Now, tell me the attributes of
Rational"logic that (a) distinguish it from logic, and (b) render it more credible in dealing with appeals to supernatural agency.
"Rational" or empirical logic is logic based upon rational premises.
Observable, evidenced premises.
It differs from logic because simple logic can be based upon anything and still be "logical".
This is the logic we all use all day every day.
Just because a logical construct is correct does not necessarily mean it is "true".
It is not "right" just because it is logical.
Logic itself is not empirical.
The premises one bases their logical construct on may or may not be empirical.
Where they are logic is "true".
Where they aren`t logic may or may not be "true".
As far as using logic in dealing with appeals to the supernatural.
It is useless and you yourself know this.
The supernatural requires nothing more than faith.
Logic can neither support it or weaken it because any premise used in it`s defense or in opposition of it must lack evidence due to the inherent nature of the supernatural.