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The Anti-Christ is not a person


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
The person whom wrote John (possibly X-Pharisee or member of high council) writes about the Anti-Christ, yet not Revelations as they are different authors.


Well-Known Member
The notion of an anti-Christ is not even well supported biblically. Of course, I do not believe in a Jewish Christ, more or less an anti-one that might arise.


Well-Known Member
dawny0826 said:
I do very much believe that there will be an actual individual who will eventually fight against the righteous on earth.

lquote] the bible says that there are many antichrists
1 John 2:18: "Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour."​
2 John 7: "Many deceivers have gone forth into the world, persons not confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (Notice that the "many antichrists" of 1 John 2:18 are here referred to collectively as "the antichrist.")


Well-Known Member
who deny that Jesus is the unique Son of God

1 John 2:22: "This is the antichrist, the one that denies the Father and the Son."​
Compare John 10:36; Luke 9:35.


Well-Known Member
who oppose Christ’s true followers

John 15:20, 21: "If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also . . . But they will do all these things against you on account of my name."...................yes the antichrist is not one person .


Well-Known Member
wanderer085 said:
The notion of an anti-Christ is not even well supported biblically. Of course, I do not believe in a Jewish Christ, more or less an anti-one that might arise.
and nations that oppose Christ as King or that themselves falsely claim the Messianic role

Ps. 2:2: "The kings of earth take their stand and high officials themselves have massed together as one against Jehovah and against his anointed one [Christ, or Messiah]."​
See also Revelation 17:3, 12-14; 19:11-21.......................i think the anti christ is very biblical in deed


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Anti-Christ is against his teachings.

So if Christ said you are Judged by works, came to fulfil the law and not to end it, that those whom swear by the sacrifice are guilty of it and by building more churches for dead prophets as idols, you fulfil the massacre of your fathers.

I think it is quite obvious my self Christianity is Anti-Christ….

I was joking when I said about my Auntie-Christine, yet when I have had to tell her since birth she is wrong about whom Yeshua was, and had never read a book on it.
Then clearly she as many are so misguided by the Pharisees, they don’t know Christ.

To teach completely opposite to Christ is Anti-Christ

John him self was accusing Paul it appears, yet he him self is Anti-Christ, he followed Caiaphas the head Pharisee, that Christ should be made an offering for the world.
That point is stated like that by the head of the Pharisees and then Paul and John preach this? When Christ in the parable of the vine dresser, tells you shall get nothing for following such a thing.
Christ asked for mercy and not sacrifice….those whom say he was sacrifice are a person and they have a choice, yet on a whole that is the mother of all harlots, as you are worshipping something other then God.

Christ said follow the commandments and I can show why Christianity breaks each due to the Pharisees.

The worse bit in this, is the Bible clearly relates that will happen in Zechariah and none are listening to the words of Christ or the Bible.
Yet follow traditions passed down by their forefathers that are wrong….and why it says the appointed Christ (Revelations) will fight against them with his tongue.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
The anti-Christ (IMO) is that element of freedom of choice in use which we often chose to take, that results in harm and hurt to our fellow humans, and all life.

The Anti_Christ is anything that would hurt God, or any of his children.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
xexon said:
Must we read the bible? :)

What an incredibly absurd point. You wish to take a Biblical concept...Christ, and another Biblical concept...anti-Christ and try and explain them in extra Biblical terms. Invent some new math while your at it. It reminds me of how many surrealists it takes to turn on a lightbulb.