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Spiritual outlet


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Eh, to an extent on specific things... but not for that reason specifically.

On the whole, my religion is who and what I am. Religion in the more traditional sense simply is one's culture and identity and relationships. That cannot be hidden if one chooses to exist within the world.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Does anyone here keep their true religious/spiritual beliefs to themselves because people would think they’re cuckoo? Personally, I don’t share my beliefs with people outside of this website. It feels good to talk about my beliefs, every now and again, here where nobody knows who I am.

Yes, in general, I keep my spiritual beliefs to myself. I don't normally discuss what I believe as a spiritualist and pagan (Wicca, Druidry, polytheism). In fact, very few people in my life are aware of my spiritual beliefs or my lifelong experiences with paranormal phenomena. But I don't want to derail your thread with a lengthy explanation, so I'll just post a link to a previous post where I further explained why I generally keep my personal spiritual beliefs to myself.

My previous post (with additional links):



हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Does anyone here keep their true religious/spiritual beliefs to themselves because people would think they’re cuckoo?

My perspective is that I don’t have to say that I believe DEF when really I believe ABC. This is because people in general would probably not think I’m cuckoo when explaining my beliefs as a Hindu. Anybody who has read the Bhagavad Gītā, for instance, can recognize that Hindu philosophy is sophisticated like many other philosophies. (One night when I was having pizza with some co-workers, they asked me many questions about my beliefs, and I kindly answered truthfully. Their reactions were positive. More than once though, they said something like, ‘That is so different’ or, ‘That is really complex.’)

It feels good to talk about my beliefs, every now and again, here where nobody knows who I am.

I am glad that you are on RF to talk about your beliefs. You are part of a decent community where you can talk about your beliefs yet never have to be known as you would be offline.

On the whole, my religion is who and what I am. Religion in the more traditional sense simply is one's culture and identity and relationships. That cannot be hidden if one chooses to exist within the world.

I totally agree. Religion is much more than a book, a creed, and a building (if any of those are even present in a religion). Being a Hindu, so much of what I do, big and small, in daily life makes me feel like I am part of a culture that I was not raised in. So, if a person were to ask why I do certain things a certain way or why I see some things the way that I do, I would have to tell the person that it is part of who I am as a Hindu.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Ditto for me. I once had a wonderful half-hour or so of an evening when some people showed up unannounced to try to convert us. I instead, while I continued to do yard work in front of them, told them all about MY religion, and wouldn't they be interested in converting?:D

They listened politely for awhile, said goodbye, then went about their own business...

Why would I lie when I can tell them the truth?

I most certainly was not playing a joke on them...I was giving them some of their own medicine back.

I've done exactly the same thing, and I don't think it's wrong to turn the tables like that. I'm well-versed in the Bible and have the advantage of being a former Christian evangelist, evangelism team leader, and effective street preacher, which all required substantial knowledge of the Bible and Christian theology. So it doesn't take me long to turn the tables on people who are trying to proselytize me. Like you, I give them a dose of their own medicine.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
I've done exactly the same thing, and I don't think it's wrong to turn the tables like that. I'm well-versed in the Bible and have the advantage of being a former Christian evangelist, evangelism team leader, and effective street preacher, which all required substantial knowledge of the Bible and Christian theology. So it doesn't take me long to turn the tables on people who are trying to proselytize me. Like you, I give them a dose of their own medicine.
Now, if I were going to yank their chains, I would have said, "Do you have some time to hear about Our Lord Cthulhu?":D


I am often inspired outside of the Biblical scriptures, but those scriptures are the basis of why people knock on my door to talk about Jesus.

I am a willing listener for those who believe it necessary to "witness" as I believe God meets us wherever we are willing to be found. I also believe in where two or more are gathered in his name, he is there. For me, that means the teachings of Jesus -- love of God and love of neighbor, not that Jesus is God and is literally standing over us. So they are welcomed.

HOWEVER, don't ask a direct question if you don't want a truthful answer. I can nod and smile, and converse on neutral ground for a long, long time, but if conversation begins to drill to the core, I'll not lie.

I'll also not try to convert. But I will ask loaded questions in response to loaded questions. I will try to point towards "proofs" of my position for clarity of understanding. I'll even apologize for the frustration and nervousness this oftentimes sparks, and I'll do my best to turn it back to neutral ground fellowship.

I so enjoy neutral ground fellowship!

But it seems that does not come on the entree menu. That appears to be only served as an appetizer.

“Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.”
--Frances of Assisi

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I've found that very very very few are interested in what I believe. Occasionally someone will ask or here on RF I'll mention something as part of a discussion. But the vast majority are happy in their belief or lack of belief and are just not interested in what I happen to think.


Veteran Member
I find that no one ever asks about my ideas about spirituality. Not even here. So I surmise that no one cares. Occasionally there will be a thread here that asks a general question about our spiritual perspectives, but it's not a very common occurrence.

Do any of you all think anyone really cares what you believe in this regard? Why do you think so?
Does anyone here keep their true religious/spiritual beliefs to themselves because people would think they’re cuckoo? Personally, I don’t share my beliefs with people outside of this website. It feels good to talk about my beliefs, every now and again, here where nobody knows who I am.
If you believe in something or someone, then your reason is the truth behind it. opposite or contradictory views can not all be true at the same time therefore, by sharing your beliefs, someone might come to understand whether or not they are walking the right path.


Veteran Member
If you believe in something or someone, then your reason is the truth behind it. opposite or contradictory views can not all be true at the same time therefore, by sharing your beliefs, someone might come to understand whether or not they are walking the right path.
Contradictory views can all be true at the same time if you read between the lines


I find that no one ever asks about my ideas about spirituality. Not even here. So I surmise that no one cares. Occasionally there will be a thread here that asks a general question about our spiritual perspectives, but it's not a very common occurrence.

Do any of you all think anyone really cares what you believe in this regard? Why do you think so?
Only in three ways, and in order:
1- to prove wrong and feel superior
2- to be assured of a non-threat
3- to find commonalities
Contradictory views can all be true at the same time if you read between the lines
please i don't know what rule you're using but if it about truth claims, contradictory statements can not all be true at the same time example; 'God Is Spirit' against 'God is Not Spirit' both can never be true only one unless you Say 'God is Spirit, God Is Man' then it is not a contradiction meaning all can be true.
I find that no one ever asks about my ideas about spirituality. Not even here. So I surmise that no one cares. Occasionally there will be a thread here that asks a general question about our spiritual perspectives, but it's not a very common occurrence.

Do any of you all think anyone really cares what you believe in this regard? Why do you think so?
When i Question is posed, no body will directly ask you for your ideas, whether or not they are useful, unless you lay them down. It's all up to you


Veteran Member
please i don't know what rule you're using but if it about truth claims, contradictory statements can not all be true at the same time example; 'God Is Spirit' against 'God is Not Spirit' both can never be true only one unless you Say 'God is Spirit, God Is Man' then it is not a contradiction meaning all can be true.
You’re not reading between the lines


Staff member
Premium Member
I find that no one ever asks about my ideas about spirituality. Not even here. So I surmise that no one cares. Occasionally there will be a thread here that asks a general question about our spiritual perspectives, but it's not a very common occurrence.

Do any of you all think anyone really cares what you believe in this regard? Why do you think so?
I care about other people's beliefs, so I feel its possible someone cares about mine.