Wow, an entirely sketchy website of an apparently Spanish website of purported Jewish anti-Zionists-- with no pictures, no background information on the organization, no information on who funds the organization, but which links to another site that claims to be funded by a US Palestinian Community Network-- who claim to have a few hundred "survivors and descendants of survivors of the Holocaust" that think what's going on in Gaza counts as "genocide."
Yeah, there's nothing at all suspicious or improbable about that.
Not only is this pathetic and feeble anti-Israel propaganda, it absolutely disgraces the legitimate victims of genocides by cheapening the word. Even if one disagrees with Israel's actions in Gaza, it is reprehensible to equate a military action dedicated to eliminating a terrorist group, throughout the course of which perhaps 2000 Palestinians have died, with incidents of real genocide, such as the Holocaust, or the Armenian Genocide, which claimed over eleven million people (including six million Jews) and one and a half million, respectively, or the Killing Fields, in which two million died, all of incredibly methodical violence done for no better reason than an attempt to rid the world of certain groups.
Calling any part of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians "genocide" is like labeling the common cold the Black Death.