Science will figure things out, the reason it is used for bad things is because of the way our society is. We already have so much green tech not utilised. We have many things that are being held back because it's not profitable... Then the solution is clear to me.
Also, I think people overestimate the amount of time in which damage will occur, I think someone my age (24) will see big changes in the world. It's scary. But I try to keep hope that we'll make it through it, have a revolution and try to reverse the damage.
In USA, all the small states like NY< NJ<MA<CN, already used up their places to put garbage, many years ago and it is shipped out of state, to OHIO.
They already said global warning is not reversible, guessing 100 yrs (not sure till what happens)
We knew for the last 50 years "it might be a problem"
There is no solution because we have no clue what awaits us, so there is nothing to prepare for, it will take complete failure of everything, before anything will be done.
BTW, 3rd world countries have completely ruined their water supply, which is feeding into our water supply, our very natural way of life is what is that is going to blow up in our faces.
The world is like those 900 lb people, who cant get off the bed.
Every day, they said "I will diet tomorrow" and now are bed ridden and will never get up again.
Even you said that science will figure it out.
Science uses science to figure it out, so from day one, they knew that the very first barrel of toxic wastes was un-disposable.
It is not "science will figure it out"
It will be "nature will finally beothslap us" and will come crumbling down.
Do you know that there is a super computer that science uses to figure stuff out that has to be cooled?
According to Amazon’s James Hamilton, a 15MW data center could guzzle up to 360,000 gallons of water per day. The U.S. National Security Agency’s data center in Utah would require up to 1.7 million gallons of water per day, enough to satiate over 10,000 households’ water needs.
One computer alone, uses 1.7 million gallons a day.
they are all over the world now.
Does these supercomputers tell them that, ehhh, ummm, it doesn't rain that much to replace all that water you are using up?
Btw, using up all the fossil fuels first, before figuring it out, is not exactly figuring anything out.
Its called human greed and THAT is what will destroy us.
Figuring it out, does not mean use up everything, then oh my, now what do we do?