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Forum Relic
Premium Member
Yes, I think what they caught at the St. Augustine Lighthouse could be great evidence if it is real. I try to remain skeptical..
The part that tripped me out the most was that shadow figure peering over the side, and then jumping up all the way to the top of the stairs and peering over again.


The Feisty Penguin
I've learned a little something about the Moss Beach Distillery episode that was quite interesting. Apparently, they at the distillery did tell Pilgrim (TAPS's production company) about all the little gadgets set up, and the people at Pilgrim were supposed to inform the TAPS team. Apparently, someone dropped the ball.

Source link.


Well-Known Member
I haven't watched them in a while just because it's on when other shows I like are on which can suck. Heh. But I think they come on Comcast's "On Deman" feature. I like them because they aren't the type to come off as total believers and they have skeptics and whatnot. I love how they go about to check if a place is haunted. The two main guys being plumbers I think comes in very handy. I wish they could come to my town and investigate. I've seen ghost's around here before and we were very much a key town during the civil war so I'm sure there's probably ghost's around here. One ghost I saw once was a union soldier (I could tell by his uniform especially his hat).


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Anybody watch Ghost Hunters: International? I find that series more entertaining that the original. Especially when they invesitgate the older parts of Europe.


The Feisty Penguin
I do :) when I can.

I don't know, the places they go to are amazing, but the mission seems to be a little different. Rather than help out people who need it, they're just having fun. Now, there's nothing wrong with having a little fun (and what ghost hunter would pass up a place like Frankenstein's Castle?), but they didn't really help anyone, at least in the first season, which is basically what the original Ghost Hunters is about.

Another thing I have against it, in the first season again, is it seems kind of arrogant to have these Americans and single Irish guy go to these immensely famous for their ghost stories sites, and try to disprove everything. There's hundreds of years worth of stories and experiences and here's this little team from mostly America saying "No, you're place isn't haunted, it's all just stories" when they don't find anything? Seems off to me....



Forum Relic
Premium Member
I do :) when I can.

I don't know, the places they go to are amazing, but the mission seems to be a little different. Rather than help out people who need it, they're just having fun. Now, there's nothing wrong with having a little fun (and what ghost hunter would pass up a place like Frankenstein's Castle?), but they didn't really help anyone, at least in the first season, which is basically what the original Ghost Hunters is about.

Another thing I have against it, in the first season again, is it seems kind of arrogant to have these Americans and single Irish guy go to these immensely famous for their ghost stories sites, and try to disprove everything. There's hundreds of years worth of stories and experiences and here's this little team from mostly America saying "No, you're place isn't haunted, it's all just stories" when they don't find anything? Seems off to me....


Those are some good points which I haven't considered. :)

One thing I don't like about it in particular is their acceptance of evidence. Some of the EVP's for example, you can barely make out.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
I like Ghost Hunters international for the sites they choose... the old churches and castles and such...

One thing I don't like about it in particular is their acceptance of evidence. Some of the EVP's for example, you can barely make out.
I hardly ever take EVP as evidence... its just to easy to impose what you want on to it...

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
What annoys me about Ghost Hunters International is that they always assume the ghosts would speak English regardless of where they're at.
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The Feisty Penguin
What annoys me about Ghost Hunters International is that they always assume the ghosts would speak English regardless of where they're at.

Barry would try to speak the local language at least. And they've gotten strange "voices" that seems to say, "what are you saying?" in their language

Not Bob

No I don't. I think that the SciFi network might try something like that though.

With SciFi Channel's budget, it wouldn't surprise me. If they can come up with a new Battlestar Galactica series, how easy would it be for them to throw in some "evidence" into a ghost hunting show? Which begs the question of the day. Grant and Jason are supposed to be plumbers right? How do they find the time between travelling to California, Washington, the UK, Arizona, Florida, so on and so forth to go to work? IMO Ghost Hunters would be more credible on a channel like Discovery or TLC.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
What do you guys think of The Atlantic Paranormal Society and their show Ghost Hunters (on SciFi)?

I love the show, but I find a lot of their evidence highly suspect, and I'm thinking that in the later episodes of the show, they're more likely to call a place haunted than they would in the earlier seasons.

Here is a site that I have come across that gives a much more skeptical viewpoint on their evidence: here. I like what these guys have to say, they've changed my mind about several GH pieces of evidence.

I have'nt seen TAPS but we have a simmilar programe in Britain called Most Haunted which is entertaining but i struggle to take it serious.
On one occasion a spoon propelled itself accross the room and there was some table levitating but the funniest thing was when they had a Medium who became posessed
by a spirit of an old man and started talking in a weird voice.
The problem with this kind of investigation is its got to be entertaining so you are unlikely to get a real scientific investigation but i will say that they always have a sceptic there who is normally a Scientist to give his view of whats happened.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
I saw a couple episodes of Paranormal State (on A&E I think). Not sure how legit it is, but it's pretty entertaining.


Forum Relic
Premium Member

Eh, I'm all for skepticism but the guy who made that video just seems like he has a hard-on for seeing these guys fail. We all know that reality T.V. shows like to "glam" things up (c'mon, you really think those guys are still plumbers?). The guy makes a whole lot of claims that he, himself can't verify unless he had actually been there. Pointing out the obvious elements of "reality T.V. doesn't prove anything other than it's a "reality" T.V. show....not to say that I don't think TAPS isn't capable of fraud, he just needs a better leg to stand on.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
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Forum Relic
Premium Member
The guy claims to partake in paranormal investigations himself and was a fan of the Ghost Hunters show up until the Halloween Live episode.


And another video from another fan of the paranormal: YouTube - itshaunted.com responding to Ghost Hunter's Cheap Trick

These aren't skeptics who already disbelieve in ghosts to begin with, but believers who think the live event exposed TAPS as phonies.

Him being a paranormal investigator or not is not what I'm finding hard to swallow though. His overly nit-picking with evidence in his video is one part, and the fact that he has a petition against these guys is the other. The guy is really going out of his way to bring these guys down when the evidence should just speak for itself (which it really doesn't).