Well-Known Member
I do not necessarily agree with that.It has ... probably yearly.
Genesis 1-2 is an evolved etiological Myth which served as scaffolding for a theological polemic. I suspect that the authors/redactors neither knew nor cared that the tale contained what we now recognize as scientific errors.
For example, the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built on a grand scale with stone and even compass direction precision that rivals construction of today, all without modern technology. This very advance construction, is way out of place in terms for its time in ancient history. This is why some people attribute this construction to UFO's or alien visitors. However, this out of time construction is also possible without aliens.
The primary conscious center of the brain; inner self, which is also the center of the operating system of the human brain, based on our human DNA, has full access to the human brain, since, among other things, it is involved in cellular differentiation control. The inner self as the center of the unconscious mind, can step outside the more limited brain access of the ego; 10%, and extrapolate to the future. This is not seeing the future but using the data and greater processing power to anticipate the future from said data.
However, once such out of time events occur become conscious; Pyramids appears, it would nevertheless be explained in a way that is connected to its own time; the state of ego knowledge; from the gods of Egypt. However, since the construction scale is so advanced it still creates awe all through history. This can trigger even the modern inner self, which also remains in tune with the current times; today, allowing the ego to sense new parallels connected to its own time; Aliens and now Relativity.
As another example the steam engine was first invented by a Geek inventor about 2000 year ago. A prototype was found, but current science and technology history still says the steam engine was invented in 1712. Back in ancient Greece, the image of the steam engine appeared from the inner self of the inventor, and this image was conscious enough; via his ego, to make a prototype. However, the steam engine never made the big time, back in Ancient Greece, because it was too far ahead of its time. There was no envisioned need at that time in history.
The inner self can see; extrapolate to the future, while the ego can see the present and the more immediate future. The future extrapolation effects by the inner self, were more conscious in ancient times; BC. This was attributed, by the ego of the time, to the gods; coordinate giant armies of star athletes at their best, all without modern communication devices.
Archimedes solved his assigned problem for calculating the gold content the King's new very complex shaped crown, by taking a bath, with his inner self percolating the answer to his consciousness; eureka. In this case, he primed his ego data base with his deep thought and experimental trials to get a practical data base for the inner self solution. This is still used today for ship building; submerged objects displace their volume while floating objects displace their weight.
If we apply relativity and time dilation, two different but parallel references in space-time; creation and evolution, equate in time. This was one of the mysteries of human knowledge that is now solved, at least for our time. However there is still politics that does not wish any solution, since prestige has more value when based on the sense of psychological division; ego animation via exclusion and competition.