She is everything. Everything we can see, and especially, everything we can't see, we don't know, and haven't discovered yet. God has no gender, but I call her female because she was first and she creates. If I'm going to pretend she's a person, I'm going to pretend she's female, just like the first human was.
Every religion points to God. Every act of compassion, every act of reason. Every holy book tries to capture her and point to her, every story is about her, every person is born with her voice in their hearts.
She wanted to create a universe that would be larger and more complex than she could comprehend. Our free will is that thing. Our potential to create like she creates and dream like she dreams and love like she loves.
She is expressed in every person, when we fight against our animal emotions and urges telling us to take more, to hurt more, to be correct, to exploit the world for a temporary benefit. When we fight against the history of our animal past and figure out what it means to be human by searching for harmony.
Every holy book and every story is about Her. But all are written in human language, and that makes every holy book and story imperfect and incomplete.
So, I don't really know how to define Her because she might not even be real. But the path to Her is real, because that's the future I want. I want a world were compassion and reason are the guiding principles for all humanity, or whatever we become.
The only thing I know for sure, is that when we use the gifts of compassion and reason to restrict ourselves, to talk ourselves into hating or hurting others, to claim we know the answers instead of asking more questions, these things are entirely human. No matter how many people we can get to pray with us, these are not the works of God. These are humans abusing holy books, stories, our animal physiology and emotions, and our own free will to further their own personal ideas of perfection. And sometimes we go along, secretly knowing that it's against our inner code, just so we can get a piece of the profit or prophet's success.