I have ten years of social warring under my belt, and therefore I'm an experienced debater and judge. My true belief is that Earth should be preserved and sanctified by any means.
I have recently read the Art of War by Sun Tzu. It has influenced me to search for wise warrior-types; that does not include commoners or philosophers, but the hard to come by soldier-types.
Perhaps this search will fail under Heaven, but, I will continue militant environmental action- even by deception and wrathfulness- by any means.
My advantage is that the enemy does not know Heaven; I can say this plainly in front of the enemy and he is still unaware it's his weakness. I'm well prepared for attacks against me, and for attacks against the enemy; referring to debate- the warring duets of the social realm. There is then the grand war, that in time, I hope to be a part of- those who wish natures demise, versus, those who wish natures eternity.
If you consider yourself to be a warrior-type, who lives for nothing more than war, or in the social realm, debate- then it would be in your interests to bestow your trusts upon me as your wise warlord.
This thread is a discussion thread for the Art of War, Sun Tzu, and also a thread for warrior-types to join in arms. You may also ask me any questions as the resident warlord who created this thread.
- Shan Green