Some of the best hackers in the world, next to government-sponsored Russian ones? Live in China. I think you underestimate the Chinese young people. Don't compare these to the lazy, self-entitled Americans, who wouldn't know how to change a TV channel unless they had an app for that...
Well, you may be right about that. But these hackers in Russia and China - are they free thinkers, or are they working for their government?
It's always been an Open Joke-- it's a literal pacifier for their Base, who are too stupid to recognize pablum/placebo when they are fed it by their government.
I'm reminded of the old "this is your brain on drugs" commercial which was heavily lampooned.
Saving Face. It's all about Saving Face, here-- the paint and/or label becomes more important than the actual content. Content no longer matters-- only the Label matters.
Think Orwell's 1984, and the Ministry Of Truth.
If that's the case, you'd think they'd be a bit more savvy about it. In the US, we don't actively "censor" anything, but there are still ways of discouraging or preventing content deemed offensive or dangerous. Think of how many have been banned by Facebook, YouTube, etc., but that's not considered "censorship" as much as it's a lawful exercise in property rights. But the result is still pretty much the same.
Exactly what "face" are the Chinese trying to save here? They had been pushing for normalized relations with the West and have wanted to put forth the face of a "normal" country by Western standards. That's the face that they've been trying to show us all this time - even when it's pretty obvious that it's a false face.
So, if that's the "face" they're trying to "save," then do they really think it will work?
It's just like how China is notorious for making cheap knock-offs of brand name goods. It may fool the suckers, but if they think such a way of doing things is going to last over the long haul, then they're only fooling themselves.
It's a World Economy, and has been for sometime. China's principle "export"? Cheap labor-- with it having the largest concentration of workers in the world, and Chinese currency being weak to Western currencies? "Labor" was exported into China, who was happy to accept the income.
It's what you get with unregulated Capitalism-- cheap, exploitation of labor. Never forget the Capitalistic Utopia: Labor gets paid ZERO dollars, and Management has zero responsibilities.
It's always been a world economy. It was a world economy back in 1950 and long before that. But you were telling of a situation which painted the US as some kind of permanent dependency of China. I don't think we should have put ourselves in that kind of bind. That was a bad choice our leaders made.