions in what Jesus said, or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter"
Then, WHY do you say
"I believe only the books of the Protestant Canon are revelation from God"...?

WHY did you bring the SWORD....in this dialogue?

Look at these: (Christians! of ANY denomination!)

But to bring a sword - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Brief Explanation of the Sword in Matthew 10:34
Did Jesus come to bring peace or not? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Apologetics Press - Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace—or Turmoil?

PS: Your link "opening their minds" is not linking..can you post the full URL?


Well-Known Member
I bring the Sword....I bring the Peace
Hi Smokydot...
"I find no contradictions in what Jesus said, or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter"
Then, WHY do you say
"I believe only the books of the Protestant Canon are revelation from God"...?
Because that's the Bible I believe.
WHY did you bring the SWORD....in this dialogue?
I bring the Word of God written. . .which is also a sword (Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12; Rev 1:16, 19:15).
It was not a link, it was my comment.


Active Member
Hi Meow Mix,

Being a Physics Student...can you Describe
..a Neutrino...which the layman can understand...and which will shatter/uplift his life?
Neutrino - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

..the Coming Grand Unified Theory in Physics...
.which the layman can understand...and which will shatter/uplift his life?

How much do you KNOW in Physics?

I used the Satellite-Linked-Electron-Microscope to watch and analyze you!
..you seem to be NOTHING more than a Collection of Atoms of Mendeleev's Periodic Table!

If you can PROVE that you are ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT,
French Restaurant?