Mark La Buda
Note in Genesis 1:1 the words “create” is used. In Genesis 1:3 “Let there be ‘light’…” was created-with limited penetration-and is referring to the luminaries: sun, moon and stars. On the second day of creation, there was a division between two expanses: earth’s water and the waters in the heavens (clouds). However, at Genesis 1:14, the luminaries were “made” to penetrate the upper expanse. This is mentioned in Genesis 1:16. In other words, the greater and lesser luminaries were already in existence but were not discernible from the earth. Furthermore, the Hebrew verbs used to describe the lights in Genesis 1:3 and verse 14 are differentAccording to the Genesis Creation account, the Sun was created on Day 4, and plants were created beforehand on Day 3. I'm curious to know, What heated the Earth for plants to survive between Genesis Creation Day 3 and Day 4?