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The Ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic by professionals, evidence of Arc


what can you really say about that? I mean... it pretty much just destroys the validity of that entire guys claim.

I believe the truth is that humans have been here for a lot longer than even 20000 years (I'm guessing somewhere more in the neighborhood of 60000). This isn't the first time we've been through this. We get big and all high and mighty and think we can just be greedy ******** and take take take and then the earth eventually just reaches critical mass and huge catastrophies happen that wipe out everything. We'll see it soon again and when we rebuild we probably won't get it right next time either. Hopefully the time after that we can figure it out!!!


Active Member
My question is this... if humans were created 6,000 years ago according to the bible... how is it that they have physically discovered a man made structure off the coast of japan that could be more than 10000 years old?

So the topic now swings into the dating game...how did they date the underwater city? How did they date the time when people lived in those caves? What assumptions did they make when doing so - could those assumptions be wrong?


Active Member
An assumption isn't evidence it is a guess. Therefore if they guess wrong, then the date is wrong. Out of interest what did they use to determine the date in the caves Fade? How did they measure it?


The last time that region was above water was before the last ice age. 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Finding out how old the structure is is a simple matter of geology.

"An article presented at University of Hawaii, 1999, synopsis;

Submarine Ruins at Yonaguni Island in Okinawa, Japan

Chie Takahashi (presenter), Certificate Candidate, Maritime Archaeology and History Program University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, Hawaii [email protected]

Masaaki Kimura (author), Professor, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences University of the Ryukyus Ryukyu Islands, Japan [email protected]

Artificial submarine ruins were discovered by divers during an underwater survey around the Ryukyu Islands. Also, we have discovered stone tools inside Ginama Submarine Stalactite Cave. The underwater structure off Yonaguni Island is called No. 1 monument or Iseki Point.

This structure resembles ancient Okinawan castles, such as Shuri Castle and Nakagusuku Castle on Okinawa Island. These castles are called gusuku in Okinawan language. The No. 1 monument is located at a depth of about 30 meters (approximately 100 feet).

The structure contains a cliff, which resembles the side of a stepped Incan pyramid. The size of No. 1 monument is approximately 200m in length, 150m in width, and 20-25m in height. Its features such as flat terraces, straight walls and surface structures of walls strongly indicate the structure to be artificial rather than natural.

Additionally, we have discovered more supporting evidence such as scars driven in a wedge on the surface of No. 1 monument, a road that surrounds the structure, and a stone fence composed of huge rock fragments.

This evidence suggests that the structure is man-made and it was probably built on land. The carbon-14 testing of coral attached to the structure indicated that the age of coral was around 2,000 years old.

However, the uprising of the sea level by ecstatic movement of the post-Ice Age suggests the structure to be 10,000 years old. :)"

Call me crazy, but I'd be more inclined to believe an actual structure that I can see with my own eyes than some obscure christian tale.


Active Member
Call me crazy, but I'd be more inclined to believe an actual structure that I can see with my own eyes than some obscure christian tale.

That's not crazy at all - it's completely natural. However the problem is that it is not the structure that you are seeing that is telling you what age it is - rather it is man telling you what age it is.
Lets examine the detail more clearly and some logical questions you can ask yourself.

The last time that region was above water was before the last ice age. 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Finding out how old the structure is is a simple matter of geology.

Ok, but no-one was around to observe this that long ago. So the guess of the age of the structure is when it was last above water. Now this derives from the theory of the ice age at that time and what the water levels might have been at according to computer simulation. There are loads of asumptions here that could not possibly be tested, any wrong guess puts the water level off - and that could add thousands of years. Also who is to say that the city was built at this time - how long had it been lying in ruins before the water rose?
Did the water level sink when the ice age occurred - and the city was built? Or was it always above water and it is only in the last 5000 years that the water level rose up slowly after the ice age and covered it. Too many assumptions have to be made -the dating of the ice age, how it affected the water levels globally....who knows if they guessed right or not?

To me the most telling thing that it has been 'recently flooded' is the carbon 14 dating of the coral. 2000 years. So are we to assume that coral didn't start growing until 8000 years after the city was submerged :confused: Have you seen the sunken ships that already have coral growing on them - and that's in 100 years....it's impossibe to believe that the coral only started growing 8000 years after it was submerged!

I would go with the coral - because that is something that cannot be easily dismissed and requires far fewer assumptions than figuring out when it was last above water etc. What do you think?

The only problem then is that going by the coral really messes up their computer simulations of the water level - but then this can only go to show that somewhere they have assumed something that is incorrect.


Active Member
BTW, did you ever get Graham Hanock's book 'Underworld' ? He went diving and found a load of underwater cities and proposed theories as to the water levels during the ice age. Pretty interesting read.

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, here is a stupid mans two cents or sence It comes down to this if man is right no one has anything to lose by being wrong. If they scripture is true there are a lot of people with ALL to lose. But to this thread, it is funny to me a stupid man that we know more NOW apout what happened in the past more than the ones that were there are wrote it down. To me with the Fact that people all over the world and have very similar stories yet man says that these people have been apart for alot longer than scripture, how do you explain this? I think just this put a hole in evolution. But it still comes down to if Evolution is true no one loses anything. If scripture is true alot lose so much!


Guardian of Asgaard
The only ark that would ever be found would be one that is smashed up due to flood waters. To believe the biblical account as fact is to ignore common sense entirely.


Well-Known Member
Other than the bible there are over 200 historical records that report a similar story. One of these was on cunniform tablets...
Seems an eccentric choice of shape for a tablet. Presumably the forum's filters wouldn't let you show us a picture.
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
"The Ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic by professionals"

This should have been enough. It shows just how mythical and structurally impossible the Arc really would be.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
To me the most telling thing that it has been 'recently flooded' is the carbon 14 dating of the coral. 2000 years. So are we to assume that coral didn't start growing until 8000 years after the city was submerged :confused: Have you seen the sunken ships that already have coral growing on them - and that's in 100 years....it's impossibe to believe that the coral only started growing 8000 years after it was submerged!

I would go with the coral - because that is something that cannot be easily dismissed and requires far fewer assumptions than figuring out when it was last above water etc. What do you think?

Coral doesn't grow in just any climate, and it doesn't attach instantly to any sudden structure beneath the water. Just a point of contention.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
"The Ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic by professionals"

This should have been enough. It shows just how mythical and structurally impossible the Arc really would be.
Not to mention what involved in building a seaworthy wooden ship. Capacity aside, a wooden ark built to dimensions layed out in the bible would have been ripped apart due to load stress and the pitch and yaw encountered in deep seas.

Unless of course there are magical properties with the elusive "gopherwood" and some kind of super "low maintenance" pitch to contain the constant leaking common in wooden vessels.