It is my understanding (maybe an incorrect one) that most of the murtis have been somehow blessed in ritualistic proccesses so to have the spiritual energy of the gods they depict. Isn´t it the case?
dear me my self ,
yes you are perfectly correct ,
in the case of temple murtis or deitys there is a process of instalation , where by the lord (in which ever form or incarnation )is requested to reside in the murti , at this point the mirti is concidered non different from the lord and is worshiped as the lord in person .
thus it is conciddered that once installed the mirti must receive a constantly high standard of service
serva , meaning allso that once installed the bhakta may build a relationship with the lord through 'serva ' , and that the congregation of devotees may receive the
darsana darshan , blessings of the lord .
I think It might be rather wrong to say that the murti has been blessed , as even the highest of high amongt the sadus gurus and advanced practitioners capable of carring out such a procedure would humbly tell you that they are mere servants of the lord and are only capable if asking the lord for his blessings :bow:
for this reason I have explained that the lord is "invited to reside"
we are simply
das nu das servant of the servant :namaste
namaskars :namaste ratikala