Robert Landbeck
Compare and contrast:
The Teleological Argument (the Argument from Design):
We can deduce conclusions about the nature of God from what we see around us.
One response to the Problem of Evil:
We can't deduce conclusions about the nature of God from the evil we see around us.
So... which one's right? Which wins: teleology or theodicy?
... or do you think the two can be reconciled? If so, how?
Compare and contrast:
The Teleological Argument (the Argument from Design):
We can deduce conclusions about the nature of God from what we see around us.
One response to the Problem of Evil:
We can't deduce conclusions about the nature of God from the evil we see around us.
So... which one's right? Which wins: teleology or theodicy?
... or do you think the two can be reconciled? If so, how?
Plato wrote, "opinion is a consequence of persuasion not truth". Deduce anything you wish but it remains no more than opinion of human intellectual origin and thus has nothing to do with God. Natural reason is without the necessary potential to investigate that ultimate reality. Theology only exists because nothing has been revealed . . . Yet!