What were the "needs" of these first human beings outside of shelter and sustainence?
As thought developed in human beings, it's inherently divisive nature divided us psychologically from nature. Whereas for endless eons we had in previous forms been psychically one with nature, now we were alone, or rather perceived ourselves to be.
When you are driving down the road with your dog and he has his head out the window facing in to the oncoming wind, he is fully there, completely engaged, undivided from that moment. That's why we love animals so.
The same can not be said for you the driver. You are lost in thought, your attention so distracted from reality by the symbolic realm between your ears that if you're not careful you'll lose focus and run off the road, which happens all the time.
Your dog is one with reality, but you are alone inside your head. You experience reality as being divided between "me" and "everything else".
And so as thought developed in humans, we began looking for the unity with reality which had been lost.
In some cases this took the form of religion, and the concept of "getting back to God" was born, that is, recreating the intimate psychic bond with reality.
Sadly for religions, this was most often attempted via thought, the very thing causing the apparent division in the first place. The harder they tried to reunite with reality through thought, the behinder they got.
And so some religious people got very frustrated, like the man who can find no one to have sex with. And then they started doing a lot of stupid stuff, as horny men typically do.
You are rebelling against the stupid stuff, which is entirely understandable. But because your rebellion is blind and driven not by reason but emotion, you aren't seeing that throwing away the stupid stuff of religion does not address the fundamental need that gave rise to religion. And so those needs remain unmet.
And so, as atheists, you are now repeating all the ancient mistakes of religion, as you seek to conquer the world with thought, just as they did.
And you will succeed in conquering the world, in ruling it, just as they did. But by doing so via thought, you will no longer be able to be one with the world, as your dog can. You will no longer be able to taste it. You will be apart from reality psychologically.
And so in your pained existential frustration you will destroy the kingdom you rule over. You will extinguish species at an epic rate until the web of life collapses. You will heat the atmosphere until it races past a tipping point and causes your civilization to collapse. You will build nuclear weapons and other horrors day after day until one day you use them upon each other.
And then evolution will sweep us aside, roll up it's sleeves, and try again.