When I was a teen, my parents decided to raise rabbits for meat, but my dad couldn't kill them because they would snuggle up to him before he did so, and my mom was NOT game for any of that killing bidness, so she was out. So we sold the rabbits.
However, we did raise chickens to eat. I have two terrible memories of chickens. In the first memory, that whole phrase "running around like a chicken with his head chopped off" is real. It really happens, and it's terrible. The second memory is of actually plucking a chicken. A chicken has two layers of feathers, apparently - the outer layer and then the down. So anyway, to make the chicken easier to pluck, one has to dunk the chicken in boiling water, after the head is chopped off and the chicken runs around for a bit. This smells GREAT. Kidding. So, after dunking the dead chicken in boiling water, my parents hung the chicken body from a CLOTHES LINE and I sat on a stool, in the rain, as a teen, plucking this chicken. I thought I was about to freaking die. After that, I always bought chickens already plucked and all that, from the grocery store.