Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Here's the funny thing about the line of reasoning that produces this thread:Show me the scripture where all the Disciples that walked with Jesus approved Paul.
Peter and Paul contended against one another in Antioch by Paul's own account in Galatians 2.
Most (if not all) the people who argue that "Paul was a fake Christian," that "he took Xy in the wrong direction," that he wasn't really an apostle," are people who tend to be biblical literalists, who tend to believe that "God wrote the bible," who tend to believe that the bible is infallible. They are quick to ask for biblical proof for claims that are made.
If the bible is infallible, and is to be used to base arguments upon -- if faith is built solely upon what is written in the bible -- if God wrote (or really inspired the writing of) the bible -- then why is Paul rejected as being fake??? He's in the infallible bible, for Pete's sake! :face palm:
Are you folks really trying to argue that one part of the bible proves that another part of the bible is wrong, when the bible is, itself, infallible?!