Intentionally Blank
Your question is a good one. In fact, speciation is a theory without substance. Despite intensive scientific efforts to induce speciation through mutations in laboratories, and some widely publicized 'examples', later debunked, ToE advocates are still groping for evidence. Darwin's finches are a good example. The national academy of sciences pointed to these finches in 1999 as "a particularly compelling example of speciation". The studies of Peter and Rose Mary Grant of these finches debunked this 'example', a fact the NAS failed to mention in it's 1999 brochure.
And the embarassing fact is these finches remain..finches. If scientists, working feverishly for decades, cannot induce speciation, then how can it occur 'naturally' and be responsible for the millions of species we know today? The simple answer is: It can't and it didn't.
So rusra, do you deny that speciation, as defined in the OP, happens?