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The Anti-Christ is not a person


Destroyer of Worlds
Not really.

There are going to be some leading roles in this play, but the Anti-Christ itself has no human face of it's own. It is composed of other people.

It will arrive as a kind of plague. It will be a way of thinking. And it will sweep through most of the world. Compassion will be pushed to the back of the bus for a while. And life will become cheap.

Take the number, and live your life as they allow you to. Don't take the number, you're on your own, and hunted as a threat against society and it's well being.

But don't worry, these people won't have full power till after the war.

You need to be broken first. Then what they're offering is going to look like a pretty good deal.



One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
The Anti-Christ in not being a person is both true and untrue....

we have Kali, Metal Beast (Roman Empire) and a form of energy...

Then we have my Auntie-Christine :D who believes Christ is God and is a self righteous Christian….


Well-Known Member
there is alot of ideas going around about the "anti-christ" we can go back and forth of what it is and what it will do and recive little to no truth. we can guess at it and argue about it, thats fine; but, are you playing into the anti-christs hands by doing so?

we can for sure know that he will want people not to belive in God. belive in a false God or false powers of God. He is a force that will couse lots of suffering.


Well-Known Member
xexon said:
Not really.

There are going to be some leading roles in this play, but the Anti-Christ itself has no human face of it's own. It is composed of other people.

It will arrive as a kind of plague. It will be a way of thinking. And it will sweep through most of the world. Compassion will be pushed to the back of the bus for a while. And life will become cheap.

Take the number, and live your life as they allow you to. Don't take the number, you're on your own, and hunted as a threat against society and it's well being.

But don't worry, these people won't have full power till after the war.

You need to be broken first. Then what they're offering is going to look like a pretty good deal.

Hmmm...Interesting perspective. Personally I don't relate the antichrist to a specific person or group of people. I usually refer it to a personification of something, say ignorance for example.

I think it is possible that 666 or the "mark" as referring to the triune nature of man, supposedly those who are asleep, unaware, or not yet "resurrected".

Instincts-------Mammon (the illusion)-------Hubris

Take the three reasons why Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the three tempations Jesus faced in the wilderness, and what Paul calls "the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life".

Apocalyspe means something like "to unveil", and I view the Apocalypse of John as an unveiling of the reality of things, however embedded in abstruse symbolism which alludes to esoterica. In other words, it is refering to many things in the present tense (IMO).


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
The Anti-Christ = Pharisees = John, Paul, Simon = Balaam teachings = Fakes


Destroyer of Worlds
Its really anything that distracts you from the divine.

If you're not one with God, you're two with the mind.

"It" has an ebb and flow to it.

It's about to flow real big.

A tsunami of spiritual darkness.



New Member
The bible is the authority to explain who are the anti-christs.. Any man or spirit who
teaches doctrines contrary to the doctrines of Christ.. Lets read the bible;

1 John 2:22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
2 John 1:7For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Dbes from the Philippines


Destroyer of Worlds
Must we read the bible? :)

Let's hear from the heart.

Christians by and large have no real conception of what a "Christ" is. Jesus was one, but not the only one. He tried to show others how to be like him, but they got caught up on another tangent and haven't been seen since.

Jesus wants you to be a Christ too. Thats the whole point of his pointing. His divinity is the same as what you have a right to. To become a Christ, one realizes this. Its your birthright. But you have to earn it.

DON'T worship the messenger. Just follow him.

The Anti Christ is all around you, should you indentify with it.

So is the Christ.

Sift the world well that you find only gold.



see me run
xexon said:
Not really.

There are going to be some leading roles in this play, but the Anti-Christ itself has no human face of it's own. It is composed of other people.

It will arrive as a kind of plague. It will be a way of thinking. And it will sweep through most of the world. Compassion will be pushed to the back of the bus for a while. And life will become cheap.

Take the number, and live your life as they allow you to. Don't take the number, you're on your own, and hunted as a threat against society and it's well being.

But don't worry, these people won't have full power till after the war.

You need to be broken first. Then what they're offering is going to look like a pretty good deal.


There are going to be several anti-christs, maybe in person or not. Eventually there will be the main one that will be called THE anti-christ and he will cause many people to believe that he is THE Christ.


see me run
xexon said:
Must we read the bible? :)

Let's hear from the heart.

Christians by and large have no real conception of what a "Christ" is. Jesus was one, but not the only one. He tried to show others how to be like him, but they got caught up on another tangent and haven't been seen since.

Jesus wants you to be a Christ too. Thats the whole point of his pointing. His divinity is the same as what you have a right to. To become a Christ, one realizes this. Its your birthright. But you have to earn it.

DON'T worship the messenger. Just follow him.

The Anti Christ is all around you, should you indentify with it.

So is the Christ.

Sift the world well that you find only gold.


What makes you say that Jesus was not the only Christ? Who are the others?


Deviled Hen
xexon said:
Must we read the bible? :)

If you don't want Bible quotes, why would you start the thread in Biblical Debates? :confused:

Any of the mods can move the thread, if you'd prefer.


Well-Known Member
Definition: Antichrist means against or instead of Christ. The term applies to all who deny what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, all who oppose his Kingdom, and all who mistreat his followers. It also includes individuals, organizations, and nations that falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah.


Destroyer of Worlds
Booko said:
If you don't want Bible quotes, why would you start the thread in Biblical Debates? :confused:

Any of the mods can move the thread, if you'd prefer.

You overlooked the smiley face.

It was meant to be humorous satire.



Destroyer of Worlds
may said:
Definition: Antichrist means against or instead of Christ. The term applies to all who deny what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, all who oppose his Kingdom, and all who mistreat his followers. It also includes individuals, organizations, and nations that falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah.

So some say, but I beg to differ.

You first need to know what a Christ is. A Christ is a human being, who has merged themselves into the absolute.

They have poured themselves out, and God consciousness has filled the empty space. They still look the same on the outside. They still maintain all the requirements and obligations they have in life. But the inside has changed. They has been reborn while still in the body.

Same mind as before, but now its a servant rather than a master. The master is your divine self. Your heart is it's mouthpiece. Your divine self walks with God, and when it comes, it brings the full access to the kingdom behind it. The mind will become a willing tool of the divine self after it understands this power.

Some gain this mastery over self in the blink of an eye. Others unfold like a flower in slow motion for many years. Each is different. Most exist with the people around them never knowing what secrets they carry within. They are asleep, but a Christ is awake. He sees how all things are inter-connected.

A Messiah is different. A Messiah is a kind of holy cheerleader. They are the tugboats of the almighty. When humanity needs a little course correction, a Messiah is the one who reaches out to the masses with a message. He's more like a farmer really. Plants seeds in the field of human thought. Jesus planted compassion.

There have been several Messiahs. Each for a different age. Humanity sparkles with all the Christs that walk among us. They are the early bloomers of the human race. Most are busy helping others to bloom as well.

When you're ready to bloom, you'll meet a Christ yourself. Might be the person you least expect too.



One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
You see the reason why I keep trying to explain the Pharisees as John, Paul, Simon the stone, is that they are all anti-Christ’s; they clearly contradicts Christ/Yeshua each one in his own way, and all of them teaching like Balaam (Mic 6:6 ).

You see if they are removed and the other gospels re-read (in some cases, some people are to dogmatic), it shows the real Christ…not a Christ unlike the one most people believe and follow, yet without sacrifice, which is Balaam teaching to begin with (that God would sacrifice anything).
So they also following the Pharisees saying the exact opposite to Christ, make it very hard to deal with and understand for millions.

The points go like this:

Grace and inheritance (Hebrew) is to be cut off in Zechariah 11 ….100% clear……. on the potters field prophecy in the house of Israel 30 pieces of silver for price of Christ, to cut off 3 foolish shepherds; 1 re-established.

Christ reiterates the exact statement in the parable of the vine dresser and his son being killed to steal the inheritance; in that he says that they shall get nothing, thinking they can.
He asked for mercy and not to sacrifice the innocent (Hos 6:6), as the knowledge of God is more important.
He state in Matthew 23 clearly, don’t follow the Pharisees and why also Simon is with them, as if you swear by the sacrifice, you are guilty of the sacrifice.
He taught follow the commandments and give up wealth to gain eternal life, and give unto caesar what is caesar and what is God to God and if you carry neither staff or anything…… then what have you to give unto caesar?
So how can anyone really in their right mind proclaim that they follow Christianity, when they are all so wealthy and swear by another man death, so they can claim righteousness?

so millions are following the Anti-Christ this minute, in the weird Pharisee approach (long prayers, broad speeches, private wealth, communion = drunk on blood of dead prophets ++++) or mother of all harlots as it has many daughters.
who also prostate them self with man, and wooden images, which as far as the Bible goes is pure Anti-Christ.
As it is a timeless tradition to be Christ, Solomon and David were Christ also, it is merely the anointed king, yet God is always God. :)

Also the numbering of those scriptures being 66 is fallen man in Hebrew numerology and since most people have 66 books in their Bible; with women being removed, parts of Daniel, Maccabees 3/4 =(released in 1977).
the Pharisee got away with it to not follow Christ in the slightest, yet to re-establish them self’s.
As the current Christianity is roughly the same sect as it was before, from what Christ describes, not to follow.

Now if we take a step further we see it evolved our politics and taxations systems very much like the Roman empire, which is also known as the metal empire, as all you could see was shields. So when Kali is also metal and this crazy religion that should never have existed to begin, Christ was true and always spoke of God, the Pharisee didn’t and spoke of Christ as God….this is either deliberate to put people off or just to take credit and reorder events to get what they wanted, being Rome (according to Revelations).


Mother Heathen
xexon said:
Must we read the bible? :)

Let's hear from the heart.

Christians by and large have no real conception of what a "Christ" is. Jesus was one, but not the only one. He tried to show others how to be like him, but they got caught up on another tangent and haven't been seen since.

Jesus wants you to be a Christ too. Thats the whole point of his pointing. His divinity is the same as what you have a right to. To become a Christ, one realizes this. Its your birthright. But you have to earn it.

DON'T worship the messenger. Just follow him.

The Anti Christ is all around you, should you indentify with it.

So is the Christ.

Sift the world well that you find only gold.


I don't completely disagree with you here.

I do very much believe that there will be an actual individual who will eventually fight against the righteous on earth.

I do agree with you that anything that isn't of Christ is of the Anti-Christ.

If it's not Christ-like, it's of Satan or the devil, or evil or whatever you want to label it.

I'm a Trinitarian. With that said, now you know how I view Christ and who I believe Christ IS.

Which in my opinion, only places deeper emphasis on the concept of "following" the messenger. After all, WHO better to teach us how to live for God, then God Himself?


Destroyer of Worlds
When in Rome...

God has to put on a body to work among men. Many are not developed to the point where they can see with their spiritual eyes yet, so a physical representative is needed.

To live by example. And lead by doing so.

But not everybody see it in the same light. Especially those who see it as a threat to their own power. Jesus is a pretty good example of what can happen to one who gets the wrong kind of attention from the powers that be.

You have to remember that for a human soul, this world is a foreign land. Heavenly qualities are surpressed in favor of mental stimulation through the body or freewill of the mind to create. You have to play by their rules. Still get your message out. And still keep your head.

Tough neighborhood, you know.

Tough audience too.



Destroyer of Worlds
Its symbolic. Used to descibe an age old problem.

It most likey had it's start before anyone was around to write about it.
