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The Alleged Sons of God

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
= The Alleged Sons of God =

According to an ancient Roman policy, any able-bodied man from the conquered lands, who joined the Roman Army, would obtain authomatic citizenship. And if he was lucky enough to reach retirement age, he could choose where he would like to spend the rest of his life, and he would be granted a piece of land or farm as severance pay for his services to the Empire. Rome excluded.

When the Roman Legions arrived in the Middle East and conquered Sidon, a man called Pantera applied to join the Army and was accepted. Then, he was conscripted into the Roman Legion which got stationed in Syria. When he reached retirement age, he chose to return to Sidon and got his farm there to live for the rest of his life.

According to Josephus, in the year 4 BCE, there was a local revolt in Israel against Herod. It became known as the Revolt of the Pharisees. It was so strong that it was threatening to depose him. Herod appealed to Rome for help and Caesar gave orders to the Legion stationed in Syria to cross over into Israel and put down the revolt.

Thousands of Roman soldiers came over and the task was quite easy. They crucified a few thousand Jews, and decided to stay for some time to make sure the discontent were subdued. In the meantime, the Roman soldiers would rape young Jewish ladies almost daily.

As it was to expect, many children were born as a result of those rapes. Since the unfortunate mothers were not to blame for promiscuity, the religious authorities forbade to ostracize them or to consider their children as mamzerim or ba$tards. But they grew up with the epithet of "sons of God." (Lecture on the "Historical Jesus" at Stanphord University)

Since Jesus was born just about that time, I am of the opinion that's much more prudent and less embarrassing to acknowledge that he was a biological son of Joseph's than to run the risk that Jesus might have been one of those sons of God.

Now, regarding Mark 7:24, I have here with me two different Bible translations. One is the Catholic New American version of the Bible wherefrom I read that when Jesus went to Sidon, he would retire into a certain house and wanted no one to recognize him in there. The other translation is the King James version, wherefrom I read that when Jesus went to Sidon, he would enter into a certain house and would
have no man know it.

Although I am not assuming anything, everyone of us has all the right in the world to speculate about such a shouting evidence and to think that there was something fishy going on for Jesus to insist on secrecy about his being in Sidon or in that certain house. At that time Joseph had been long dead. Could it be that jesus knew about his real origins and was interacting with his real father? Everything is possible, but if you ask me, I am still in favour that he was rather a biological son of

What's your reaction to all the above?



Well-Known Member
Mark makes it clear that Jesus was the son of God.

Mark 1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

This is interesting if the author is alluding to something, if he's making a connection between these sons of God and Sidon.


It's an interesting theory, though it's impossible to say what he was doing in that house. If it clearly states that no one knew what he was doing, well... it's up to the imagination to come up with what he was doing. He could be making clay pots for all we know.

I do find it interesting that you connect that mysterious house to this "Sons of God" story.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Mark makes it clear that Jesus was the son of God.

Mark 1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

This is interesting if the author is alluding to something, if he's making a connection between these sons of God and Sidon.

Who was Mark to decided that a certain Jew was literally son of God? Since when are we to accept a Hellenistic Gentile to proclaim that the time is ripe for Jews to build a Pantheon of Jewish demigods? Please, have mercy on yourself

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
It's an interesting theory, though it's impossible to say what he was doing in that house. If it clearly states that no one knew what he was doing, well... it's up to the imagination to come up with what he was doing. He could be making clay pots for all we know.

I do find it interesting that you connect that mysterious house to this "Sons of God" story.

Well, thanks God we can think. Then, putting together the thousands of rapes of Jewish young women by Romans, the Jewish authorities provision to safeguard those children born out of wedlocks by naming them sons of God, and to avoid great shameful insults, especially from peer pressure, and now Jesus' trips to Sidon with his demands of secrecy, we are not completely out of line to arrive at the conclusion that something is wrong with the Christian denial that Jesus was a biological son of Joseph's.

Therefore, if there is anyone to blame for in this story are Christians for claiming that Jesus was an adopted son of Joseph as if the cuckoo bird did visit that nest. For the sake of Jewish decorum, if you ask me, Jesus was a biological son of both, Joseph and Mary.


Well-Known Member
Who was Mark to decided that a certain Jew was literally son of God? Since when are we to accept a Hellenistic Gentile to proclaim that the time is ripe for Jews to build a Pantheon of Jewish demigods? Please, have mercy on yourself
I don't know who Mark was, no one does. No one knows who this Son of God was either so I guess this Mark was doing what writers do, creating literary works of art. Just don't let it get to you.


Well-Known Member
= The Alleged Sons of God =

According to an ancient Roman policy, any able-bodied man from the conquered lands, who joined the Roman Army, would obtain authomatic citizenship. And if he was lucky enough to reach retirement age, he could choose where he would like to spend the rest of his life, and he would be granted a piece of land or farm as severance pay for his services to the Empire. Rome excluded.

When the Roman Legions arrived in the Middle East and conquered Sidon, a man called Pantera applied to join the Army and was accepted. Then, he was conscripted into the Roman Legion which got stationed in Syria. When he reached retirement age, he chose to return to Sidon and got his farm there to live for the rest of his life.

According to Josephus, in the year 4 BCE, there was a local revolt in Israel against Herod. It became known as the Revolt of the Pharisees. It was so strong that it was threatening to depose him. Herod appealed to Rome for help and Caesar gave orders to the Legion stationed in Syria to cross over into Israel and put down the revolt.

Thousands of Roman soldiers came over and the task was quite easy. They crucified a few thousand Jews, and decided to stay for some time to make sure the discontent were subdued. In the meantime, the Roman soldiers would rape young Jewish ladies almost daily.

As it was to expect, many children were born as a result of those rapes. Since the unfortunate mothers were not to blame for promiscuity, the religious authorities forbade to ostracize them or to consider their children as mamzerim or ba$tards. But they grew up with the epithet of "sons of God." (Lecture on the "Historical Jesus" at Stanphord University)

Since Jesus was born just about that time, I am of the opinion that's much more prudent and less embarrassing to acknowledge that he was a biological son of Joseph's than to run the risk that Jesus might have been one of those sons of God.

Now, regarding Mark 7:24, I have here with me two different Bible translations. One is the Catholic New American version of the Bible wherefrom I read that when Jesus went to Sidon, he would retire into a certain house and wanted no one to recognize him in there. The other translation is the King James version, wherefrom I read that when Jesus went to Sidon, he would enter into a certain house and would
have no man know it.

Although I am not assuming anything, everyone of us has all the right in the world to speculate about such a shouting evidence and to think that there was something fishy going on for Jesus to insist on secrecy about his being in Sidon or in that certain house. At that time Joseph had been long dead. Could it be that jesus knew about his real origins and was interacting with his real father? Everything is possible, but if you ask me, I am still in favour that he was rather a biological son of

What's your reaction to all the above?


With your analogy of roman rape it would seem more probably that this is the origen of that phrase that got misconstrewn at some point, than that jesus was the biological son of joseph.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
With your analogy of roman rape it would seem more probably that this is the origen of that phrase that got misconstrewn at some point, than that jesus was the biological son of joseph.

I would like to comment on this statement of yours above, but I am not quite sure of what you mean.


Active Member
Who was Mark to decided that a certain Jew was literally son of God? Since when are we to accept a Hellenistic Gentile to proclaim that the time is ripe for Jews to build a Pantheon of Jewish demigods? Please, have mercy on yourself

hte fact that there are plenty of prophecies about the birth of christ and certain things surrounding who he was

below is just a small amount of them

Born of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23-33

Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25

Descended from King David Isaiah 9:7 Matthew 1:1, 6-17

Declared by Jehovah to be
his Son Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17

Not believed in
Isaiah 53:1 John 12:37, 38

Entered Jerusalem riding an *** Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-9

Betrayed by a close associate Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 21-30

Betrayed for 30 silver pieces Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 26:14-16

Silent before his accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:11-14

Lots cast for his garments Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:35

Reviled while on the stake Psalm 22:7, 8 Matthew 27:39-43

None of his bones broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:33, 36

Buried with the rich Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57-60

Raised before corruption Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:24, 27

Exalted to God’s right hand Psalm 110:1 Acts 7:56

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
hte fact that there are plenty of prophecies about the birth of christ and certain things surrounding who he was

below is just a small amount of them

[quoteBorn of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23-33

Jesus is not there. Assumption is the name. The text is speaking about the split between the Tribes. I mean, Shiloh.

Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25

Nothing to do with Jesus. Amost says that that virgin was Israel. (Amos 5:2)

Descended from King David Isaiah 9:7 Matthew 1:1, 6-17

You continue with the assumption. The text is speaking about the return of the Jews from Babylon exile. Opposite to Israel which had descended from David.

Declared by Jehovah to be
his Son Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17

You have a thirst for assumptions. The only occasion Jehovah declared someone to be His son is Exodus 4:22,23. "Israel is My Son."

(quote]Not believed in Isaiah 53:1 John 12:37, 38[/quote]

Because the report was not about Jesus but about Israel, the Suffering Servant. In fact, Isaiah identifies that Servant by name so that you don't have to assume that he is talking about an individual. Read Isaiah 41:8,9; 44:1,2,21; 45:4.

Entered Jerusalem riding an *** Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-9

Jesus never did it but in the minds of the Hellenistic Gentiles who wrote the gospels. And the text in Zechariah is talking about the Jews returning from Babylon, humble in spirit but purified by the exile.

Betrayed by a close associate Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 21-30

Nothing to do with Jesus. That's Israel, the Suffering Servant being sacrificed by the sins of Judah their own brothers.

Betrayed for 30 silver pieces Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 26:14-16

Never happened to Jesus. Judas did not ask for money. That' was a pretext of the gospel writer to rob us of a prophecy.

Silent before his accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:11-14

Silence is a depoyment of ignorance. It means Israel, the Suffering Servant did not know what was going on. You should read my thread, "The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53."

Lots cast for his garments Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:35

That's another occasion when we had to be robbed off a prophecy by the gospels writers. You guys don't see this because of blind faith.

Reviled while on the stake Psalm 22:7, 8 Matthew 27:39-43

How about the other thousands of Jews crucified by the Romans according to Josephus, were there given icecream?

None of his bones broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:33, 36

Because the truth is too hard to be conceived. Joseph paid a very high bribe to the Centurion not to add any unnecessary harm to Jesus after he perceived he was still alive when he took him off the cross.

Buried with the rich Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57-60

Another assumption. It has nothing to do with Jesus. That's about exile of the Jews being cut off from the Land of the living and buried with the wicked among the nations.

Raised before corruption Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:24, 27

Now, all you have to do is to open your own NT and show me a quotation about an eyewitness to the resurrection. Just one and I will believe it.

Exalted to God’s right hand Psalm 110:1 Acts 7:56

Finally your last worst assumption. When that Psalm was originally written it read, "The Lord said to me, Sit down at my right hand until I make of your enemies your footstool." It would be awkward for the Levites to sing it in the Temple as it was written. So, I change was made to, "The Lord (God) said to my Lord (David), Sit at My... As you can see, now you can have the truth told the right way.


Grumpy Old Man
Rape is a method of genocide. The romans and many after them have used the genetics to alter old civilzations.before and after. It is good the Jews saw the wrong of this and decided a child is a child and genetics has less to do with social constructs than the love of a mother to her child



matthew 3:17 and a voice from heaven said This is my Son whom I love and I am very pleased with Him. Mark 1:11 and a voice from heaven said You are my Son whom I love and I am very pleased You. Luke 3:22 Then a voice came from heaven saying You are my Son whom I love and I am very pleased with You. God bless

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
matthew 3:17 and a voice from heaven said This is my Son whom I love and I am very pleased with Him. Mark 1:11 and a voice from heaven said You are my Son whom I love and I am very pleased You. Luke 3:22 Then a voice came from heaven saying You are my Son whom I love and I am very pleased with You. God bless

And then a voice from heaven said, "Israel is My Son; so let My Son go that he may serve Me." (Exo. 4:22,23) And this is from the only Scriptures that Jesus acknowledged and referred to as the Word of God. Jesus was born, lived his span of life, and died unaware that a Book called NT would ever hit the market.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting information, but I don't think that's why Jesus is called the Son of God.


Where can I find out more about the "sons of God?" I'd never heard of it before and, as you can imagine, a Google search for "Sons of God" turns up a very different sort of page...I'd like to be smarter before contributing anything substantial.

As a complete aside, I'm pretty sure that Isaiah 7:14 says "The young woman" not "the virgin" in the original. "Virgin" is a convenient Christian mistranslation.