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Stating the Obvious


If you are going to talk about [font=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Anton Szandor LaVey, please use his entire name. I have pointed this out many times, and am tired of saying it to people individually.

Calling him "LaVey" on a CoS exclusive forum will get you banned immediately. This place is obviously alot more lax. Still, I would like to see a little order.

Please show some respect.


And what has Anton done to deserve my respect? Has he hired me for a job? Is he my landlord? Has he been named ruler of my nation? Being the head of a Church is no great accomplishment, Popes have done that before. Being the author of a philosophy is even more worthless, the most deranged street lunatic can claim to have done that. As he himself once said, "Satanism represents kindness to those who deserve it, not love wasted on ingrates.", so I will lovingly call him by his full name when he deserves it.

Nice to see a legit Anton Szandor LaVeyan Satanist on these forums though, it may come off as sarcasm through the Net, but I genuinely was thinking that this little space needed a few more fanatics. So, greets.

(As a courtesy, and in accordance with my policy of making fair deals, you may make it known among the Church of Satan that I may be called, simply 'James')


Yeah. I don't have to call the god of the jewish "G-d". I don't have to spell "god" with a capital letter. I have the right to deface or defame any religion's lord, whenever I feel like. Free speech :) I can call him "Livvey livvy skivvy fo-fizzy ka-bloom" if I want to (er, but that might be a bit silly). I think your illusions about the "sacred"-ness of your religion are quite amusing!

And I don't mean to be crude...but that sort of bizarre religious fundamentalism always aggravates me.


Heh heh. That reminds me of the Simpsons when Homer calls "Jebus! Save me Jebus!" Some Christians actually get really angry at that...


Well-Known Member
Ceridwen018 said:
Would it be anything like calling Jesus, "J-Chrizzle"? (Sorry, Scott ;) )
Actually, he prefers J-Dawg, or so I've heard. :biglaugh:

I, too, apologize Scott, I just couldn't help it. :D


White Crow
Ummm...yeah, this seems an odd stance to take. On the other hand, I try to have respect for all religions, using proper modes of address and all that, so whenever I speak of Anton Szandor LaVey, I'll call him Anton Szandor LaVey. That's probably the last time you'll hear me say it, but what the heck.

BTW, is there any particular reason for this mode of address? Is it like the title of the Pope?

(makes a note to stop calling the LDS prophet "Gordo")


Eh...I guess that it's just more formal. Just cultural tradition to respect people by using their full name, as well as any titles they may have, such as "President George Bush" and not "Georgey-Poergy". Traditionally, the more formal and less casual, the more respect conferred!

(Well, except for when people have famous nicknames like "Che" or "The Iron Lady"...meh, human tradition is just really complicated :p )


A fool
(Well, except for when people have famous nicknames like "Che" or "The Iron Lady"...meh, human tradition is just really complicated :p )
Agreed and therefore not a difficult thing to ask one not to be offended by. Especially since no malicious intent is implied in such a referral.


What does matter is what that person did , Anton Szandor LaVey is known for his books , so to the satanic and occult comunity is important . But if someone wants to call him LaVey I don`t believe there is a probleme , but please people don`t call him " Livvey", or in some other ways , ok ? Let`s have some respect for each other !


Virus of the Mind
LaVey was also a clown , and personally , I don't like clowns . { he worked as a clown for awhile , I'm not taking a shot at his views here }.

In my opinion , it comes down to respect . As such , I call him by his name . However he has never done anything that I consider respectful enough to warrent me calling him by his whole name . Jesus was not the man's full name , if it was a part of his name at all , and I have much more respect for Jesus then I do LeVey . But that is a personal opinion . And I mean no disrespect say this , but it would be kinda like me saying that from now on , I would like everyone to call me Kreeden , Supreme Being of the Universe and All Around Nice Guy . ;)


Kreeden the name is LaVey and as far as I`m conceirning I`m calling you Kreeden and so does everyone else on RF. And comparing Jesus Christ with Anton Szandor LaVey for us is an offense !


Well-Known Member
Era said:
Kreeden the name is LaVey and as far as I`m conceirning I`m calling you Kreeden and so does everyone else on RF. And comparing Jesus Christ with Anton Szandor LaVey for us is an offense !
Now see....I've been following the Satanism thread every since someone said it isn't about devil worship. I was then curious as to what exactly it was.

But now you've gone and made the above statement and my mind has gone back to Satanism being about the devil, evil, upside down crosses, etc.

Why is it an offense?


Virus of the Mind
Era said:
Kreeden the name is LaVey and as far as I`m conceirning I`m calling you Kreeden and so does everyone else on RF. And comparing Jesus Christ with Anton Szandor LaVey for us is an offense !
Sorry , my French isn't very good I'm afraid . Always have made that mistake with Le and La . And I assure you it was only a mistake . :)

As for comparing Jesus with LaVey , yes it would be offensive for many people . But I was comparing the use of names and using the two as excamples . As was my whole point of my nickname . I'm prefectly happy with you calling me kreeden , Era . I don't see it as being offensive at all . I doubt that you find me calling you Era offensive neither ? However , being told that I have to call some one by their full name , I do find offensive . It shows total lack of respect for my views and opinions , as I see it . I bow to NO man . Nor do I wish to have any man or woman bow to me .


Modern satanism is not about the theistic devil worshiping and I think I wrote that many times . We don`t have inverted cross and so on . I repeat Satan is a symbol of our inner feelings etc , I will not say again the holl story because I`m sure by now some of you know it . We modern satanists ( laveyanism is a part of modern satanism) , don`t believe in God , Jesus Christ , for us they do not exist . We do not believe in theistic gods or their prophets etc . When I said that is an offense I meant that even if you like it or not , Anton Szandor LaVey existed , Jesus Christ didn`t , there are no real evidence . Since for us any theistic ideology , religion , philosophy etc are" spiritual pipe dreams " , " man`s creation" , illusions in another way , then you might understant why comparing a living man who did a lot for satanism ( but those who don`t understand satanism are not able to understant this) with an illusion it is an offense .
Kreeden , the fact that you don`t know french to good is not an excuse . This name that all of you hate has been written so many times not only on satanism`s forums , that is impossible for one not to remember . There is a subforum called" Laveyan satanism" . I never said that calling you Kreeden would be offensive for you , read again my post and see it . My name is Era and I`m not offend when people call me this way since is my name . When I said that I`m calling you Kreeden just like everyone else does I meant to say that I respect you just like everyone else does here on RF. So since I do respect you and I call you Kreeden and not in another way , please try to have the same respect , if not for Anton Szandor LaVey , at least for me!
Thank you I hope now everybody understood ! And please try to undrestant we don`t have anything to do with christianity or any other form of monotheistic religion !