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Spoke to an Atheist Today


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I've read it. Years ago, I was in every sense of the word a fundamentalist Christian. The God Delusion was a book recommended to me by atheists. Since I actually cared whether or not my beliefs were true, I gave the arguments in that book a fair shake. I had never heard very many arguments against Christianity at that point, but with the sheer power of logic and science, it exposed how ridiculous my beliefs were.

I then entered a state of mind where my brain was convinced that God probably doesn't exist, but my "mind" had a desire to want God to exist. There was a deep psychological fear of going to hell and The God Delusion ended up quelling a lot of that fear by giving me constant reassurance that Hell probably doesn't exist and I won't roast for being a generally good person who doesn't believe in a concept that is unsupported by evidence or reason.

Of course, I didn't just stop at The God Delusion. I kept reading more and more. The Portable Atheist, The Missionary Position, Hitch-22, and God is Not Great by Hitchens. Letter to a Christian Nation by Harris. Why Evolution is True by Coyne. The Greatest Show on Earth, The Blind Watchmaker, The Selfish Gene, The Extended Phenotype, The God Delusion, Climbing Mount Improbable by Dawkins. The God Hypothesis by Stenger. The Counter-Creationism Handbook by Isaak. The Theory of Everything, The Grand Design, A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays by Hawking. Pale Blue Dot by Sagan. Bones, Rocks, and Stars by Turney. And more.

Then I started going to talkorigins and learning even more. I picked up physics textbooks. I started watching YouTube shows like The Atheist Experience to see these ideas put to the test. Thunderf00t's Why Do People Laugh At Creationists series. I became a regular reader at Pharyngula. I also looked at the Hovind videos, both father and son, Ken Ham, the Discovery Institute, William Lane Craig, Dembski, and I could immediately see the fallacies in their positions.

For me, atheism is not just a mere absence of a belief in God, but a rejection of all claims that are unsupported by evidence. My transition from fundamentalist Christianity to atheism was accompanied by a natural curiosity to learn and learn more. When you care about whether or not your beliefs are true, "God did it" is an insufficient explanation for everything. The God Delusion was the book that opened the floodgates for me.
Looks like you've really done your homework. I want to bookmark this post so I have a great reading list always available!