1) Yes, in many ways I object to the way limited liability allows responsibility for actions to be so diffused that essentially no one is held responsible for actions of corporate entities, and often, that responsibility is converted solely into dollars and cents. It goes along with the idea that it is wrong for individuals and corporations to externalize their costs onto society without penalty.
Everything involves trade-offs.
Limited liability makes it easier to organize & finance ventures because investors know that
they don't risk everything they own if things go wrong. Without it, who would buy GM, Tesla
or Chrysler stock if they were personally liable for losses or accidents?
I wouldn't.
You might want to see more punishment of stockholders for corporate actions, but this threat
would dampen economic activity, & drive companies overseas.
Penalties do get levied against corporations for wrongdoing. We see it regularly in the news.
And individuals working for corporations can be prosecuted for illegal acts.
2) What part of the following statement of my position is not clear: corporate entities of any kind ARE NOT and SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED PERSONS, and are potentially evil and need to be tightly regulated (or as I would prefer, prevented from existing in the first place).
You're clear.
But I disagree with your understanding of corporate personhood.
It is not about corporations being a "person" exactly as you & I are.
(I assume you're not a bot.)
It never has been that, & the USSC has not ruled that they are "persons" in the same sense of the word as individual people.
They function as persons in limited ways.
- May speak.
- May sue & be sued in court.
- Are taxable entities.
- May execute contracts.
If they couldn't do these things, they couldn't function.
This is not the same as a real person, who may....
- Marry
- Vote
You're attacking an equivalence between individual people & corporations which simply does not exist.
As for being evil, anyone can be....corporations, people, governments.
Neither are inherently good or evil.
Illegality should be prevented & prosecuted wherever it occurs.
For profit businesses, units of government, unions, nonprofits, political parties, churches...is it a large group of people organized for one or more specific purposes? Then it is not a person, and ALL the members of it should be held responsible for ALL the actions of the group (along with doing away with the unfounded differentiation between "capital" and "labor" and so forth). There is then no right of the group/organization to have its own separate voice from the individual members (especially when many/most of the members may have no role in deciding how the voice of the organization is to be used).
Your understanding of "person" differs from mine & the USSC's.
The controversy you claim just doesn't exist.
What leftish types really object to (without fully understanding it) is that corporations may use money for political speech.
But would you deny the Democratic National Convention (a corporation) this right?
3) Taxation should be organized so that it treats all in the same category the same way. Since I would prefer there to not be corporate organizations (beyond a very small number of individuals), "corporations" would have very limited rights and duties, and the individuals who make them up would have full joint and several responsibility for the activities of the group, and each would therefore pay their share of taxes on their personal share of the activities. How exactly that should be assessed is another conversation.
Corporate income is different from personal income.
A corporation ultimately passes income to the people who own shares, & they pay tax upon it.
The same is true for general partnerships, limited liability partnerships, & professional corporations.
To treat them all as taxpaying entities would be absurd, & this double taxation would have adverse economic consequences.
It would be much like having a head of household pay income tax, & then having each child pay income tax on their support.
Do you own any PCs or LLCs?
If so, then why did you choose that form of ownership?
If not, then wherefrom comes your understanding of their workings?