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Terrorist Win in Fight over Free Speech

Judgement Day

Active Member
Darkdale said:
And people like you put all of civilization at risk! So let's just let things play out and see who is on top at the end huh? All you are doing is reinforcing generalizations. After speaking with you, I have no doubt that you have no intention on doing anything about terrorism. You are supportive of these people. You just want to pretend like its' not a real problem. Not your problem. Sure. Well, if you can't help us, at least let us do our thing to solve the problem.

I will not live under Muslim rule, and here you people are talking about striking down freedom of speech in the West. We don't live like that. :) and we will not live like that.
Think wisely Darkdale, who is putting civilization at risk when you want people to offend each other? Civilization is about people who behaves respectfully to each other. Offending people is a sign of barbarism. Dont you learn that at school? And I am against terrorism, mind you.


World Leader Pretend
There is no doubt in my mind that you are my enemy. But if you were my neighbor, we would live side by side in peace. The only difference would be, that you would be trying to strip me of liberty, and I would be trying to stop you from tyranny. Of course, this wouldn't involve violence. It would happen peacefully, because in America, we have freedom. We'll have it as long as the majority still wants it.

But if people from other countries come in and try to change things through terror, don't expect us to be sympathetic.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Judgement Day said:
Think wisely Darkdale, who is putting civilization at risk when you want people to offend each other? Civilization is about people who behaves respectfully to each other.
No. Civilization is about people who respect principle and behave responsibly towards each other.

Judgement Day

Active Member
So you want to live in an absolute free world huh? A world without boundaries? Well then just live like an animal. Do you know what makes the difference between us humans, and animals? It is their ability to live in an intelligent peaceful respectful world.

Judgement Day

Active Member
Darkdale said:
There is no doubt in my mind that you are my enemy.
Prophet Muhammad was great in his mercy. When he was persecuted by the people of At-Ta’ef and stoned until his feet kept bleeding, the angel of the mountains asked for his permission to destroy them. Yet his response was to supplicate Allah to guide them and to save them.

And I dont consider you as my enemy. Because my love to the Prophet, I dont consider you as my enemy, I consider you as someone who is lost. What I can do is to pray to Allah so that Allah gives you guidance and forgiveness.


Following Christ
I think it is a real shame that the Swedish government has stooped to censorship. That is a disturbing move that does not bode well for freedom of speech and thought in Sweden. :mad:


To Save A Lamb

Thing about free speech is you're allowed to disagree. You're allowed to not listen to it, to not take it seriously, not buy or support whatever offensive thing it is. You can even peacefully protest it. How fantastic! What fun! Yay free speech! Everyone can think what they want as long as they don't harm others! Being called names or insulted is only harmful if you let it.

You aren't allowed to work yourself into a froathing mess and hurt others. You can be a froathing mess without harming others, but you'll look rather silly. Even sillier than going into a blind moral rage over little insults and pictures drawn by ignorant people.

I also understand this is a lot bigger than the pictures; this is the straw that broke the camel's back. But wanting violence and censourship are reactions that are not respectable nor will help in any way.

People have their right to call me me a "sand n*****" or a "***" or any other insult they want. They can think poorly of me because of my race, religion, sexual orientation, hair colour, shoe size. That's completely within their right. But their biases do not effect me, they do not reflect on me- unless I react in a poor way to this. As only as they do not discriminate against me in things like hiring for a job or commit crimes against me just because of who I am, then it's okay. It doesn't hurt me in the least if people want to live their lives with hate eating at them. It bothers me that people could be so cruel, but that's their life.

And I will live mine in peace and respect- because I want peace and respect given to me, so I must be willing to give it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I am sorry Judgement Day, religious fanaticism is an intolerable thing regardless of what religion it comes from. I will stand up to Christians who insist on back dooring their religion into our school system. I will also stand up to Muslims who insist I respect something that I feel is illogical.

Judgement Day, how CAN I respect Muslims who insist that I respect them? In my world, in my day to day world, I give respect to those that EARN my respect. The best way to EARN my respect is to dazzle me with your intelligence. I do NOT have to agree with you, for you to EARN that respect. Another way to EARN my respect is by what can be called "good actions". That will make me sit up and notice, right away, I assure you.

In my reality, in my world, respect is not a toy that I toss around until the concept means nothing.
If you want my respect, for yourself or your Prophet... you are going to have to earn it. So far, ONLY JamaesI and Neheustan have EARNED my respect, as I see no other comments that are worthy from the Muslim contingent.

To DEMAND my respect is pushing it. That is not the way to go about earning my respect. For Muslims to DEMAND my respect, is the same thing as TELLING me to SUBMIT to Islamic pressure. I assure you, I will be the last man on Earth to SUBMIT to Islam.


CaptainXeroid said:
I think it is a real shame that the Swedish government has stooped to censorship. That is a disturbing move that does not bode well for freedom of speech and thought in Sweden. :mad:
if that was the case you might have a point, but the swedish government didn't. see my previous post.

Judgement Day

Active Member
YmirGF said:
I am sorry Judgement Day, religious fanaticism is an intolerable thing regardless of what religion it comes from. I will stand up to Christians who insist on back dooring their religion into our school system. I will also stand up to Muslims who insist I respect something that I feel is illogical.

Judgement Day, how CAN I respect Muslims who insist that I respect them? In my world, in my day to day world, I give respect to those that EARN my respect. The best way to EARN my respect is to dazzle me with your intelligence. I do NOT have to agree with you, for you to EARN that respect. Another way to EARN my respect is by what can be called "good actions". That will make me sit up and notice, right away, I assure you.

In my reality, in my world, respect is not a toy that I toss around until the concept means nothing.
If you want my respect, for yourself or your Prophet... you are going to have to earn it. So far, ONLY Jamaesi has EARNED my respect, as I see no other comments that are worthy from the Muslim contingent.

To DEMAND my respect is pushing it. That is not the way to go about earning my respect. For Muslims to DEMAND my respect, is the same thing as TELLING me to SUBMIT to Islamic pressure.
Woah... where in my post did I say that I wanted your respect.:tsk:

YmirGF said:
I assure you, I will be the last man on Earth to SUBMIT to Islam.
You're not the first person to say that. And I will keep that in mind.


Reason, and reason again
This doesn't surprise me. Then again, I can't say much for my own country. I'm told burning a flag is not part of free speech. :p

I assure you, I will be the last man on Earth to SUBMIT to Islam.

Ardent Listener

Active Member
Freedom of speech should also include the right to say that you don't believe that the holocaust ever occured. I don't know if saying that in Sweden is illegal, but in many countries, it is.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Darkdale said:
There is no doubt in my mind that you are my enemy. But if you were my neighbor, we would live side by side in peace.
Peace .??? :D

At night ...

Darkdale went from his house to visit his neighbore .. why? because he already said:

Darkdale said:
Yes, I would be willing to die for freedom. I'd also be willing to kill for it.
peace = killing in your dictionary?

Darkdale said:
No one is saying we should kill all Muslims.
But you will ONLY kill them if they said that they were offended by showing Mohammed in that way which means you will kill ALL Muslims around the world.

Good job. :clap

Please post more in this thread because i'm enjoying it seeing a comedian like you entrtaining me today with all your nonsense pity arguments. :D

I just pray to God that there is no more people in America like you, otherwise, i'll just laugh the whole day in the way they think. What a pity? !!


To Save A Lamb
The Truth, that's a red herring and it doesn't even make any sense.

Darkdale would not kill you just because you hold a different opinion than him, that's utter toss to think that. Darkdale would fight against a governmental force that would restrict his right to free speech. (I hope I worded that right.)

But you will ONLY kill them if they said that they were offended by showing Mohammed in that way which means you will kill ALL Muslims around the world.
He never said that. He said he would defend! That means that someone else is the aggressor.

I don't agree with Darkdale all the time (and I don't know if we ever have! :p) but I know he would never kill someone just because they had a different opinion.

Free speech MEANS you are allowed to think and say whatever you want as long as you do not hurt others.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
I don't agree with Darkdale all the time (and I don't know if we ever have! :p) but I know he would never kill someone just because they had a different opinion.
How did you arrive at that conclusion? :help: Darkdale sometimes scared me with his conservative view:eek: .


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Judgement Day said:
Well then just live like an animal. Do you know what makes the difference between us humans, and animals? It is their ability to live in an intelligent peaceful respectful world.
Strangely Mr. JD, I made the rediculous assumption that I was a part of an intelligent peaceful, respectful world. Apparently not. Wonder where I am living then?

Judgement Day said:
Civilization is about people who behaves respectfully to each other.
Curiously, I thought I was a part of this civilization. Apparently not.

Judgement Day said:
Woah... where in my post did I say that I wanted your respect.:tsk:

You're not the first person to say that. And I will keep that in mind.
Forgive me, Judgment Day, as I am merely an unrepentant infidel. The two exact quotes form this very thread was what set me off. Then again, what could the words of a kaffir possibly matter. Point taken. How silly of me to think I was included in your demands for us to respect Islamic sensitivies. No doubt you will grin from ear to ear when it is my turn to face Allah.

What do I know for Allah knows best.


Veteran Member
YmirGF said:
Strangely Mr. JD, I made the rediculous assumption that I was a part of an intelligent peaceful, respectful world. Apparently not. Wonder where I am living then?
You're right... that is a ridiculous assumption, when has human society on earth ever been any of those things? :D


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
The Truth said:
Peace .??? :D
Yes, peace. If you would be prepared to (truly) accept that we have a right to our views. I think some of your people are so bothered about being heard that they aren't listening any more.

At night ...

Darkdale went from his house to visit his neighbore .. why? because he already said:

peace = killing in your dictionary?
Yes, sometimes, it is very sad, but that is the case. For World peace, thousands of Germans and Japanese died during WWII so that people like you would have the opportunity of living in peace.

Repugnant as the idea is, sometimes, a peaceful man has to fight, to iensure injustices do not take place.............That is part of the Reason Saddam Hussein was captured, and is now standing Trial (although he seems to think he is a court jester and refuses to acknowledge the courts. If you don't like the idea of the interference, would you like to go and life, with Saddam, as your leader ?

But you will ONLY kill them if they said that they were offended by showing Mohammed in that way which means you will kill ALL Muslims around the world.

Good job. :clap
Garbage. " If people said that they were offended by showing Mohammed in that way ". AND they demonstrate in a peaceful manner, they will be due respect. If however, their idea of complaint is to kill and bomb buildings, then they have crossed the line of being due respect.
Please post more in this thread because i'm enjoying it seeing a comedian like you entrtaining me today with all your nonsense pity arguments. :D
The truth, you are the comedian here.

I just pray to God that there is no more people in America like you, otherwise, i'll just laugh the whole day in the way they think. What a pity? !![/QUOTE]
Well good for you, laugh all day! Laughter is the best medicine.
Just learn from mistakes, be violent, and we will be violent in defending ourselves (which I believe is also an Islamic viewpoint), but behave like a raging mod hell bent on destruction, and you will be paid back in kind (actually, you won't because we, in the West, try to set a good example to others. - most of the time.

Sometimes, some of our people behave badly too, but they are punished for doing so, unlike your bad people who are looked upon as martyrs and heroes. Grow up.


World Leader Pretend
The Truth said:
Please post more in this thread because i'm enjoying it seeing a comedian like you entrtaining me today with all your nonsense pity arguments. :D

I just pray to God that there is no more people in America like you, otherwise, i'll just laugh the whole day in the way they think. What a pity? !!

You haven't understood a word I've written have you? Imagine my surprise! I may be more direct than most Americans. I may actually say what other people are afraid to say - but believe me, there is no hypocrisy in what I am saying. There is a time and place for violence and for killing. So long as we are free, we can all live in peace, but once you begin to attack freedom, then force is the only option. There is no room for peace when men live by force alone.