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Steve Jobs dead


Well-Known Member
Dont worry i live in the secret austrian moon station. No radiation here, just cows... everywhere.

Yes we are that awesome.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Dont worry i live in the secret austrian moon station. No radiation here, just cows... everywhere.
Yes we are that awesome.
Austrian! Hah! The real name for that desolate domain is Vallis Schickelgruber.
Evidence! I demand evidence!
(A moonburger will do.)


Agnostic Theist
But of course!

I look at what he did....it was good, & he did it extremely well, part of revolutionizing not just an industry, but also how we all communicate.
I particularly like how Apple played such a big role in toppling Microjunk's dominance. Alas, I never used any Apple products, but I greatly
respect their approach to engineering design. My philosophy is that all products should be as easy & obvious to use as a refrigerator...one
look at it, & you instantly know what to do. Apple pursued this approach with a vengeance, & achieved elegance.
I second this.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
And look how lousy the living conditions you provide there are.
No air. Too hot or too cold. Radiation risks. No bacon.
You should be profoundly ashamed of yourself for your baconless world.

the "no bacon" part is the real deal breaker. Although at least they have cheese


Well-Known Member
Austrian! Hah! The real name for that desolate domain is Vallis Schickelgruber.
Evidence! I demand evidence!
(A moonburger will do.)

You know in the small village i grew up there lives a family called Schicklgruber. Led by the Schicklgruber Anton.

Moonburger? The moon is austrian not american. Wienermoonschnitzel.

BI don't know if this is factual or not (no links provided)

Just go to google and search for Foxconn. Its kind of a big deal atm. At least in germany.

I want to work at a place where i have to swear that i wont kill myself.
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Premium Member
He touched many of our lives in unique and pleasant ways and will continue to do so.

Yes. Rest in peace, Steve.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Steve Jobs was one of my personal heroes, though I find it hard to be sad for him.
Often described as tyrannical, and somewhat kindly described as "driven",
he had the unique ability to ride the crest of the tech wave for decades.
A wave that he helped to create.

I'm sure he enjoyed every moment.

I'm glad he joined us, if for but a short while.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Do a google search on "Apple child labor" - buster.
That's not the way it works here, Berford.
If you & Flankergal wanna convince us of some seemingly histrionic claim, then do your own homework & show us.
Here is her statement.....
"Slave and child labour are never necessary and he was ok with both."
Now, you may go forth & see how legit it is. Put that Shield of Knowledge to work, eh?
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But I don't wan't to convince you of anything. I simply wish to show others that your selection criteria sucks in part due to an irresponsible and petulant failure of due dilligance. :)
That doesn't address my post at all.

Moreover, I know people who do business in China. The Chinese routinely try to get away with every trick under the sun to hide their practices, foist inferior
goods upon us, & steal our technology. Due diligence requires greater diligence with them, but this is a red herring with respect to Flankergal's novel claim.
If you support her statement, they you or she may provide evidence.
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Well-Known Member
If you support her statement, they you or she may provide evidence.

I dont want to upset you by searching a source that you probably wouldnt find credible.

Therefore you may search for yourself so that you may find a source that suits you the most.


Agnostic Theist
I dont want to upset you by searching a source that you probably wouldnt find credible.

Therefore you may search for yourself so that you may find a source that suits you the most.

I did address a source on the subject though, and showed why Jobs could not be blamed, and how Apple was making things better. But you just dodged it. So I don't think it would be of use for anyone to look up sources as any rebuttal will most likely be laughed out again.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I dont want to upset you by searching a source that you probably wouldnt find credible.
Therefore you may search for yourself so that you may find a source that suits you the most.
I fully understand your reluctance.


A great spirit, someone the old Greeks would have recognized as a hero, a demi God. Someone between man and the Gods. Having come to earth on a higher mission, bringing beauty in a grey technological age. Extremely aware of his mission and never letting go. One who sacrificed to Aphrodithe. Who, like Paris, took the apple and devoted it to her. Like all heroes, fear of death did not stop him, only hurried him along his life's path.

"almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." Steven Jobs 2005

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Steven Jobs

Last march of the Heroes

Here is to you Heroes
sleeping forever in the depth of our heart
You felt abandoned in the moment of death
But through her victory is yours
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