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An article by the female enlightened master Sri Anandmurti Gurumaa on the six virtues sam, dam, shraddha, teeteeksha, upram and samadhan.
Sam is mental equanimity, absence of agitation,when the mind is at peace. Sam means no discrimination,no prejudices and bearing no pride for possessing knowledge, or for belonging to any religion, caste, or sect. Dam means having control over one’s sense organs, not being a slave to one’s senses.For example, you see a food item and can’t rest until you eat that.This is lack of dam. The one who has dam, his mind will be at ease, free of all kinds of cravings.
Shraddha means regarding the Guru in the same light as one regards God. Teeteeksha means patience and the ability to bear, to cope with heat and cold, hunger and thirst, praise and condemnation. Upram refers to the dissolution of both attachment or raga and dispassion or vairagya to the world. Samadhan means experiencing and tasting the depths of meditation. The fruition of wisdom can never happen to the one who lacks these six virtues. -- Anandmurti Gurumaa