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Speaking in tongues


I know that this has probably been covered on here before, so do forgive me. I wanted a chance to ask this.

I have just started going to a new church, which is fairly pentecostal. I love everything about it - the people, the atmosphere, the way they preach, the worship. Although the speaking in tongues part I am really unsure about.

I have never been around this before, and wondered what you guys thought of it? Do you know where came from?

Has anyone experienced it before? Is it something that happens in church, or can it happen on your own?

Do you believe there is anything in it?

I have tried reading up on it, but it confuses me. I really am naive when it comes to this.
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Agnostic Theist
I know that this has probably been covered on here before, so do forgive me. I wanted a chance to ask this.

I have just started going to a new church, which is fairly pentecostal. I love everything about it - the people, the atmosphere, the way they preach, the worship. Although the speaking in tongues part I am really unsure about.

I have never been around this before, and wondered what you guys thought of it? Do you know where came from?

Has anyone experienced it before? Is it something that happens in church, or can it happen on your own?

Do you believe there is anything in it?

I have tried reading up on it, but it confuses me. I really am naive when it comes to this.
Speaking in tongues is considered to be a spiritual gift. One begins to receive it when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit. It can happen in church, or really anywhere. The idea is that it occurs when one feels Holy Spirit, and out of this a sacred language comes forth.

The idea is based in the Bible. 1 Corinthians (I believe chapters 12-14) speak about it as well as other spiritual gifts. Along with it, some also believe in an interpretation of tongues, which is when the Holy Spirit speaks through a person, and they are able to interpret this sacred language.

It does sound like just jabbering, but for the person doing it, it is special. It allows that person to pray, when they feel a need to, when they feel a tug on their heart to pray, yet allows them to do so even when they just can't find the right words. It allows them to pray in a way that God will understand, but that one does not have to focus on saying the right thing, because instead, what we need to pray comes out in this sacred language.

I grew up in an Evangelical church, I was ordained in that church, and yes, I have practiced in doing this. I personally now do not believe in it, but at the time, it was comforting. It allowed me to pray when I felt a need to, or when I felt in trouble, or the like. It was an outlet for me. More so though, it allowed me to not have to worry about saying the right things, as finding the right words can be very difficult, especially in a time of turmoil. And I can honestly say, I did not believe I was just making it up. To me, it felt as if it was just flowing from me. I now think differently, but I also have a different perspective.

If it isn't something you feel comfortable, I suggest you just don't do it though. If it is something you are interested in, your pastor will definitely help you.


Well-Known Member
I know that this has probably been covered on here before, so do forgive me. I wanted a chance to ask this.

I have just started going to a new church, which is fairly pentecostal. I love everything about it - the people, the atmosphere, the way they preach, the worship. Although the speaking in tongues part I am really unsure about.

I have never been around this before, and wondered what you guys thought of it? Do you know where came from?

Has anyone experienced it before? Is it something that happens in church, or can it happen on your own?

Do you believe there is anything in it?

I have tried reading up on it, but it confuses me. I really am naive when it comes to this.

I experienced it as a kid, not in a church but a seance. Scared me so much I ran out and waited for my mom outside. The really creepy thing was that 20 years later, I heard the same type of jibberish, with similar sounds, being uttered from some folks in a Pentecostal church I was visiting! After carefully studying 1 Cor chapter 14 in conjunction with 1 Tim 6:20, I was convinced the "tongue" speaking or babblings we so often hear today is not of biblical origin.


Active Member
I experienced it as a kid, not in a church but a seance. Scared me so much I ran out and waited for my mom outside. The really creepy thing was that 20 years later, I heard the same type of jibberish, with similar sounds, being uttered from some folks in a Pentecostal church I was visiting! After carefully studying 1 Cor chapter 14 in conjunction with 1 Tim 6:20, I was convinced the "tongue" speaking or babblings we so often hear today is not of biblical origin.

Many years ago, I believe it it was in, psychology today there was an article on, "Speaking in Tongues," in which the author pointed out, this was gibberish, but this gibberish has some peculiarities to it. This sounds and other utterances matched the speech patterns of the native language of the person speaking in tongues. So a person, who spoke English, wasn't making the sounds that were characteristic of a language in Africa, or for that matter Chinese.

This is what the Bible says about speaking in tongues (Which when you think about it, should be good enough about looking at the references I give following the verses, for you to make up your own mind on this behavior.):

1 Corinthians 14
19 howbeit in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that I might instruct others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue.
22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to the unbelieving: but prophesying [is for a sign], not to the unbelieving, but to them that believe.
23 If therefore the whole church be assembled together and all speak with tongues, and there come in men unlearned or unbelieving, will they not say that ye are mad?
27 If any man speaketh in a tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most three, and [that] in turn; and let one interpret:
28 but if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

1 Corinthians 13
8 Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away.

I would suggest you look at several articles by such well-known men as,
John MacArthur Speaking in Tongues.

What about Tongues? would be another good commentary to look at.



Jehovah our God is One
the tongues that people in pentecostal churches speak today is not the same thing that is mentioned in the bible.

In the book of Acts, the first account of speaking in tongues takes place when the holy spirit arrives on 120 disciples who were all gathered together. The holy spirit enabled these Jewish speaking followers to speak in different languages so that they could preach the word of God to people of different languages (tongues)

Acts 2:2 Now while the day of the [festival of] Pentecost was in progress they were all together at the same place, 2 and suddenly there occurred from heaven a noise just like that of a rushing stiff breeze, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. 3 And tongues as if of fire became visible to them and were distributed about, and one sat upon each one of them, 4 and they all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak with different tongues, just as the spirit was granting them to make utterance.
5 As it was, there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, reverent men, from every nation of those under heaven. 6 So, when this sound occurred, the multitude came together and were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7 Indeed, they were astonished and began to wonder and say: “See here, all these who are speaking are Gal·i·le′ans, are they not? 8 And yet how is it we are hearing, each one of us, his own language in which we were born? 9 Par′thi·ans and Medes and E′lam·ites, and the inhabitants of Mes·o·po·ta′mi·a, and Ju·de′a and Cap·pa·do′ci·a, Pon′tus and the [district of] Asia, 10 and Phryg′i·a and Pam·phyl′i·a, Egypt and the parts of Lib′y·a, which is toward Cy·re′ne, and sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cre′tans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues about the magnificent things of God.” 12 Yes, they were all astonished and were in perplexity, saying one to another: “What does this thing purport to be?”

So what is going on in pentecostal churches has nothing to do with the holy spirit. They are not speaking in different languages for the purpose of preaching to gentiles. They are making strange noises, yes, but they are certainly not speaking a language.

My view is that something demonic is happening to them.


Well-Known Member
Talking in tongues is one of many ways to produce an altered state simply and easily.

It has no more relationship to any particular religion or belief than breathing does.

It is spontaneously uttering in a form which is felt as a language, as though it were your native tongue.

I can't remember exactly when I first discovered it myself, but I have had some great sessions. I once heard a sufi teacher chanting the first part of the muslim shahada - la ilaha il allah - and that is awesome to dive right into. Being something like a tongue twister it requires a lot of focussed attention and that plus the sound you are making is mesmerising.

I suggest that you just imagine you know a totally unique personal language, and start talking in it. You may feel self-conscious and a bit awkward at first, but just carry on until you are doing it thoughtlessly. Singing or rapping in tongues over a musical or percussive background is a good option to learn to enjoy the experience. Allow the experience to be driven by whatever feelings arise, and express those feelings without reference to thoughts and beliefs.

It is an excellent way to allow expression of emotion, and to map out your feelings and especially any blocked emotions. Because there are no words, it frees you from conceptual mind and the neurolinguistic patterning which has set like glue around your mind. I think the activity allows a deeper level of language and 'inner dialogue' to be directly experienced, without the judgements and evaluations which otherwise accompany thought (and by extension, prayer).

Try it out away from other people. Keep it to yourself. Don't start up on a bus or in the park or you may be carted off in a straight jacket.:eek:
Vary your approach - Try it very softly under the full moon by the sea, try it loudly in the mountain forests, use it to talk to an imaginary alien who replies telepathically from Sirius :rolleyes: Really. What I mean is allow the experience to take you outside your box.

I had an amazing surprise one day, listening to the radio. Some Cree people from Canada were in Australia about 20 years ago attending an international youth festival in Darwin. When I heard their native tongue i was shocked and amazed at how similar it is to my own natural form of uttering.Not sure what that means, but it felt good for some reason.

It can help to learn some simple mantras in sanskrit, or short prayers in aramaic/hebrew/arabic, or aboriginal or native American songs. That is something like learning different kinds of scales if you are a musician - each kind of sound will produce personal inner responses, and help to educate the part of your brain that is using it to express.

Being an electronic music maker, one approach I've tried to loosen up the language centre is to record phrases of my normal speech in a wave editor, then reverse it and learn to imitate it. You can have fun with this. Then record the phrase you have learned to say backwards. Reverse it and listen - this will give you the original phrase back, if you have said it properly (quite tricky to do). This really reeducates your brain-tongue circuit.

The way you speak just about defines your reality. Loosening it up is like yoga stretches for your hidden psychoanatomy.


Jehovah our God is One

27 If any man speaketh in a tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most three, and [that] in turn; and let one interpret:
28 but if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

1 Corinthians 13
8 Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away.

You may notice in this verse that Paul says an interpreter is required if someone is speaking in tongues, otherwise it is of no benefit to anyone. the purpose of tongues is for a person of another language to hear the word of God and learn. Normally in a pentecostal church, there are people speaking in tongues but no interpreter. So it is not in harmony with scripture to continue the practice.

Also the scripture says that the talking in tongues would 'cease'....it was really only something done to establish the church among the nations...which happened centuries ago, so tongues are not needed nowdays anyway.


Agnostic Theist
You may notice in this verse that Paul says an interpreter is required if someone is speaking in tongues, otherwise it is of no benefit to anyone. the purpose of tongues is for a person of another language to hear the word of God and learn. Normally in a pentecostal church, there are people speaking in tongues but no interpreter. So it is not in harmony with scripture to continue the practice.

Also the scripture says that the talking in tongues would 'cease'....it was really only something done to establish the church among the nations...which happened centuries ago, so tongues are not needed nowdays anyway.

Actually, much of the time when it does occur in a pentecostal church, there are interpreters. Also, it doesn't say it is no benefit to speak in tongues, if there is no interpreter, but that one should then just do it silently.

More so, the verse doesn't say when it will end. The "church" is still be established among many nations, so there is no reason for it to have ceased.


Jehovah our God is One
Actually, much of the time when it does occur in a pentecostal church, there are interpreters. Also, it doesn't say it is no benefit to speak in tongues, if there is no interpreter, but that one should then just do it silently.

More so, the verse doesn't say when it will end. The "church" is still be established among many nations, so there is no reason for it to have ceased.

So Paul was wrong on both counts?


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I know that this has probably been covered on here before, so do forgive me. I wanted a chance to ask this.

I have just started going to a new church, which is fairly pentecostal. I love everything about it - the people, the atmosphere, the way they preach, the worship. Although the speaking in tongues part I am really unsure about.

I have never been around this before, and wondered what you guys thought of it? Do you know where came from?

Has anyone experienced it before? Is it something that happens in church, or can it happen on your own?

Do you believe there is anything in it?

I have tried reading up on it, but it confuses me. I really am naive when it comes to this.
A "tongue" (in this context) is nothing more than a "language." I believe in the gift of tongues (both the speaking and the interpretation of tongues), but I don't think this means rambling on in some language that nobody understands. When God gives people the gift of tongues, it's with a purpose in mind, and that purpose would be to further His work. He enables a person to temporarily either speak or understand a foreign language that he's previously had no knowledge of in order to communicate something of importance to someone else.
Speaking in tongues is mentioned in the bible and I believe it is still a gift from the Holy Spirit, when we pray we can often be selfish even thoughtless of what God really wants to do, I think tongues is when the Holy spirit links with ours and makes our prayers of God and according to his will, I have prayed in tongues on times and it always brings such a spirit and a peace with it, often when in church those prayers have been interpreted as a message from God.Go ahead relax and let the Holy spirit take control you will be glad you did.


New Member
I dislike the gift of tounges. I don't mean to offend, but it just feels wrong in many senses to me. I went to a Four Square church growing up, I used to go to events there so I had a lot of friends, and they believed in praying in tounges. I would normally remain silent during that time. ONCE I went up for prayer and felt pressured into speaking in tounges and I simply hated that. But instead I just said the Our Father in Latin. They believe in it and that's fine but don't feel pressured to follow suit just to attend the church. The church knew I was Catholic and more then once I walked out on a sermon because I felt they speaking of things they had no authority to speak, especially when comparing Catholicism and Christianity. But every church can fall into that trap.

I had read before that speaking in tounges can also be twisted and used by Satan during demonic possessions. It is not the only gift twisted. But because of this I have a very uneasy feeling, even now, when someone speaks in tounges. I do not envy that gift. I am grateful for my own Gifts of the Spirit and if you distrust it God will give you a gift you are ready for. Don't be afraid to be yourself or fall into something you don't trust or are not ready for.
I dislike the gift of tounges. I don't mean to offend, but it just feels wrong in many senses to me. I went to a Four Square church growing up, I used to go to events there so I had a lot of friends, and they believed in praying in tounges. I would normally remain silent during that time. ONCE I went up for prayer and felt pressured into speaking in tounges and I simply hated that. But instead I just said the Our Father in Latin. They believe in it and that's fine but don't feel pressured to follow suit just to attend the church. The church knew I was Catholic and more then once I walked out on a sermon because I felt they speaking of things they had no authority to speak, especially when comparing Catholicism and Christianity. But every church can fall into that trap.

I had read before that speaking in tounges can also be twisted and used by Satan during demonic possessions. It is not the only gift twisted. But because of this I have a very uneasy feeling, even now, when someone speaks in tounges. I do not envy that gift. I am grateful for my own Gifts of the Spirit and if you distrust it God will give you a gift you are ready for. Don't be afraid to be yourself or fall into something you don't trust or are not ready for.

You do not have to speak in tongues as some would have you believe, I was saved in a pentecostal church and there is great pressure to speak in tongues it is proof of being in filled with the Holy Spirit to them but if it comes it comes it does not make you any more or any less saved but speaking in tongues is biblical so I would not ignore it as something that should not or could not happen.Speaking in tongues is a gift from the Holy Spirit and as such could not be used by the enemy for anything having said that the enemy is a deceiver but trust in the Spirit and ask for discernment and you will know who is and is not speaking through people.