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Spiritual questionnaire-humor me here.


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?

God is an infinite reality as we experience. Impersonal and eternal. The various Gods throughout human history are our way of trying to know God and giving the infinite some finite characteristics.

you believe in angels/demons?

As concepts? Yes. As literal beings? No.

Are humans good or bad?

Inherently neither, but are capable of both.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

I don't know if there is even an afterlife.

What is your worship/service like?

Meditation, reverence to the deities, occasional temple visits and pagan circles.

Are good works important?

I think so.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Teachers? Anyone can be a teacher. Incarnations? I don't think there are.

Do you pray?

More akin to meditation


Get me off of this planet
What are the attributes of God(s)?

It depends on which religion or pantheon your interested in.

I think of Wisdom, Kingship, Expertise

Do you believe in angels/demons?

In Judaism Angels were the title of God's Army with various hierarchy and ranks, Angels
that rebelled were branded Demons, like Rogues or traitors. Each composed of different

Christian Version,
Christian angelic hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't say it's not related to some Pagan faiths also.

Are humans good or bad?

Each individual is responsible for their own actions as well as refining themselves.

Bettering yourself is a constant practice.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

There is darkness where some spirits dwell from experience.

What is your worship/service like?

Praising the beauty of nature.

Are good works important?


Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Ongoing studies

Do you pray?

In praise and thanks on occasion


Buddham Saranam Gacchami
What are the attributes of God(s)?

In Buddhism, those that consider themselves to be God are rebuked time and time again and shown to be dependently-originated, mortal, and deluded. In response to the beings that called themselves by the various names of "Brahmā, Great Brahmā, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be,” the Buddha countered that this was impossible, a fabricated reality existing only in the minds of its inventors, demonstrating through careful questioning that such a being does not (and cannot) actually exist. Otherwise, there are beings of radiance with longer than average lifespans and extra-ordinary abilities called devas, but they too are ultimately characterized by ignorance and impermanence.

Do you believe in angels/demons?

No, these are best understood as archetypal reflections of the mind. For instance, in Buddhism, Mara the tempter's daughters, who attempted to lure the Buddha out of meditation prior to his awakening, are named after tendencies of the mind: Raga (Lust/Passion), Arati (Boredom/Aversion), and Taṇhā (Desire/Craving). Mara himself is portrayed as a demonic force embodying unskillful qualities of the mind, but vanishes from the mind as soon as those unskillful qualities are overcome, laid to rest, and abandoned. Bodhisattvas, or beings on the way to enlightenment who vow to help other sentient beings, are viewed as benevolent guardians of sorts.

Are humans good or bad?

Both and neither. It is taught that the mind is luminous but defiled, internally pure yet tainted by external influences. Schools of Buddhism that accept Buddha nature view humans (and other beings, although the human form is considered most conducive to practicing the path to liberation) as innately capable of enlightenment, containing within them the “seed” or potential for realization.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

Only as impermanent mind states. In traditional Buddhist cosmology, beings may be reborn in various heavenly and hellish existences, but these are states are 1) non-eternal and 2) mind-made. They are not eternal states of reward or condemnation.

What is your worship/service like?

Worship is not relevant to the path I practice, but service often consists of meditation, recitation/chanting of precepts, vows, and other verses, as well as ceremonies and teachings. My individual practice includes regular retreats, frequent group and solo meditation, and maintaining mindfulness in everyday life; cultivation of virtue through ethical conduct such as in the case of acts of goodwill; and thorough study of classical and modern texts and commentaries.

Are good works important?

Yes, wholesome volitions of body, speech, and mind are essential on the path. A well-cared for seed yields great fruits for all.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Many, with all lineages tracing their roots back to the Buddha. Whether non-ordained lay teachers, monastics, or living incarnations of bodhisattvas - Buddhism has it all.

Do you pray?

No, but I practice well-wishing that manifests in direct action.


Avid JW Bible Student
I thought it might be fun to get y'all's opinions on different spiritual subjects. Feel free to expand as much as you want. Here goes:

What are the attributes of God(s)?
For a Bible believing Christian......
1 Cor 13:4-8
"“Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” (also Exodus 34:6, 7)

"God is LOVE".

Do you believe in angels/demons?
The Bible frequently speaks about them. They are spirit sons of God, who like humans are endowed with free will. The difference between an angel and a demon is the abuse of said free will.

Free will is not entirely free, because it comes with a cost.
When used for the benefit of others, (as it was intended) it is a precious gift that would benefit all, opening up opportunities to show love every day....but when it is used selfishly, it becomes a curse that burdens down human society. When one person exercises their free will at the expense of another's, no happiness results for anyone.
God wanted it used for good but with sin and a knowledge of evil in the world, very little good is seen.

Are humans good or bad?
Both. With a knowledge of good and evil came the choice to exercise power over others, physically, politically, economically and religiously. Humans are not created to be ruled by other humans. Power corrupts them because we are not designed to exercise power over one another. We are supposed to be ruled by our Creator.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
Heaven is the dwelling place of God. No human apart from Jesus knew what heaven was like because no human went there before he did. (John 3:13) Flesh and blood cannot go there. (1 Cor 15:50) Only spirit beings inhabit this realm.

Hell is not what is taught in the churches. A God of love would never torture people for any reason. In his laws to Israel, there were no prisons, let alone torture chambers. If you committed a capital offense, you paid with your life...end of story. God does not send just the wicked to hell.
Hell is the common grave of all mankind. Since all "souls" sin...we all go to this hell to "rest in peace" until it is time for the resurrection of the dead to take place. Jesus will call the dead back to life (Ezek 18:4; Eccl 9:5, 6 10; John 5:28, 29)

What is your worship/service like?
JW's have no ritual or ceremony in their weekly worship. We meet for interactive Bible study, instruction and training for our ministry. Meaningless ritual and repetitious prayers are not the way Jesus taught his disciples to worship his Father. (Matt 6:7; John 17:3) We get to "know" God by learning all we can about him and putting that knowledge into practice.

Are good works important?
James 2:24, 26: "You see that a man is to be declared righteous by works, and not by faith alone." "Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Christ was with his Father in heaven from the beginning, being his first and only direct creation, which is why he is called "only begotten". The son was then used as the agency through whom all other things came into existence. (Col 1:15, 16)
He willingly came to earth to be born as a human child to offer a ransom of equal worth to God; his life was an equivalent for what Adam forfeited, thereby rescuing his children from an endless cycle of sin and death.

Do you pray?
We are encouraged to pray every day, just as we would talk to a beloved father. The content of our prayers is a reflection of the content of our heart.

Pleasure. :)


Premium Member
Quote:Are humans good or bad?

People are neither good nor bad, they are human. We live by our flesh.


I feel the need to explain my answer more fully. People aren't good but they do good things, people aren't totally consumed by evil, but they can do some pretty awful things. :)


What are the attributes of God(s)?
He's God the creator.

Do you believe in angels/demons?
I do.

Are humans good or bad?
Since, am bad and others are Good, Thus.. there are both types.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
Of course.

What is your worship/service like?
Like.. a drunkard, who long for more and more wine. or like a greedy, who long for more and more money. or like a Romeo who longed for Juliet. etc.

Are good works important?
Of course, they are important for spiritual progress.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Do you pray?
How dare! I can't.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I should do mine.

What are the attributes of God(s)? Creator, unknowable, in everything.

Do you believe in angels/demons? I don't think so.

Are humans good or bad? I don't agree with original sin, but we can choose good or bad.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell? Not literally, but figuratively; remoteness or closeness to God.

What is your worship/service like? Currently, lots of singing, tithe, sermon, communion, singing, benediction.

Are good works important? Yes.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations? One incarnation, and many teachers.

Do you pray? Yes, several times a day.


New Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?

Supreme; omnipotent; unknowable.

Do you believe in angels/demons?


Are humans good or bad?

Humans are born with a blank slate. Upbringing, culture, life experiences, and choices mold goodness or evil.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

I believe so. One involves the soul growing nearer to God. The other does not.

What is your worship/service like?

High Church Episcopal.

Are good works important?

Good works, small and large, are important.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Jesus Christ is the major one.

Do you pray?

I try to set time to pray once a day. I try to have mini prayers throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Are humans good or bad?
A human is a human, their actions can be good or bad - most people are a bit of both.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
Only what we make of it here.

What is your worship/service like?
It's about finding the connection within. Sikhs sing a lot. :)

Are good works important?

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
One Guru, expressed through Guru Nanak thru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Do you pray?
I immerse myself in scripture, service and meditation to foster a connection to the Divine. We shouldn't "pray" for anything except to see God.
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Well-Known Member
>What are the attributes of God(s)?

All-loving, All-knowing, and All-powerful, to name a few attributes.

>Do you believe in angels/demons?

Angels, yes: Angels are simply PEOPLE who have become completely spiritual.

Demons, no: they don't exist. And "satan" is merely our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.

>Are humans good or bad?

Humans are born essentially good.

>Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

Both exist here and now as well as after death.

Heaven is spiritual nearness to God; hell spiritual remoteness from Him.

>What is your worship/service like?

We don't have one. Our scriptures do, however, state that work (our professions), when performed in a spirit of service to humanity, ranis as worship of God!

>Are good works important?

Of course.

>Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Teachers, lots of them, all around the world! :)

Incarnations, no.

>Do you pray?

Of course.

Peace, :)




Sunni muslim
What are the attributes of God ?
Patient, Forgiving, Merciful, Generous ...

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Are humans good or bad?

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

What is your worship/service like?
Sermons and prayers

Are good works important?

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Teachers yes (Prophets, followers ...), incarnations no

Do you pray?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
What are the attributes of God(s)?

As a pantheist, I believe "God", in terms of a cosmic deity, is an immanent Force that is manifest in everything that exists. It is the animating principle but it is also death and decay.

But I am also a polytheist. I believe there's many personal gods that are localized to our planet and our species.I believe that my patron God, Lucifer/Satan, is immanent within the psyche of humanity as I believe He is responsible for the emergence of the ratlonal mind and individual consciousness in humanity. I also believe that He exists outside/apart from us, as well. I believe He has had many names and guises throughout human history and culture. I view Lilith as His Bride and the first human to accept His Gift and the first human to ascend to Godhood, so She has an especially honored place in my beliefs.

Of course this is metaphorical...

Do you believe in angels/demons?
I accept the Greco-Roman view of Daimons as guiding spirits and also the personified Higher Self.

Are humans good or bad?
Neither, inherently. We have the choice to choose. We are born with possibility and that's it.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
Heaven and Hell exist inside of us, in a psychological sense. Heaven could be your Hell and Hell could be your Heaven. The Christian and Muslim idea of Heaven would be Hell to me. Hardcore sensual exploration with the Cenobites would be more my idea of Heaven, as opposed to the Abrahamic concept.

I believe there are possibly infinite non-physical dimensions. It all exists in our minds. I believe the mind exists apart from the body and in reincarnation.

What is your worship/service like?
I worship Lord Satan by emulating His characteristics, being thankful for His Gifts and making use of them.

Are good works important?
Not in my religion. Development of Self is paramount. How you choose to conduct yourself in your daily life is up to you. I myself strive to compassionate and understanding but I don't put up with crap, either. I treat people as I see they deserve to be treated. That's my version of the "golden rule".

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
There are many possible teachers. God is within us and various deities can manifest Themselves through us.

Do you pray?
Yes, I pray to Father Satan and Mother Lilith.

You're welcome.
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Possessed Bookworm
What are the attributes of God(s)?
Powerful, wise, command respect. (Note: I don't worship any god(s), but that's what I'm looking for in one.)

Do you believe in angels/demons?
No, not objectively. I think angels and demons are part of our own psyche.

Are humans good or bad?
Neither, both, not applicable. (I don't believe in objective morals.)

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

What is your worship/service like?
I sometimes dance under the stars. Sometimes I bow to the moon or pay my respects to the darkness. At other times I light candles and make a symbolic sacrifice to forces either inside me or outside me to help me cope with everyday life.

Are good works important?
Sure. Making the world a better place is never a bad idea.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
I was going to say no, but that's not entirely true. I am my own teacher.

Do you pray?
Not in the traditional sense, no.


Agnostic Pantheist
What are the attributes of God(s)?

I don't really believe in God in the traditional sense. As in a human personification of a deity behind creation. To me, God is the sum parts a wider picture. I don't believe 'merciful', 'just', 'vengeful' and so on are God's attributes, these are human (and animal) attributes. I believe God's attributes are the storm, and also the quiet after the storm. It's the orbits of heavenly bodies, geological activities on our planet, and completely natural forces that cannot be categorized into a neat box of human emotions which comfortably address the woes of human society or individuals.

Do you believe in angels/demons?
Angels and demons have various versions in ancient world religion. The daemons of the Greek world are not necessarily evil beings for example, but could represent a generic term for various spirits, including nature spirits, guides, or even the gods themselves. Only in some versions they took on the form of harmful spirits. Another philosophy about daemons developed the idea of a spirit guide who watches over the person and in contemporary Occult philosophy (developed extensively in the previous centuries) this daemon, or HGA (Holy Guardian Angel) is in fact our True-Self, and it is our goal to work in order to manifest the traits of this Self. Usually, from this perspective, our petty personal beliefs are meant to dissolve as we develop our consciousness.

In the mythological sense, I believe that religions throughout history and ancient times had various versions of this subject. In some cases, the sharp duality between benevolent and malevolent spirits does not exist, instead what we have is a colorful collection of beings with their own desires and agendas, including gods and tricksters. In some traditions, for example in some major Near Eastern civilizations such as in Persian Zoroastrianism a strong system of duality developed with hierarchies of 'angels' and 'demons'. Judaism during the Second Temple Period also went through a process of embracing duality in some of its streams (the sect at Qumran for example) as a cosmic war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness (led by Belial and his chief antagonists) was developed and was manifested in the political situation at the time in the sect's view. This could have been part of a diffusion of ideas process in the ancient Near East as religious philosophies circulated. This strong duality between light and darkness, and good and evil was of course passed to Christianity which marginalized revered gods of the Classical world and the ancient Near East into demons. Or as the Biblical Satan of the Hebrew Scriptures made a transition from some type of trickster into an arch nemesis of God and all creation.

Are humans good or bad?
Humans are complicated creatures, with needs, desires and interests. It's how they work to satisfy their will that makes us judge them for good or ill.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
I don't believe in either. I believe in the natural world, and in the Shakespearean sense, I believe that There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

What is your worship/service like?
My worship is more in the sense of intuitive expression rather than in the form of organized rituals or ceremonies. There are times that I feel a great reverence and appreciation to a natural environment, or to life's circumstances.

Are good works important?
They are as important as many other things, and sometimes not as important. The most important for any living being is to be able to stand on their own. To be independent and self sufficient. To be able to live properly in this life. Only then, can they seriously divert energies to good works in a more constructive way.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Many. Other human beings I encounter in my journeys while traveling, during my work, professors in the academy, soldiers I served with. And of course various animals that I find wisdom in their ways. Then there is the more poetical dimension, of finding wisdom and inspiration in the figures of world literature and mythology. Chiron the centaur, Odysseus, Hector, Enki, Maat, Horus, the Hebrew prophets, Odin and others of the Aesir, Al-Khidr. Even John the Baptist has a strong aura for me, his wild and vigor appearance, his diet (wild honey and locusts), and his fierce and courageous criticism of the powers of his time (which brought his death).

Do you pray?
More than pray, I guide my focus and attention in order to channel my goals and desire.

Sure thing!
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RF's pet cat
What are the attributes of God(s)?

I'm a Panentheist, so the deity for me is beyond everything and within everything. I don't know much else except that I feel love from it. I also feel a strong connection to nature and whether or not they're spirits, gods or sparks of the divine... I don't know.

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Literally, no. If you're talking about figurative representation of the human conscience, then yes.

Are humans good or bad?

I believe most of us have a good nature and sometimes do bad due to poor decisions, not nurturing the good in us, society, environmental factors, mental illnesses and so on. But yeah that's a whole other topic!

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

I don't know. This isn't very important to me but I still gave it some thought.

I love to think that we have an afterlife in which we spend as we like... Everyone's got their own idea of what paradise is. Or perhaps it's as simple as going back to the source of everything.

I don't believe in an eternal literal hell as it's not reconcilable with my idea of a loving deity. Something figurative, not eternal then maybe.

What is your worship/service like?

I sometimes light up candles and/or incense then talk to the deity and nature around me. Is that worship?

Are good works important?

I think this is the most important! I try to take care of nature around me, help out when I can, etc. It doesn't matter which religion one follows, if they are striving to being their best.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

No one particularly, I read a lot of different books from different faiths plus a little bit of philosophy and psychology. I view nature as very important too, in my learning.

Do you pray?

As in speaking to the deity? Yes, not everyday but often.


No problem! :D


Well-Known Member

Bruce said:
Angels are simply PEOPLE who have become completely spiritual.

I have never heard this before. Can you explain more? Thanks!

Happy to! :)

I quote the Baha'i scriptures:

86 "And now, concerning His words: 'And He shall send His angels....' By 'angels' is meant those who, reinforced by the power of the spirit, have consumed, with the fire of the love of God, all human traits and limitations, and have clothed themselves with the attributes of the most exalted beings....

87 "And now, inasmuch as these holy beings have sanctified themselves from every human limitation, have become endowed with the attributes of the spiritual, and have been adorned with the noble traits of the blessed, they therefore have been designated as 'angels.' Such is the meaning of these verses...."

-- The Book of Certitude, pp. 78-80

Peace, :)


Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
What is your worship/service like?
I sometimes dance under the stars. Sometimes I bow to the moon or pay my respects to the darkness. At other times I light candles and make a symbolic sacrifice to forces either inside me or outside me to help me cope with everyday life.
