A lengthy post follows but I felt it necessary:
My point of view is based on Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26,27. So I was wondering how someone who is gay and believes they are Christian views these scriptures. Many different Bibles state the same thing.
My approach to Leviticus would be that 'abomination' and 'disgusting' are odd translations. The restrictions, including the stuff about lying with men, are about ritual uncleanliness. Most Christians already ignore most of them anyway, it is hypocritical and homophobic to chuck out the rest and still insist that homosexuality is an abomination. Paul also says that Christian's aren't bound by Mosaic law.
Not sure about the context for Romans, but are 'unnatural relations' and 'shameful lusts' definitely homosexual? Most of your translations weren't very specific. Under some Christian definitions, sex outside of marriage would qualify, or straight anal sex, or even sex outside of the Mosaic ritual cleanliness rules.
Forgive me if a lot of this has already been covered, I'm just catching up :rainbow1: