Active Member
It sounds sexual to me but I dunno. That's your call, bro.
With the prior asexual signature and the "Am I asexual if..." question, it may be that you're caught up on labels. Is being asexual or not an important part of your identity?
Imo, if you enjoy something and another person enjoys something, have a blast, whatever it is that you want to call it.
It can be hard to shake an identity we've grown accustomed to. It can make us feel special and unique, especially if we have not decided what we will be next or are comfortable with where we are heading.
You may be outgrowing asexuality, is the common answer.
I believe one day I shall lay my hands across the bottom of a truly naughty young lady who deserves it. But from here we digress into fantasy.
I shall sing some of my poetry for my heart beats ever faster.......
"Oh Juliet where are thine' buttocks so I may thusly smacketh thee! For thine brat shan't not speak to thou in sucheth condescending of a tone! For thine naughtiness has earnst thou's merits the abrupt actions of a spanking. Thrice O bewildered girl will thee feel thine hand smacketh thee so ever swiftly!
For you O Juliet knoweth what thou deserveth and shall feel the wrath wrought from my palms as thine fury shall lay waste to ye's buttocks!"
Oh the splendor of spanking!
Total sexuality.
I am sensing some guilt about not being asexual anymore, especially with the "Don't judge me," lines.
No offense, there should be none taken given we are all here to support each other and respectably state opinions.
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